- Rubrics there needs to be a keyboard-only method for screen reader users to mimic the “drag to reorder” option for editing criterion/ratingsSAK-50538Matthew Jones
- Rubrics: Add actual name to generic tooltipsSAK-49934Resolved issue: SAK-49934Sean Horner
- Section Info: Need a direct way to navigate back to the main “Student Memberships” page/list of Students after assigning/unassigning a StudentSAK-49928Resolved issue: SAK-49928Matthew Jones
- Rubrics: Removing a newly-created criterion before refreshing the page shows the wrong nameSAK-49921Resolved issue: SAK-49921Sean Horner
- Unable to activate the “Create New Site” button with the keyboardSAK-49624Resolved issue: SAK-49624
- Rubrics: Tooltips missing for Edit rubric, Edit CriterionSAK-49091Resolved issue: SAK-49091Christopher Maurer
- Tool menu is not keyboard accessibleSAK-49071
- Calendar Widget / Date Picker: Accessibility: Date picker button needs to be labeled and indicate when it is opened/closedSAK-49044Resolved issue: SAK-49044kunaljaykam
- Gradebook: Unable to use keyboard to navigate to the dropdown menus in the Grades data tableSAK-48996Resolved issue: SAK-48996Adrian Fish
- Roster: Click Here link needs to have the user's name and an explanation for screen readersSAK-48898Resolved issue: SAK-48898Matthew Jones
- Portal: Linked Graphics on Accessibility Information Page are not Screen Reader FriendlySAK-48760Adrian Fish
- Gateway > Acknowledgement: Explore links are not accessibleSAK-48743Resolved issue: SAK-48743Zhuo Yang
- SakaiPlus: trim the trailing slash from the issuer field if there is oneSAK-48655Resolved issue: SAK-48655Charles R Severance
- SakaiPlus: Screen reader should prompt the user to enter a value on initial tab to field instead of announcing invalid entrySAK-48654Resolved issue: SAK-48654Zhuo Yang
- Gateway > Acknowledgements: Images do not have alternate textSAK-48594Resolved issue: SAK-48594kunaljaykam
- Rubrics: There needs to be a keyboard-only method to mimic the “drag to reorder” option for editing criterion/ratingsSAK-48580Resolved issue: SAK-48580
- Site Info: Screen Reader/Keyboard Users Unable to Edit Items Using Date ManagerSAK-48579Resolved issue: SAK-48579Matthew Jones
- Sakai Plus: “Issuer” field on “Add Tenant” page automatically adds the trailing slash when pasting the URL into the text fieldSAK-48435Resolved issue: SAK-48435Zhuo Yang
- Portal: skip navigation links do not seem to be working (keyboard access)SAK-48363Resolved issue: SAK-48363kunaljaykam
- Portal - ALT W Keyboard Shortcut does not work for accessing the Sites listSAK-48047
- Commons: Not able to create new post while using screen reader and keyboardSAK-47929Resolved issue: SAK-47929Matthew Jones
- Initial Commit of SakaiPlusSAK-47852Resolved issue: SAK-47852Charles R Severance
- Assignments: Grades not passed to the gradebook if released from Submissions pageSAK-47832Resolved issue: SAK-47832Zhuo Yang
- Samigo: Read remaining time hotkey has no effectSAK-47753Resolved issue: SAK-47753Markus Stetschnig (EDF)
- Gradebook item quick entrySAK-47725Resolved issue: SAK-47725
- Enabling negative marking for incorrect answer penalty for “Multiple Choice, Multiple Correct, Multiple Selection” type questionsSAK-47720Resolved issue: SAK-47720Core Team
- The "Partial Credit" option is not available when creating a Multiple Choice question with the "Multiple Correct, Multiple Selection/Single Selection" option selected.SAK-47719Resolved issue: SAK-47719Core Team
- Test and Quizzes: Unable to access browse function to insert an image within the rich text editor, for entering a question.SAK-47718Core Team
- Improve graphical display of test statistics (removed by error)SAK-47559Resolved issue: SAK-47559Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Profile – Attempting to save a voice recording doesn’t work and is causing other name pronunciation information to be deleted.SAK-47418Resolved issue: SAK-47418
- Site Info: "Display in Site Browser" additional information tool tip is not accessibleSAK-47138Resolved issue: SAK-47138Vicent Alfonso
- Accessibility - Overview - Messages synoptic tool - New messages envelope icon missing ALTSAK-47134Resolved issue: SAK-47134
- Accessibility - "Unpublished Site" Banner - The current heading level is out of descending sequenceSAK-47133Resolved issue: SAK-47133Vicent Alfonso
- T&Q: Improve Assessment List AccessibilitySAK-47125Resolved issue: SAK-47125Vicent Alfonso
- Accessibility issue with Message Center Notification iconSAK-47014Resolved issue: SAK-47014Vicent Alfonso
- Conversations: Upvoting options are available in Settings, but don't work when enabledSAK-46816Resolved issue: SAK-46816Adrian Fish
- Unable to delete Topics/Questions in ConversationsSAK-46600Resolved issue: SAK-46600Adrian Fish
- Profile - Accessibility - Tabbing does not highlight "Edit" button for previously edited itemSAK-46486Resolved issue: SAK-46486Vicent Alfonso
- Gradebook: When using keyboard navigation, item menus do not close until another item menu opensSAK-46439Resolved issue: SAK-46439Roberto Pérez Marcos
- Gradebook: Item menus are not keyboard accessible when on far left/right of gradebook or categorySAK-46438Resolved issue: SAK-46438Roberto Pérez Marcos
- Discussions: Improve Notifications page accessibility and make options easier to understandSAK-46311Resolved issue: SAK-46311Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Tests & Quizzes: Question pool icons title are not intuitiveSAK-46261Resolved issue: SAK-46261Miguel Pellicer
- Discussions tab sequence for screen readerSAK-46238Resolved issue: SAK-46238
- Lessons / Accessibility / add subpage dialogSAK-45815Resolved issue: SAK-45815Markus Stetschnig (EDF)
- Accessibility in Forums: Keyboard trap in textbox when using screen reader and tab keySAK-45795Resolved issue: SAK-45795Gonzalo Silverio
- Email tool / accessibility issue / screen reader not providing verbal indication of page changeSAK-45778Resolved issue: SAK-45778Vicent Alfonso
- Site drawer / focus is not moved to the dialog when the View All Sites icon is selectedSAK-45729Resolved issue: SAK-45729Vicent Alfonso
- Discussions/Forums: Checkboxes are not associated to parent labels in Template/Forum/Topic SettingsSAK-45399Resolved issue: SAK-45399Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Rubrics: Can not use keyboard-only to edit criterion or ratingsSAK-43760Resolved issue: SAK-43760Marcelino Rutea
- Date picker / calendar widget: accessibility: Calendar widget can be opened, but not used, with a keyboard.SAK-41260Resolved issue: SAK-41260Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
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