ST.Script.03.Set-up course site

Set-up course site

As of September 19, 2011

Please do not use the scripts below.  The OSP test scripts have been moved to a public Google Docs spreadsheet, which is available at: This will allow concurrent editing of each script and easier documentation and tracking of results.

Script Information


The instructor for a course site with portfolio tools logs in, and creates Forms, a Matrix, a Portfolio Template, Wizards, etc.from scratch.



Special skills required to run test



ST.Script.02.Add Sites and ST.Script.03.Add Maintainers

Time required

2 hours

Check List


Last Updated

Updated for 2.8 on 10/20/2010

Testing Steps

Navigate to Course Site



Expected Result


If currently logged in from Activity Two, Log out

Log in as instructor. In top-right corner of 'Welcome' page enter:
user id: 'kfoster'
password: 'kayla'
Click 'Log in' button.



Select the tab for BUS 101 001 (the course site created in ST.Script.02.Add Sites)

Course Home appears.

Add Participants to Course Site



Expected Result


Click Site Info from the main menu.

The 'BUS 101 001' 'Site Info' page is displayed.


Click Add Participants link at the top of the screen.

The 'Add participants' page is displayed.


In the 'Official Email Address or Username' textarea, enter the following usernames (one per line, as shown below):
Click the radio button next to Assign each participant a role individually
Click Continue

The 'Choose a Role for Participants' screen is displayed.


For the users 'mdora', 'njarrett', 'zmortimer', use the listbox to select Student
For the user 'cowens', use the listbox to select Teaching Assistant
Click Continue

The 'Add participant(s) to BUS 101 001' page is displayed.


Leave the Don't Send option selected and click Continue

The 'Confirming Add Participant(s)...' page is displayed. The name, id and role of the each person added in the previous step is listed.


Click Finish

The 'BUS 101 001' 'Site Info' page re-appears.

Install Forms

OSP 2.4: The inline description now appears during form completion. To test this, install each of the forms from the file to your site. Then, when completing the each form in a matrix or wizard, you should see some fake descriptions ('Bla bla bla documentation', ' Bla bla bla inline description'), as well as inline instructions for the Date and Cell Reflection/Feedback fields (i.e. Please select the date, and Please provide your cell reflection here, etc...).

NOTE: This is the place in the test scripts where creating forms from scratch is tested. If form creation has already been tested, and you are just setting up a course site, and if forms were globally added in the Portfolio Admin site, then these forms will not need to be installed. Alternatively, you can import them.



Expected Result


Download and save the file to your computer, and then extract to access the .xsd and .xsl files inside.



Click Forms from the Sakai menu on the left.

The 'Manage Forms' page is displayed with any available forms that have been installed.


Verify Forms Permissions.
Select Permissions

Validate permissions against design (Needs to be updated)


Click the Add link at the top of the screen.

The 'Add Form' page is displayed.


Enter the following:
Name: Contact Information
Schema File (xsd) = Click the Select Schema File link to browse for the file

The 'Select Schema File' screen is displayed.


Click Add and then Upload Files from the menu.

The 'Upload Files' screen is displayed.


Next to File to Upload: Click the Browse... button to locate the contactInformation.xsd file
Click Upload Files Now

The 'Select Schema File' page is re-displayed, with the reflection file listed under 'Items to attach'.


Click Continue

The 'Add Form' page is displayed with the Schema file 'contactInformation.xsd' and Document Root Node field is populated with: contactInformation.


Next to Alternate Form Creation Renderer (xsl), click Select Xsl File

The 'Select Xsl File' page displays


Use Add, then Upload Files to browse for and upload the file formCreate-customH3.xslt file that you extracted in step 1

The 'Select Xsl File' page re-displays with 'formCreate-customH3.xslt' listed under 'Items to Attach'.


Click Continue

The 'Edit Form' page re-displays with 'formCreate-customH3.xslt' as the 'Alternate Form Creation Renderer'.


Next to Alternate Form View Renderer (xsl), click Select Xsl File

The 'Select Xsl File' page displays


Use Add, then Upload Files to browse for and upload the file formView-customH3.xslt file that you extracted in step 1

The 'Select Xsl File' page re-displays with 'formView-customH3.xslt' listed under 'Items to Attach'.


