Setting up the Plus Site

The instructions are for using two different servers to mimic a real-world experience. The tenant is on one server, while the external tool, users and main course are on a different server.

Important: Given the setup instructions below, if the tenant is on the mysql8 server, do not add your users to mysql8. The actual external tool and users need to be added to maria. 

Video: Plus Site Setup

Add the tenant for the Sakai Plus Site

  1. As an admin, log into

  2. Navigate to Worksite Setup > Administration Workspace

  3. Click on Plus Admin - Sakai Plus Tenants page displays

  4. Click Add Tenant - Tenant: (Draft) displays

  5. Enter/modify the following:

    • Title: give this a title that you will recognize

    • Issuer: add the following URL without the ending '/'

    • Trust Email: on by default, leave it as it is

    • Registration Lock: 42

    • Verbose Logging: off by default - turn it on

    • Click Add Tenant - Sakai Plus Tenants page displays with a message “Tenant saved”

  6. Click on the tenant just created - Tenant page displays with config info

  7. Click the Hide/Show link for the LTI Dynamic Registration URL

  8. Copy the URL

Add the Plus tool

  1. As an admin, log into

  2. Navigate to Worksite Setup > Administration Workspace

  3. Click on External Tools - External Tools page displays

  4. Click the LTI Dynamic Registration link

  5. Enter a tool title and click Dynamic Registration - External Tool form displays

  6. Click the Use LTI Dynamic Registration button

  7. Enter the URL that you had copied from the mysql8 site where you added the tenant

  8. Click Begin Registration and finish adding the tool

  9. Privacy Settings: both boxes should be set

  10. Services: all should be checked except the last one (Allow External Tool to store setting data)

  11. Scroll down and make sure both boxes are checked: 

    • The tool URL can receive an LTI Resource Link launch

    • The tool can receive a Content-Item or Deep-Link launch

  12. Check the box: Allow the tool to be selected from Lessons

  13. Click Save - External Tools page displays and the tool is listed


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