NISO Metasearch Initiative

Notes, information and links about the NISO Metasearch Initiative and how it relates to Citations and Querying in Sakaibrary should go here.

The NISO Metasearch Initiative has developed (and is developing) standards and recommendations for various topics relating to metasearch such as Access Management, Collection and Service Descriptions, and Search and Retrieval. For Citations and Querying, the search and retreival recommendations would be of most use. Attached are two documents pertaining to representing Citations and ResultSets.


  • CitationElementsV1.pdf - a document from NISO (can be found at NISO MI homepage) detailing a minimum set of metadata elements to be included in a Citation when returned from a metasearch. Higher quality Citations provide for more reliable representations of records across diverse library systems as well as for more reliable OpenURL linking.
  • ResultsSetV1.pdf - a document from NISO (can be found at NISO MI homepage) detailing metadata elements to be included in ResultSets returned from metasearch queries.