Click Continue

The 'Edit Form' page re-displays with 'formView-customH3.xslt' as the 'Alternate Form View Renderer'.


Place a check in the checkbox next to make this form hidden

This will prevent the form from being selected in the Resources area, thereby only making it available from within a Matrix or Wizard in which it is placed.


Click Add Form

The 'Manage Form' page is displayed.


Click the link Publish underneath the form 'Contact Information'

The 'Publish Form' page displays asking if you want to publish the form.


Click Yes

The 'Manage Forms' page re-displays and the 'Publish' link is no longer present. The 'Contact Information' form is now available for editing to all maintainers on the site.


Repeat steps 4 - 8 and 15-18 to create forms with the following names:
Reflection using the file reflection_desc.xsd
Evaluation using the file evaluation_desc.xsd
Feedback using the form feedback_desc.xsd
NOTE: it is not necessary to add the custom renderers (Steps 9-14) to these three forms.

Four forms should now be available for the site.

Import a Form



Expected Result


Download and save the Outline Options file to your computer, but do NOT unzip it



In the Forms tool 'Manage Forms' page, click Import

The 'Import Form' page displays.


Click the Select File... link

The 'Add Attachment' page displays


Click Add then Upload Files to browse for and upload the Outline Options that you downloaded in Step 1

The 'Add Attachments' page re-displays with the 'Outline Options' under 'Items to Attach'.


Click Continue

The 'Import Form' page re-displays with the name of the file in the 'Import File' field.


Click Import

The 'Manage Forms' page re-displays with the 'Options Form' listed.


Click Publish under Options Form

The form is published.

Create a Matrix



Expected Result


Right click on the following .css file to download it to your computer: professional.css



Click Matrices from the main navigation

The Matrix tool is displayed


Verify Matrix Permissions.
Select Permissions...

Validate permissions against design (Needs update for 2.7).


Click Add to create a new matrix

The 'Edit Matrix Properties' form displays


Enter the following:
Title = Communications Matrix
Description = Business Communications


In the 'Structure' field set, for the following fields enter:
Column label = Year
Row label = Skill

Items are appropriately updated


Click Add Column

The 'Add/Edit Column' form is displayed


Name = Freshman
Background Color = use the color palette to choose a color
Font Color = use color palette to choose an appropriate font color
Click Update button

'Edit Matrix Properties' form displays again with the column just added.


Click Add Column button again.

'Add/Edit Column' form appears


Enter the following:
Name = Sophomore
Background Color = use the color palette to choose a color
Font Color = use color palette to choose an appropriate font color
Click Update button

'Edit Matrix Properties' form displays again with the column just added.


Click Add Row button

'Add/Edit Row' form appears.


Enter the following:
Name = Written
Background Color = use color palette to choose an appropriate color
Font Color = use color palette to choose an appropriate font color.
Click Update button

'Edit Matrix Properties' form displays again with criterion you added in 'Row' part of the form


Click Add Row button again.

'Add/Edit Row' form appears.


Enter the following:
Name = Oral Presentations
Background Color = use color palette to choose an appropriate color
Font Color = use color palette to choose an appropriate font color
Click Update button.

'Edit Matrix Properties' form displays again with criterion you added in 'Row' part of the form


Click Add Row button again.

'Add/Edit Row' form appears.


Enter the following:
Name = Web
Background Color = use color palette to choose an appropriate color
Font Color = use color palette to choose an appropriate font color
Click Update button.

'Edit Matrix Properties' form displays again with criterion you added in 'Row' part of the form


In the 'Progression' field set, set Progression to Vertical



The following steps allow you to set default forms for use in all cells of the current matrix in the Participant Forms, Feedback, and Evaluation sections of the page. Once the defaults are defined, you can override them in individual cells by disabling the forms or selecting different ones. All forms are optional.
In the 'Participant Forms' field set, under 'Custom Form', click the Select a form drop down menu and select the form Contact Information (this form should have been added in 'Install Forms' above).
Click the Add button to the right of the drop down

When you scroll back down to the 'Participant Forms' field set, the 'Contact Information' form is listed under 'Custom Form', and there is a 'Remove' link below it.


In the 'Participant Forms' field set click the Reflection drop down.
Select the form Reflection

The 'Reflection' form is highlighted in the 'Reflection' drop down menu.


