Conversations: Upvoting options are available in Settings, but don't work when enabled


Upvoting is an option in Conversations settings, both in General settings and as something that can be enabled/disabled in Permissions. However, after it has been enabled, someone with the appropriate roles still can't see the Upvote option in a Conversations post.





Chris Knapp September 22, 2023 at 6:04 PM

This morning I had a chance to do some more testing of the Conversations “Upvote” feature on trunk/master (Maria DB branch) using JAWS+Chrome. Now that I have had a chance to experiment with this feature a bit more, specifically upvoting several posts in the thread as multiple different users (i.e. Instructor plus 3 of the test Students) I think I am finally noticing the upvote counter thingy, but its just displaying as a number, so I can’t be for certain??

The number I am referring to, which I am thinking is the Upvote counter thingy,  is displayed just under/after the text of the answer, where it says, “Post Options Menu, Button Menu, Collapsed Menu”

When I was logged in as the Instructor, the number displayed is “2” which is the number of Students who I had upvote the Instructor’s answer. When I log in as different Students, the number displayed under/after the text of their answer correlates with the number of upvotes I had the other users do for their answer, so I believe this is the upvote counter thingy referred to in the Jira ticket??

If so, I would recommend adding some sort of label, perhaps something like “Number of Upvotes” so its clear what this number represents. If its obvious to sighted users, then maybe just add this as an ARIA label which can be read by screen readers.

Also (and this is less of a comment, and more of a question just to doublecheck that my assumptions are correct about how the “Upvote” feature is supposed to work) – when I am logged in is a specific user, I am only able to view the “Upvote” counter thingy for that user’s answer. The answers for the other users do not appear to have one of the “Upvote” counter thingies next to them, they just have “Link, Upvote this Post” (or “Link, Downvote this Post”—if the user has already upvoted that particular post) I’m guessing that this was done by design, but I was half expecting to see “Upvote” counters next to all of the answers, however, this wasn’t the case, not even when logged in as the Instructor??


Chris Knapp September 20, 2023 at 3:11 PM

I tested this again on 24.X and 23.X (Maria DB branches) using JAWS+Chrome. I was able to use the keyboard/screen reader to enable the “Allow Upvoting” option in Settings and check the “Upvote Posts” option for the various roles in Permissions. As the Instructor I created a threaded discussion, and then I logged in using several of the test Student accounts and can confirm that the “Upvote this post” option is showing up, but I’m not seeing (hearing) where the upvote counter thingy is?? When I press enter or spacebar on the “Upvote this post” option, the screen reader just changes to saying “Downvote this post” but I’m not able to locate any sort of counter that tells me how many upvotes a particular post has gotten??

I also did some additional spot check testing using NVDA+Chrome, JAWS+Firefox, and NVDA+Firefox to doublecheck that this isn’t just a JAWS or Chrome issue, but I’m not seeing (hearing) the “Upvote” counter with any of these other screen reader/web browser combinations either??

Thomas Kelsey September 19, 2023 at 7:16 PM

Verified on 23.x, , build: 715c6b8b

Tested with Upvoting enabled/disabled, and users with/without permissions to upvote. Everything performed as expected. Marking as QA Verification Pass

Andrea Schmidt September 14, 2023 at 11:28 PM

Verified on 24x:, build: b7cf12d3

Upvote permissions are working, the little 0 and up-arrow are actually clickable now and are counting votes.

Again, had 2 separate sites, one that allowed upvoting and one that didn’t. In the site allowing upvotes, students are able to see the counts. In the site with no upvote permissions, no one sees the counter and up-arrow.

If upvoting permissions are set under General Settings, but only the instructor has the checkbox checked to be able to upvote, the students see the counter, vote counts and the up-arrow, but it is not clickable. The instructor is able to upvote, though.

Wasi noticed an issue, though, with the icon text and I’ve created

Andrea Schmidt September 12, 2023 at 11:12 PM

This Jira shows up in Jenkins #6075 (Sep 12, 2023, 12:43:01 AM) so the fix should definitely be on trunk by now.

Tested on 24x:, build: 635b2e99 with 2 different sites:
1) upvoting was turned on and instructors and students had permission to upvote
2) upvoting was turned off and neither instructor or student had permissions to upvote

The upvote icon displayed in both sites and there's a little 0 with an up-arrow to the left of the icon.
In site1, students were able to click on upvote and it acted like a link, but the students don’t see the counts and would assume it did not work.

In site2, (no upvote permissions), all users saw the upvote icon. The instructor was actually able to upvote even though no permissions for upvoting were set. When students clicked on the Good Post link, in the instructor view the student upvote (and the instructor’s upvote) are counted even though upvote is not enabled.

I'm attaching a video and a screenshot.




Affects versions

23 Status

QA Verification Pass





Mac/Chrome, backport to Sakai 21.2 on Duke's instance
Created January 19, 2022 at 6:59 PM
Updated September 23, 2023 at 3:15 PM
Resolved September 13, 2023 at 5:35 PM