ST.Script.02.Add Sites

Add Sites

As of September 19, 2011

Please do not use the scripts below.  The OSP test scripts have been moved to a public Google Docs spreadsheet, which is available at: This will allow concurrent editing of each script and easier documentation and tracking of results.

Script Information


The system administrator creates the sites that will be required for the majority of the system tests.


System Administrator

Special skills required to run test



ST.Script.01.Add Test Users, still logged-in as Administrator

Time required

15 min.

Last Updated

for 2.8 on 10/14/10

Testing Steps

Create Portfolio Site



Expected Result


In 'My Workspace', select Worksite Setup from the main Sakai menu on the left.

Displays Sakai Worksite Setup page with list of sites.


Select New button.

'Site Type' form displays.


Select the portfolio site radio button and click the Continue button.

'Portfolio Site Information' form displays with blank fields.


Fill in all fields using portfolio site details then select Continue button on bottom of the form.

'Site Tools' form displays


Select the checkboxes next to the tools listed in portfolio site details then select the Continue button.
verify the names and descriptions of the tools

Depending on the tools chosen, either the 'Project Site Access' or the 'Add Multiple Tool Instances' form displays


In the Project Site Access form, ensure that the Publish Site box is checked and select the Continue button.
NOTE: If you have installed the Email Archive tool, the Add Multiple Tool Instances form appears first, before you get to the 'Project Site Access' form. For the Site email address, enter TestProject or a similar unique name and click the Continue button.

Read only 'Confirm Your Project Site Setup' page displays.


Select Create Site button.

Worksite Setup page with list of sites re-appears, including site you just created.


Verify the default tool permissions for each tool in the site.

Tool permissions should match the design.

Create Project Site



Expected Result


In 'My Workspace', select Worksite Setup from the main Sakai menu on the left.

Displays Sakai Worksite Setup page with list of sites.


Select New button.

'Site Type' form displays.


Select the project site radio button and click the Continue button.

'Project Site Information' form displays with blank fields.


Fill in all fields using project site details then select Continue button on bottom of the form.

'Project Site Tools' form displays


Select the checkboxes next to the tools listed in project site details then select the Continue button.
verify the names and descriptions of the tools

Depending on the tools chosen, either the 'Project Site Access' or the 'Add Multiple Tool Instances' form displays


In the Project Site Access form, ensure that the Publish Site box is checked and select the Continue button.
NOTE: If you have installed the Email Archive tool, the Add Multiple Tool Instances form appears first, before you get to the 'Project Site Access' form. For the Site email address, enter TestProject or a similar unique name and click the Continue button.

Read only 'Confirm Your Project Site Setup' page displays.


Select Create Site button.

Worksite Setup page with list of sites re-appears, including site you just created.


Verify the default tool permissions for each tool in the site.

Tool permissions should match the design.

Create Course Site



Expected Result


In 'My Workspace', select Worksite Setup from the main Sakai menu on the left.

Displays Sakai Worksite Setup page with list of sites.


Select New button.

'Creating a new site' form displays on page where user can choose the type of site.


Select the course site radio button

The 'Academic term' drop down becomes visible.


Select an Academic term and click Continue

The 'Course/Section Information' page displays


Click the 'Still cannot find your course/section?' link

Fields for 'Subject', 'Course', 'Section' and others display


Enter a Subject such as Bus, a Course, such as 101, and a Section, such as 001
In the Authorizer's username enter your username
Click Continue

The 'Course Site Information' page displays.


Fill in all fields using course site details then select Continue button on bottom of the form.

'Course Site Tools' form displays


Select the checkboxes next to the tools listed in course site details then select the Continue button.
verify the names and descriptions of the tools

Depending on the tools chosen, either the 'Course Site Access' or the 'Add Multiple Tool Instances' page displays


If the Add Multiple Tool Instances form appears, for the Site email address, enter TestCourse or a similar unique name and click the Continue button.
In the Course Site Access form, ensure that Publish Site box is checked and select the Continue button.

Read only 'Confirm Your Course Site Setup' form displays.


Select Request Site button

The Worksite Setup page with list of sites re-appears, including site you just created.
You should immediately receive an email asking for permission to create the site. You can ignore this email.

Needs set up Portfolio site instructions for 2.7 using portfolio site details

Next script: ST.Script.03.Add Maintainers

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  File Modified

File ST_Script_02_Add_CIGs Selenium Script for this step

May 04, 2007 by Former user