In the 'Feedback' field set, accept the defaults of 'Unrestriced General Feedback' and 'Unrestricted Evidence Item Feedback'

All permutations of these settings should be tested, but to start, accept the defaults


In the Feedback drop down menu, select the Feedback form

The 'Feedback' form is highlighted in the 'Feedback' drop down.


Under the 'Feedback' drop down, click Add Reviewers

The 'Select Reviewer' page displays.


Under 'Select by Role', in the Roles select box, click Instructor and Teaching Assistant, then click the Add button

The roles moved over to the 'Selected Role(s)' box.


Click Save

The 'Add Matrix' page redisplays with '1. maintain (Role)' listed under 'Reviewers'


If desired, click Allow participant to send feedback invitations to additional reviewers to give participants the option of inviting feedback from reviewers of their choice.

This should be tested, but to start, accept the default.


In the 'Evaluation' field set, from the Evaluation drop-down menu, select the Evaluation form

The 'Evaluation' form is highlighted in the drop down.


If desired, check the Hide evaluations from participants checkbox

This should be tested both on and off


Click the Add Evaluators link

The 'Select Evaluators' page displays.


Follow the same procedure as above to add the Instructor and Teaching Assistant roles, then save changes

Under 'Evaluators', '1. Instructor(Role)' and '2. Teaching Assistant (Role)'  are listed.


Click Save Changes

The 'Edit Matrix' form displays with graphical layout of the row(s) and column(s) defined above in this script. The cells in the first row should be in the 'Ready' state, while all the rest should be 'Locked".


Click Return to List. Do NOT publish the matrix

The 'Manage Matrices' page displays with the 'Communications Matrix' listed, but not as a link. There is a 'Preview' link next to the name of the matrix.

Preview a Matrix Before Publishing



Expected Outcome


In the 'Manage Matrices' page (the landing page of the Matrices tool), click the Edit link next to 'Communications Matrix'

The 'Edit Matrix' page with the graphical layout of the matrix displays.


Click Permissions at the top of the page

The 'Permissions' page displays.


The Instructor and Teaching Assistant (if this is a course site) should have all checkboxes checked except for 'use'.


Click Save

The 'Edit Matrix' page redisplays with a message saying: 'Your changes have been saved successfully.' The Instructors and Teaching Assistants of the site should now have 'Use' access to add files, forms, and reflections to a cell.


Click Return to List

The 'Manage Matrices' page displays.


Next to the 'Communications Matrix', click Preview

The 'Publish' link appears and the 'Preview' link disappears.


Click the name of the matrix to preview it.

The red word 'Preview' appears in front of the name of the matrix, and the following alert is shown: Preview Matrices: all data is temporary and will be deleted upon publishing matrix.


Add some items, and complete the forms.

This will add data to the matrix.


Submit the cell for evaluation



Click Return to Matrix

The preview Matrices page displays.


Click Return to List

The 'Manage Matrices' page displays.


Next to 'Communications Matrix', click Edit

The 'Edit Matrix' page displays


Click Edit Properties

The 'Edit Matrix Properties' page displays.


Make a trivial change to the matrix, such as changing the Ready color and click Save Changes

The 'Edit Matrix' page redisplays. Verify that the change you made has taken effect.

Publish Matrix



Expected Result


If you are still in the 'Edit Matrix' page, click Return to List. If you are in 'Manage Matrices', go to step 2.

The 'Return to List' link takes you to the 'Manage Matrices' page.


In the 'Manage Matrices' page, click Publish next to the 'Communications Matrix' list item.

The 'Publish Scaffolding' page appears with the following confirmation message: 'Are you sure you want to publish this scaffolding? Any data created while previewing this matrix will be destroyed. Many properties will become locked and CANNOT be edited.'


Click Continue

The 'Manage Matrices' page re-displays. The links 'Edit', 'Delete', 'Export', and 'Permissions' are visible, but 'Publish' no longer appears.

Add Guidance to an Individual Matrix Cell



Expected Result


In 'Manage Matrices' click Edit next to the matrix entitled 'Communications Matrix'

The 'Edit Matrix' page is displayed.


