Rubrics: There needs to be a keyboard-only method to mimic the “drag to reorder” option for editing criterion/ratings


While testing on 22.X and trunk/master using JAWS+Chrome, I encountered several of the “drag to reorder” buttons when editing the various criterion/ratings of a Rubric, however, there is no way to select/activate these other than with the computer mouse (see attached demo video)





Andrea Schmidt September 24, 2024 at 11:28 PM

This does not work for the screen reader enabled for 25x or 23x. I am watching Chris struggle through with a screen reader and all that happens is that the cursor moves to the next field, or causes the focus to jump to the gateway link or jump to the search.

For Jiras marked screen-reader-qa-needed, they should not be set to verified until Chris has had a chance to verify.

Wasi Khan September 24, 2024 at 8:31 PM

Verified on 25/23 pressing “e/d” reorders the rubric elements.


Server Information

  • Sakai Version: 23-SNAPSHOT

  • Server Time: Sep 24, 2024 4:29:37 PM EDT

  • Server: ip-172-31-7-189

  • Build Info: a1d17000

Server Information

  • Sakai Version: 25-SNAPSHOT

  • Server Time: Sep 24, 2024 4:30:56 PM EDT

  • Server: ip-172-31-7-189

  • Build Info: a9d8975c

Chris Knapp April 4, 2024 at 9:10 PM

Retested this issue on trunk/master (Maria DB branch) using JAWS+Chrome) and observing the same behaviors referenced in my comment on December 7.


I created the attached video (the one titled “SAK-48580 - Rubrics Drag to Reorder Retest 4-4-24 Demo Video (JAWS+Chrome)” to document some of the issues I observed during my testing, but I will summarize the main points here:


1--After moving focus onto one of the drag to reorder” icons, I am not able to use the E or D keys to reorder items without first using a special JAWS insert+3 pass through command. While its technically possible for a keyboard/screen reader user (me) to use the keyboard to reorder Rubric items, this special JAWS pass throgh command is not something that is known to the novice screen reader user so they wouldn’tbe able to perform this action.

2--JAWS is announcing the same non-descript “To reorder with a mouse, click and drag the icon, or use E to move up/left, or D to move down/right, Heading Level 4, drag to reorder” label for all of these “drag to reorder” icons, without any reference to the specific Criterion or Rating they are associated with, so you have to just guess whether its the item that proceeds the icon, or the one after it.


If we could get the E and D keys to work for reordering Rubric items, I could go along with closing this ticket, and opening another ticket to address these other accessibility issues, but as it stands right now, I’m not comfortable saying that the original intent of this ticket (to come up with a keyboard equivalent way to reorder Rubric items) has been resolved yet.

Mark Golbeck March 28, 2024 at 1:53 AM

I tested this on trunk: , build: 317de6c4

The order does not change when you press the space bar or enter with the focus on the drag to order button. However, it does change if you press E or D as Christina said in the below comments. I think we should let this pass since pressing E or D while the focus is on the drag to order button changes the order.

Wasi Khan January 24, 2024 at 10:11 PM

Failed on trunk (24/12aadf90), was able to reach the drag to order part but could not select or deselect it with via spacebar or the enter key.




Affects versions

23 Status

QA Verification Pass





Created March 7, 2023 at 2:16 AM
Updated September 26, 2024 at 10:57 PM
Resolved June 16, 2023 at 8:00 PM