Site drawer / focus is not moved to the dialog when the View All Sites icon is selected


When the Organize Favorites tab is activated in the View Sites dialog, the focus is not moved to the dialog when the View All Sites icon is selected


  1. Open Sakai to any page

  2. press the tab key to navigate to the View All Sites icon in the top right corner of the screen. Press enter to activate and open the View sites dialog.

  3. Press the Shift+tab keys to navigate to the Sites tab.

  4. Use the right arrow key to open the Organize Favorites tab

  5. Press the tab key until you reach the close button (X) in the top right corner of the dialog. Press enter to close the dialog.

  6. Press the enter key again to re-open the dialog. Keyboard focus does not move into the dialog.

  7. Press the tab key. the keyboard focus moves to the Profile icon and not the dialog.

  8. A keyboard-only user can press the tab key 20+ times to navigate through the page and get to the content in the dialog because the dialog is ordered at the end of the page's tab order. WCAG 2.4.3 focus order reveal indicates that focus is moved to revealed content either automatically or with one additional keystroke.





Alan Regan September 13, 2022 at 9:11 PM

Our hosting partner identified that this fix required a library update that needed to be manually deployed after we updated from 21.3 to 21.4. After they did so, the test plan worked as expected.

Alan Regan September 8, 2022 at 12:04 AM

We will check with our hosting partner, but local testing on our dev 21.4 server did not resolve the issue. The focus after closing the Sites menu dialog moved to the “Overview” tool of the Home site. Our instance has both the grid icon and the full word “Sites” on the “Sites” button (the maintenance server only has the icon). Also, the account used for testing had 16 favorite sites (15 displaying, 1 not displayed). Finally, our instance does not have bullhorns or search enabled. Not sure if those differences from the 21.x maintenance server make a difference or not. I would hope not! Again, we will verify with our hosting partner that our update to 21.4 installed this fix properly. Will keep you posted if we uncover any additional wrinkles to this issue.

Ramana Reddy Battula August 9, 2022 at 1:16 PM

Verified on Sakai 21.x:

Build Info: 754f2238

Notes: The focus is back on “View All Sites“ when Enter is pressed after closing the dialog for view all sites.

Ramana Reddy Battula July 5, 2022 at 6:40 PM

Verified on Sakai 22: ; build info: e33bddb1

Note: When we press Enter after closing the dialog using X, the dialog appears and the focus is on view all sites.

Dialog appeared when the tab is on Organize Favorites:

Dialog appeared when tab is on Sites tab:

Derek Ramsey June 17, 2022 at 2:02 PM

Tested on Sakai master. My outcome from testing matched that of Chris's. The tab key looks to be correct now with the focus moving properly.

Build Info:




Affects versions

Fix versions

22 Status


21 Status






Sakai nightly 21/master
Created June 30, 2021 at 10:41 AM
Updated September 13, 2022 at 9:11 PM
Resolved April 8, 2022 at 8:27 AM