Click Matrix cell denoting the intersection of Freshman/Written

The 'Edit Cell' page displays. The title displays: Skill: Written; Year: Freshman


In the 'Guidance' field set, click Add Instructions.

The 'Guidance - Add Instruction' page is displayed.


Enter the following to the 'Add Instruction' textbox:
Write a paper on a topic of your choice that uses persuasion arguments to make your case.
Click Add Items

The 'Add Attachment' page displays


Click Add and then Upload Files from the menu

The 'Upload Files' page is displayed.


Enter the following:
File to Upload: Click Browse... to locate a Word document from your computer to add.
Click Upload Files now

The 'Add Attachment' page is displayed with your document listed in the 'Items to Attach' area.


Click Continue

The 'Guidance - Add Instructions' page is displayed with the filename of the document you added.


Click Save

The 'Edit Cell' page is displayed and the instructions appear with the associated document you added. There is now an 'Edit Instructions' link in the heading row above the instruction.


Click Add Rationale button.

The 'Guidance - Edit Rationale' page is displayed.


Enter the following text in the 'Add Rationale' textbox:
See the attached document for an example on how this type of communication has changed history.
Click Add Items

The 'Add Attachment' page displays


Click Add and then Upload Files from the menu

The 'Upload Files' page is displayed.


Enter the following:
File to Upload: Click Browse... to locate a PDF document from your computer to add.
Click Upload Files now

The 'Add Attachment' page is displayed with your document listed in the 'Items to Attach' area.


Click Continue

The 'Guidance - Add Rationale' page is displayed with the filename of the document you added.


Click Save

The 'Edit Cell' page is displayed and the rationale appear with the associated document you added. There is now an 'Edit Rationale' link in the heading row above the rationale.


Click Add Examples button.

The 'Guidance - Edit Example' page is displayed.


Enter the following text in the 'Add Example' textbox:
Please refer to the attached document as an example of the type of work I am looking for.
Click Add Items

The 'Add Attachment' page displays


Click Add and then Upload Files from the menu

The 'Upload Files' page is displayed.


Enter the following:
File to Upload: Click Browse... to locate a PDF document from your computer to add.
Click Upload Files now

The 'Add Attachment' page is displayed with your document listed in the 'Items to Attach' area.


Click Continue

The 'Guidance - Add Example' page is displayed with the filename of the document you added.


Click Save

The 'Edit Cell' page is displayed and the example appear with the associated document you added. There is now an 'Edit Example' link in the heading row above the rationale.


Repeat the above procedure for Rubric and Expectations

The 'Rubric' and 'Expectations' you added appear in the 'Guidance' field set.


Click Save Changes

The 'Save Scaffolding Cell' page appears with the following alert:
Are you sure you want to change this Scaffolding Cell? Users may have already added content to matrix cells or created/submitted reflections.


Click Continue

The 'Edit Matrix' page displays.

Add a Portfolio Template



Expected Result


Download and save the file to your computer, and then extract them.



Click Portfolio Templates in the left hand menu and click Add

The 'Portfolio Templates - Add - Step 1 of 4' page displays.


For Name enter Contact Template
Leave 'Show within Portfolio Navigation?' set to 'No'
Click Continue

The 'Build Template - Step 2 of 4' page displays.


Next to Basic Template Outline click Select File

The 'Add Attachment' page displays.


Click Add and then Upload Files to upload the file generic2.7.xsl that you unzipped in step 1

You are able to upload the 'generic.xsl' file. You are returned to the 'Build Template Step 2 of 4' page.


From the Outline Options Form Type drop-down, select the Options Form that you imported previously.
Click Continue

The 'List Content - Step 3 of 4' page displays.


Next to Type, click the Please select a type drop-down

The drop-down menu shows a list of forms available in the site.


Select the form Contact Information

The 'Contact Information' form name is displayed in the drop-down.


For Name enter contactInformation
NOTE: The Name must be exactly 'contactInformation', since this appears in the XPath of the XML that the generic.xsl file will be transforming.
For Title enter Contact Information
Click Add To List

The 'Contact Information' form is listed at the bottom of the page with a 'Sequence' of '1'


In the Type drop-down, select Uploaded File

A set of checkboxes labeled 'Limit to these mime types' appears below the 'Allow Multiple Selection' radio buttons.


