T&Q: Improve Assessment List Accessibility


  • Header cells have two focusable elements for the same action - also on students view.

  • ‘Actions’ button label and aria-label is repeated when using Screen Reader.

  • ‘Remove Selected’ should be a real button (instead of link) and shouldn’t be focusable when disabled.

  • The title of the Submitted column content should be ‘Submissions’ instead of ‘Score’. Aria-label is missing. (e.g “2 Submissions”)

  • Missing title for the checkboxes. (“Select to remove later")

  • The same id is used for every assessment title.

  • Quantity of assessments displayed per page is misplaced (UI).



is duplicated by



Chris Knapp May 23, 2022 at 4:20 PM

I was able to test this on trunk/master today using JAWS+Chrome. After logging in as Instructor and opening the “Tests & Quizzes” tool, I created two sample assessments and published them.


Because there were several changes made to parts of the “Assessment List” table, I thought I would document what the screen reader says when navigating through the contents of the table when 1--Using the up/down arrow keys, and 2—Using tabbed navigation (because of the amount of detail, and the fact that I reported this information out line by line in list form, I have attached my detailed testing notes as a separate attachment to this ticket)


Again, because there were several changes that were made to the “Assessment list” table as part of this SAK-ticket, I thought this might be the best way to document what is being reported out by the screen reader, but if I missed any specific behaviors that you need verified, just let me know and I can perform some additional testing. I am also happy to set-up a Zoom session to do an interactive test session if that would be helpful to test some of these things out in real time.

Gonzalo David Silverio May 19, 2022 at 9:23 PM

- good going, let Chris, Shawn and/or me know if you need anything.

Automation for Jira May 5, 2022 at 6:37 AM

A pull request has been created, "SAK-47125 T&Q: Improve Assessment List Accessibility", you can see it at https://github.com/sakaiproject/sakai/pull/10514




Affects versions

Fix versions





Sakai 23 (master) OS: Windows 11 SR: NVDA, Narrator
Created April 5, 2022 at 7:21 AM
Updated August 17, 2022 at 6:56 AM
Resolved May 5, 2022 at 10:16 AM