- Calculation issue when having 4 grade items in a category but only 3 of them are gradedGRBK-875Resolved issue: GRBK-875
- Disabling "Weight items equally" leaves excessive precision and doesn't add up to 100%GRBK-862Resolved issue: GRBK-862
- Grade calculation issue when using multiple weighted categoriesGRBK-861Resolved issue: GRBK-861
- For letter grade GBs, GB2 using both cutoffs from numerical scores sent from other tools (e.g., entered an 89.7 in Forums-F1 and the item in GB2 shows a B+; should be an A- w/ 89.66 cutoff).GRBK-800Resolved issue: GRBK-800
- Importing files in Cat/ Weighted Cat Gbs unreleases items in Cats that are not set to Release itemsGRBK-796Resolved issue: GRBK-796
- The three astericks Ungraded warning is displayed during final grade submission when Give Upgraded No Credit is turned on in all items.GRBK-794Resolved issue: GRBK-794
- In IE7 Tools->Import generates an errorGRBK-792Resolved issue: GRBK-792
- The ungraded gradebook item is not shown in student viewGRBK-783
- export the extra column for the letter grade only, not the combination of letter and percentageGRBK-782Resolved issue: GRBK-782
- released Item statistics showing incompletely for students, being visible for some items but not for others, and all the items are set up identically.GRBK-777Resolved issue: GRBK-777
- When clicking on Import under IE7 the entire tool vanishes.GRBK-776Resolved issue: GRBK-776
- When an user scrolls upon entering a grade, the grade vanishes and is not recordedGRBK-775Resolved issue: GRBK-775
- Calculation issues with equally weighted points based gradebooksGRBK-774Resolved issue: GRBK-774
- "%-of-category" field disappears from "new-item" dialog at times when it shouldn'tGRBK-772Resolved issue: GRBK-772
- Alter the gradebook default setup configurationGRBK-769
- We should not use HALF_EVEN rounding mode in display and grade lookup code.GRBK-767Resolved issue: GRBK-767
- need appropriate message when item name is found to be duplicated in a gb category (maybe from import process?) except for letter case differences.GRBK-764Resolved issue: GRBK-764
- Import needs to handle the different cases of UserEID types as configured in the tool registration fileGRBK-763Resolved issue: GRBK-763
- import fails with blank gradeGRBK-760Resolved issue: GRBK-760
- tool icon for gradebook2GRBK-759
- Investigate the use and purpose behind the use of a "0" letter gradeGRBK-757
- Adjust the way ServletWrappingController writes to the responseGRBK-756Resolved issue: GRBK-756
- Calculate range values for GradeCalculations.convertPercentageToLetterGrade(...)GRBK-755
- updating grade score for student with special characters ( semicolon, for ex. abcd;efgh12345) results in error.GRBK-751Resolved issue: GRBK-751
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionGRBK-750Resolved issue: GRBK-750
- Umbrella Task For Grade Calculation AuditGRBK-749Resolved issue: GRBK-749
- Move all grade calculation related methods in GradebookToolServiceImpl to GradeCalculationsImpl/GradeCalculationsOOImplGRBK-748Resolved issue: GRBK-748
- SampleInstitutionalAdvisor's getPrimarySectionEid(...) throws and index out of bounds exception in project sitesGRBK-747Resolved issue: GRBK-747
- Check if Samigo / GB2 interactions work on a new site where GB2 has not been accessed yetGRBK-745Resolved issue: GRBK-745
- Configure logging for rest resources if log4j is debug enabledGRBK-744Resolved issue: GRBK-744
- Turn on Student ID by default for Scantron Imports to GB2GRBK-743
- Abstract BigDecimal grade calculation operations and create interfaces for all the calculation classesGRBK-742Resolved issue: GRBK-742
- Category Options are ambiguious and confusingGRBK-741
- Gradebook2 Audit: Unit tests - GradeCalculationsGRBK-739Resolved issue: GRBK-739
- Add locale based number formattingGRBK-738
- Upgrade Jersey from to issue: GRBK-737
- Conversion scripts for Sakai 2.6.x failGRBK-734Resolved issue: GRBK-734
- Student Resubmit after Republish or Regrade & Republish by Instructor in Tests & Quizzes assessment may cause corresponding calculated score to increase slightly in GB2.GRBK-733
- In Weighted Categories/Points mode GB2, %Category value for items in an un-included category disappear under certain conditions.GRBK-732
- gb2 + t&q - assessment due date does not transfer to gb2 when quiz is added to gb2GRBK-731Resolved issue: GRBK-731
- gb2 - weighted category site insists the category is not weighted correctly, although by MY math calculations it is:)GRBK-730Resolved issue: GRBK-730
- import process does not apply a proper scale on calculated final gradeGRBK-729Resolved issue: GRBK-729
- gb2 exports 4 digit numbers to spreadsheet w/comma. subsequent import doesn't accept numbers w/commas.GRBK-728Resolved issue: GRBK-728
- Drop lowest display should not drop scores until the last grade is enteredGRBK-727
- When TA access gradebook, an error message is shown: Request Failed Unable to verify student gradesYou are not authorized to submit grades.GRBK-726Resolved issue: GRBK-726
- Grammar error in "Gradebook2: Granting Only Specific Grading Permissions by Section to Teaching Assistants and Graders Assigned the Teaching Assistant Role" PDFGRBK-724Resolved issue: GRBK-724
- mocks are out of sync with kernel - (indie release strategy needed)GRBK-723Resolved issue: GRBK-723
- gb2 - excessive decimal points for grades calculation, both course and itemsGRBK-721Resolved issue: GRBK-721
- RHS window horizontal scrollbar disappears upon auto refresh after changes in selection/de-selection of Attributes/Grades options to be viewed are madeGRBK-720
- Importing category gb file into non-category gb leads to errorGRBK-719
Calculation issue when having 4 grade items in a category but only 3 of them are graded
Jon Gorrono March 3, 2011 at 11:58 AM
code review diffs look like this
Loading diff...
Thomas Amsler March 3, 2011 at 9:27 AM
QA testing:
Create grade items via assignment and add them to a weighted gradebook category. This will test cases where the grade item percentage weight is null
Test conditions where you try to manually equally weight categories:
and then assign grades (89.995) to each item and see if the course grade stays at 90
e.g. HW1 - HW4, each having 25% weight, assigning grades to only 3 results in a 1/3 situation (0.25 / 0.75 = 0.333333)
and assign 0 weights to items and enter 89.995 for one after another
uncheck "Include in grade:" and see how this behaves
Try this with EC items in a normal category as well as with EC category
Michael Wenk March 2, 2011 at 7:42 PM
The case that concerns me is an EC category w/o equal weight. SO i created:
-Cat 1 100% Non Ec
– Item 1 100% Non EC "Give Ungraded no credit"
-EC CAT 100% EC Category
– EC 1 (25%)
– EC 2 (25%)
– EC 3 (25%)
– EC 4 (25%)
Set up the 89.995 tree and all looked good with both EC scaling and no EC scaling.
Michael Wenk March 2, 2011 at 7:38 PM
added UCD code review:
Michael Wenk March 2, 2011 at 7:37 PM
We also noticed an issue where the equally weighted code wasn't handling items with null unit weight. the fix for this is in r73005.
Gradebook grade using: "Weighted Categories" points or percentage
Create category "Weight items equally" disabled
Create 4 grade items in that category
Grade 3 grade items giving each 89.995
The course grade turnes out to be 89.99 instead of 90.00