For the Name enter photo
For Title enter Photo
NOTE: The Name must be exactly 'photo', since this appears in the XPath of the XML that the generic.xsl file will be transforming.
Check the image mime type checkbox
Click Add To List

The 'Photo' item appears in the list at the bottom of the page with the 'Sequence' of 2.


Click Continue

The 'Select supporting files - Step 4 of 4' page displays.


For Name enter CascadingStyleSheet
For Choose File, use the Select File link to upload the generic.css file that you unzipped in step 1
Click Add To List

The 'generic.css' file is listed at the bottom of the page with the Full Xpath ending in 'CascadingStyleSheet'


Click Finish

The 'Manage Portfolio Templates' page re-displays with the 'Contact Template' listed.


Click Publish

The 'Publish' link disappears

Add Sequential Wizard



Expected Result


Add the wizard and the first page



Download the file professional.css and save to your computer.



Click Wizards from the main menu.

The 'Manage Wizards' list page is displayed


Verify Wizards Permissions.
Select Permissions...

Validate permissions against design.


Click the Add link at the top of the screen.

The 'Add': Select Type' page is displayed.


Select the radio button next to Sequential Wizard.
Click Continue

The 'Add Wizard - Step 1 of 3: Begin' page is displayed.


Enter the following:
Name: Sequential Communications Wizard
Description: This wizard is a supplementary wizard for the Communications Matrix.
Keywords: communications
Apply a Style Click Select Style to select the 'Professional' style from the Style Manager. If the Professional style has not been previously added to the Manage Styles page, using the professional.css file from step 1, click  Add -> Select File, then select  Upload Files and browse to the file. Click Upload Now -> Continue. Enter Professional for the title, then click Add Style. Select the style. Click Continue

The 'Add Wizard - Step 2 of 3: Add wizard support' page is displayed.


In the Guidance section, click Add Instructions

The 'Guidance - Add Instructions' page is displayed.


In the 'Add Instructions' textbox, enter the following:
Please complete all pages of this wizard, so that you can move to the next area of study.



Click Save

The 'Add Wizard - Step 2 of 3: Add wizard support' page is re-displayed with the instructions for the wizard. There is now a 'Edit Instructions' link above the instructions.


Click Add Rationale button.

The 'Guidance - Add Rationale' page is displayed.


In the 'Add Rationale' textbox, enter the following:
Please refer to the rationale I discussed during the lecture period.
Click Save

The 'Add Wizard - Step 2 of 3: Add wizard support' page is re-displayed. The rationale entered shows and there is a 'Edit Rationale' button located above the rationale.


Click Add Examples button

The 'Guidance - Add Examples' page is displayed.


In the 'Add Examples' textbox, enter the following:
We will follow the General Electric case study that was handed out in class. This highlights a wonderful example of how to communicate effectively.
Click Save

The 'Add Wizard - Step 2 of 3: Add Wizard Support' page is displayed. The example is listed, along with a button to edit the example.


Click 'Add Rubric' and enter some text for the Rubric. Click Save.

The 'Add Wizard - Step 2 of 3: Add Wizard Support' page is displayed. The example is listed, along with a button to edit the rubric.


Click 'Add Expectations' and enter some text for the Rubric. Click Save.

The 'Add Wizard - Step 2 of 3: Add Wizard Support' page is displayed. The example is listed, along with a button to edit the expectations.


In the Reflection and Feedback area, select Reflection form next to Reflection
Select Comments form next to Feedback



In the Evaluation area, choose the Evaluation form.


Under the Evaluators area, click Select Evaluators

The 'Select Evaluators' page is displayed.


Under 'Select Individuals' area, click Select User and click the checkbox next to cowens.
Click Add>>

Cowens should now appear as an evaluator on the right pane of the screen.


Click Save

The 'Add Wizard - Step 2 of 3: Add wizard support' page is displayed and 'cowens' is now listed as the evaluator for the wizard.


Click Continue

The 'Add Wizard - Step 3 of 3: Add wizard pages' page is displayed.


Click Add to add a new page.

The 'Edit Wizard Page Settings' page is displayed.


Enter the following:
Title: Interviewing Skills
Description: Apply the necessary interviewing skills to get the job you have always wanted.



Click Select Style

The 'Manage Styles' list page is displayed.


Click Select link underneath 'Professional' style.

The 'Edit Wizard Page Settings' page is re-displayed with the 'Professional' style chosen.


Click Add Instructions button.

The 'Guidance - Add Instruction' page is displayed.


In the 'Add Instruction' textbox, enter the following:
Conduct one-on-one interviews with a classmate as role-players in an interview of the jobs of your choice. Both members of the group will switch to play both parts - interviewer and interviewee.
Click Select Items to add an item from Resources area.
Click Save

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed. with instructions and associated file that you added.


Click Add Rationale

The 'Guidance - Add Rationale' page is displayed.


In the 'Add Rationale' textbox enter the following:
This will help you practice for the upcoming recruiting season.
Click Save

The 'Edit Wizard' page is displayed, with the rationale now listed.


Click Add Examples button.

The 'Guidance - Add Examples' page is displayed.


In the 'Add Examples' textbox, enter the following:
If you are applying for business manager position, then the interviewer should write questions and think of a grading system for responses given. The interviewer should think about potential questions and be able to provide evidence of the ability to meet the needs of the prospective employer.
Click Save

The 'Edit Wizard' page is displayed with the example now listed.


In the Reflection and Feedback area, select Reflection form next to Reflection
Select Comments form next to Feedback



In the Evaluation area, choose the Evaluation form.



Under the Evaluators area, click Select Evaluators

The 'Select Evaluators' page is displayed.


Under 'Select Individuals' area, click Select User and click the checkbox next to cowens.
Click Add>>

Cowens should now appear as an evaluator on the right pane of the screen.


Click Save

The 'Add Wizard - Step 3 of 3: Add wizard support' page is displayed and 'cowens' is now listed as the evaluator for the wizard.


Click Finish

The 'Manage Wizards' page is displayed with the new wizard listed.


Create a second page in the sequential wizard



Click Wizard from the main menu.

The 'Wizard' tool list page is displayed


Click Edit underneath 'Sequential Communications Wizard'

The 'Edit Wizard' page is displayed with the description 'Step 1 of 3: Begin' listed at the top.


Click Continue until you arrive at 'Step 3 of 3: Add wizard pages'.



Click the Add link at the top of the page.

The 'Edit Wizard Page Settings' page is displayed.


Enter the following:
Title: Sales and Marketing Skills
Description: Apply the latest sales and marketing skills to sell a product of your choice.
Style Click Select Style to select the 'Professional' style from the 'Manage Styles' module.



Click Add Instructions button and enter the following in the 'Add Instructions' textbox:
With another person in the class, pick a product to write a marketing campaign for. Come up with a storyboard for a short commercial.
Click Save

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed with the instructions listed.


Click Add Rationale and enter the following:
This will help you see all the steps behind a marketing campaign.
Click Save

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed with the rationale listed.


Click Add Examples and enter the following:
Create a campaign that will persuade potential users to purchase product.
Click Save

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed, and the example is listed.


Click Add Rubric and enter some text, then click Save.

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed, and the rubric is listed.


Click Add Expectations and enter some text, then click Save.

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed, and the expectation is listed.


In the 'Reflection and Feedback' area, select the following:
Reflection Select the Reflection form
Feedback Select the Comments form



In the 'Evaluation' area, select the Evaluation form.


Click the Select Evaluators button.

The 'Select Evaluators' screen is displayed.


A textbox (Select Users) with user names and a textbox (Select by Role) with roles are displayed.


Select Clay Owens as the evaluator. Click Add>>

The user 'Clay Owens' appears in the right-hand frame entitled 'Selected Users'


Click the Save button

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed, 'Clay Owens (cowens) shown listed under  'Evaluators'.


Click Save Changes

The 'Step 3 of 3: Add wizard pages' is displayed and new page is listed.


Click Finish

The 'Manage Wizards' page is displayed.


Click Preview, then Publish under 'Sequential Communications Wizard'

The wizard is now available to students.

Add Hierarchical Wizard



Expected Result


Download wacky.css and save to your computer.



Click Wizards from the main menu.

The 'Manage Wizards' list page is displayed


Click the Add link at the top of the screen.

The 'Add Select Type' page is displayed.


Click the radio button next to Hierarchical Wizard.
Click Continue

The 'Step 1 of 3: Begin' page appears.


Enter the following:
Name: Hierarchical Communications Wizard
Description: This is a hierarchical wizard for the Communications Matrix.
Keywords: communications
Apply a Style Click Select Style and add the wacky.css style that you downloaded and saved.
Click Continue

The 'Step 2 of 3: Add wizard support' page is displayed.


In the Guidance section, click Add Instructions

The 'Guidance - Add Instructions' page is displayed.


In the 'Add Instructions' textbox, enter the following:
Please complete all pages of this wizard, so that you can move to the next area of study..



Click Save

The 'Step 2 of 3: Add wizard support' page is re-displayed with the instructions for the wizard. There is now a 'Edit Instructions' link above the instructions.


Click Add Rationale button.

The 'Guidance - Add Rationale' page is displayed.


In the 'Add Rationale' textbox, enter the following:
Please refer to the rationale I discussed during the lecture period.
Click Save

The 'Step 2 of 3: Add wizard support' page is re-displayed. The rationale entered shows and there is a 'Edit Rationale' link located above the rationale.


Click Add Examples button

The 'Guidance - Add Examples' page is displayed.


In the 'Add Examples' textbox, enter the following:
We will follow the General Electric case study that was handed out in class. This highlights a wonderful example of how to build effective business relationships.
Click Save

The 'Step 2 of 3: Add Wizard Support' page is displayed. The example is listed, along with a link to edit the example.


Click Add Rubric and enter some text, then click Save.

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed, and the rubric is listed.


Click Add Expectations and enter some text, then click Save.

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed, and the expectation is listed.


In the Reflection and Feedback area, select Reflection form next to Reflection
Select Comments form next to Feedback



In the Evaluation area, choose the Evaluation form.



Under the Evaluators area, click Select Evaluators

The 'Select Evaluators' page is displayed.


Under 'Select Users', select cowens. Click Add>>

Cowens should now appear as an evaluator on the right pane of the screen.


Click Save

The 'Step 2 of 3: Add wizard support' page is displayed and 'cowens' is now listed as the evaluator for the wizard.


Click Continue

The 'Add Wizard - Step 3 of 3: Add wizard pages' page is displayed.


Click the link Add Category at the top of the screen.

The 'Add Wizard Category' form is displayed.


Enter the following:
Title: Relationship building
Description: Learn how relationship building is important to any successful negotiation.
Keywords: negotiation relationships
Click Save



Click the Add Page link from the set of links to the right of the category 'Relationship building'.

The 'Edit Cell Settings' page is displayed.


Enter the following:
Title: Relationship Building Skills
Description: Apply relationship building skills to a negotiation.
Style Click Select Style to go to the 'Manage Styles' area, and add the wacky.css file that you downloaded.



In the Guidance area, click Add Instructions

The 'Guidance - Add Instructions' page is displayed.


Enter the following:
Add instruction: Conduct a role-playing negotiation with another member of our class. Use relationship building to find out where the common interests are in the issue. Both members of the group will switch to play both parts. Read the book 'Getting to Yes' to learn about different types of relationship building.
Click Save

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed.


In the Guidance area, click Add Rationale button.

The 'Guidance - Add Rationale' page is displayed.


In the textbox, enter the following:
This will help you develop strong business relationships that can be leveraged throughout the negotiation process.
Click Select Item and upload an item through the Resources area.
Click Save

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed with the rationale in place and with the document that you added underneath it.


In the Guidance area, click Add Examples button.

The 'Guidance - Add Examples' page is displayed.


In the textbox, enter the following:
Examples of what motivates the other side and how to determine common interests.
Click Select Item to add a file from your computer via Resources
Click Save

The 'Edit Wizard' page appears with the example text and associated file.


Click Add Rubric and enter some text, then click Save.

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed, and the rubric is listed.


Click Add Expectations and enter some text, then click Save.

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed, and the expectation is listed.


In the 'Reflection and Feedback' area, select the following:
Reflection: Select the Reflection form
Feedback: Select the Comments form



In the Evaluation area, select the following:
Evaluation: Select the Evaluation form


In the Evaluators area, click Select Evaluators button.

The 'Select Evaluators' page is displayed.


Select Clay Owens under 'Select Users' as the evaluator.
Click Add>>

The user 'Clay Owens' appears in the right-hand frame entitled 'Selected Users'


Click Save

The 'Edit Wizard' page is displayed with Clay Owens listed as the evaluator for the wizard page 'Relationship Building Skills'.


Click Save Changes

The 'Add Wizard' page is displayed with the new page listed.


Click Finish

The 'Manage Wizards' page is displayed with the hierarchial wizard listed.


Create a second page in the hierarchical wizard.



Click Edit underneath the 'Hierarchical Communications Wizard' on the Wizard Manager page.

The 'Edit Wizard' form is displayed at 'Step 1 of 3: Select Type'.


Click Continue until you are at 'Step 3 of 3: Add Wizard pages'.



Click the link Add Category at the top of the screen.

The 'Add Wizard Category' form is displayed.


Enter the following:
Title: Creating Options
Description: Learn how to use creativity for various options that can be encountered during negotiations.
Keywords: negotiation options
Click Save



Click the Add Page link underneath the category 'Creating Options'.

The 'Edit Wizard Page Settings' page is displayed.


Enter the following:
Title: Creative Options Skills
Description: Learn techniques to devise creative options that are amenable to both parties.
Style Click Select Style to select the 'Wacky' style.



In the Guidance area, click Add Instructions.

The 'Guidance - Add Instructions' page is displayed.


In the textbox, enter the following:
Work with a fellow member of the class to think of creative options that may be used for a stalled negotiation process. Set the scenario with a type of negotiation, and use creative instinct to think of various options that may appeal to both sides.
Click Save

The 'Edit Wizard Page Settings' page is re-displayed with the instruction that was just entered.


Click Add Rationale button.

The 'Guidance - Add Rationale' page is displayed.


In the textbox, enter the following text:
This will help you see that diversity of thinking is important when the traditional methods fail.
Click Select Items to browse for an item from your computer or in the Resources area.
Click Save

The 'Edit Wizard Page Settings' page is re-displayed with the rationale and associated file in place.


click Add Examples button.

The 'Guidance - Add Examples' page is displayed.


In the textbox, enter the following text:
Using creative options to jumpstart a stalled union contract negotiation. We will use the Verizon Communications case study as an example of contract negotiations with a union.
Click Save

The 'Edit Wizard Page Settings' page is re-displayed with the example listed.


Click Add Rubric and enter some text, then click Save.

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed, and the rubric is listed.


Click Add Expectations and enter some text, then click Save.

The 'Edit Wizard' page is re-displayed, and the expectation is listed.


In the 'Reflection and Feedback' and 'Evaluation' areas, select the following:
Reflection: Select the Reflection form
Feedback: Select the Comments form
Evaluation: Select the Evaluation form

The forms are selected.


In the 'Evaluators' area, click Select Evaluators button

The 'Select Evaluators' page is displayed.


Select Clay Owens under 'Select Users' as the evaluator.
Click Add>>

The user 'Clay Owens' appears in the right-hand frame entitled 'Selected Users'


Click Save

The 'Edit Wizard Page Settings' page is displayed with Clay Owens listed as the evaluator for the wizard.


Click Save Changes

The 'Edit Wizard' page is displayed with the new category and page listed.


Click Finish

The 'Manage Wizards' page is displayed with the 'Hierarchical Communications Wizard' listed.


Click Publish under 'Hierarchical Communications Wizard'

The wizard is now available to students.

Script Resources

  File Modified

File evaluation.xsd

Mar 07, 2006 by Former user

File comments.xsd

Mar 07, 2006 by Former user

File reflection.xsd

Mar 07, 2006 by Former user

CSS File blue.css

Mar 07, 2006 by Former user

Microsoft Excel Sheet OSP21_test_script_results_course.xls

Mar 24, 2006 by Former user

Microsoft Excel Sheet OSP22_test_script_results_course.xls

Jun 08, 2006 by Former user

Microsoft Excel Sheet OSP2.3_test_script_results_portfolio.xls

Sept 13, 2006 by Former user

Microsoft Excel Sheet OSP2.3_test_script_results_course.xls

Sept 13, 2006 by Former user