Functional Test Cases for OSP 2.5

OSP 2.5 Functional Testing - Test Cases/Scripts

This set of test cases will go through functional testing of the requirements for OSP 2.5.
For now, the nightly2 test instance will have the latest code: NOTE: The nightly test instance will delete any data that is added each day.

If you want a slightly more permanent environment to use, you can use the QA instance at, which is updated about every two weeks (on average).
1. Try to test each case in a course site, a project site and a portfolio site
2. Try to test each case across various browsers
3. Only use the 'admin' login to create user accounts and worksites, then login with the appropriate user/role to run the tests.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive set of scripts.

Each item includes a link to the relevant Jira issues and the corresponding Specifications documents(s).  Additional information can be found in the OSP 2.5 Requirements.


Improving the User Interface

 Test Preparation

To use the scripts in this section (Improving the User Interface), you will need access to an established portfolio worksite on an OSP test server; user accounts for the coordinator, evaluator, and student roles; and several published and unpublished wizards and matrices.  If this environment does not already exist, follow these steps to create it. 



Expected Outcome


Create three user accounts on a or; These accounts will be assigned to the coordinator, participant, and evaluator roles in the portfolio site, so you may wish to name them accordingly (e.g., your_name_coord, your_name_student, your_name_eval).



Log in using the coordinator account and create a new portfolio site.



Add the student and evaluator users to the site and assign to the CIG Participant and CIG Evaluator roles respectively.



Download the attached sample matrix: PUL



Click Import from the options area at the top of the Manage Matrices page

The 'Import Scaffolding' page appears.


Click Choose File... next to 'Import File'.

The Resources area appears


Click Add, and then Upload Files from the menu.



File to Upload: Click Browse to locate PUL Click Upload Files now

The 'Upload Files' screen is displayed, user selects file to upload, then user's file appears on the 'Add Attachment' screen under 'Items to attach'.


Click Continue

The 'Import Scaffolding' page re-appears with your .zip file appearing in the 'Import file' textbox.


Click the Import Scaffolding button to complete the import.

The matrix should import without error and you should now be on the 'Revise Matrix Properties' page where you can update the title and other attributes of the matrix


Click Save Changes.

The 'Edit Matrix' page is shpwn.


Click Return to Return to List.

The "Manage Matrices" page is displayed, and the 'Preview' link should be available.


Click Preview in the row of the newly imported matrix.

The Preview link is replaced with a Publish link


Click Publish in the row of the newly imported matrix. Then click Continue to publish the matrix.

The status of the matrix is now "Published".


Download the attached sample wizard: PUL



Click Import from the options area at the top of the Wizard Manager page

The 'Import Wizard' page appears


Click Select files next to the field 'Name'

The Resources area appears.


Click Add, and then Upload Files from the menu.



File to Upload: Click Browse to locate PUL Click Upload Files now

The 'Upload Files' screen is displayed, user selects file to upload, then user's file appears on the 'Add Attachment' screen under 'Items to attach'.


Click Continue

The 'Import Wizard' page re-appears with your .zip file appearing in the 'Name' textbox.


Click the Import button at the bottom of the page to complete the import.

The wizard should import without error and you should now be on the 'Wizard Manager' page where you can click Revise to update your wizard properties.   'Preview' link should be available.


Click Preview in the row of the newly imported wizard.

The status of the wizardis now "Published".


Click Publish in the row of the newly imported wizard. Then click Continue to publish the wizard

The status of the wizardis now "Published".


Click Permissions, add View and Evaluate to the CIG Coordinator's permissions and click Save.

The Manage Wizards page appears.  Adding these permissions will minimize the number of users that must log in for a given script.


Autonaming Forms

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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Specification: OSP-SPEC-#
Script author: Lynn Ward
Purpose: To verify that completed forms have unique names/titles when two or more copies of same the form are saved by the same user.



Expected Outcome


As the student, click Collect and Reflect from the tools menu.

Links to the tools in this category (matrices, wizards, resources) appears.


Click Matrices to open the Matrices tool.

The "Manage Matrices" screen appears.


Click PUL Matrix to open the sample matrix.

The PUL matrix opens, displayings learning outcome labels for each row and developmental level labels for each column.


Click cell one/column one (core skills:writtem communication/introductory) to enter the cell.

The page for that cell appears showing empty regions for items, reflection, general feedback, and evaluation.


Click Add Expectation, enter sample text into the Expectation form, and click Save Changes.

Return to the main page for the cell.  the saved form is listed under "Expectaion" with a name like "PUL Matrix- Core Skills: Written Communication - Introductory -Expectation "


Repeat step 5 two or three times to create additional instances of the form.

same as above


Examine the filenames in the "Items" area of the cell.  

The name of the second second expectation form should be followed by a "(2) and the third should be followed by a "(3)"


Click Submit for Evaluation confirmation and confirm.

Matrix cell should turn from green to yellow.


Log out as student.

Return to the login screen.


Log in as evaluator and open the Matrices tool under Collect and Reflect.

The Manage Matrices screen appears.


Click PUL Matrix to open the PUL Matrix.

he PUL matrix opens, displayings learning outcome labels for each row and developmental level labels for each column.


Open the username pulldown and select the student from the list of site members.

The message "Viewing the READ ONLY matrix of Student_Name" should apprea immediately above the Matrix.


Click on the yellow (pending) cell.

The main page for that cell appears.


Click Add Evaluation, fill out the form, and click Save changes.

The "Status and Progression" screen appears.


On the "Status and Progression" screen under "Choose workflow option," select No changes to status and click Submit.  By leaving the cell in the pending state, the evaluator can create and submit another evaluation.

You will be returned to the data entry screen for the evaluated cell. 


Repeat steps 14 and 15 two or three more times.

sam as above


Examine the filenames in the "Evaluations" area of the cell.  

The name for the secodn second evaluation should be followed by a "(2), the third should be followed by a "(3)", and so on.


Go to "Resources" in "My Workspace" and locate the evaluations files in the  "Portfolio Interactions" folder.  Verify that the numbers at the end of the filenames were properly sequenced.

The names of all but the first file should end with a number in parentheses and the numbers should increase by one from oldest to newest.

Wizard Dropdown User List

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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Specification: OSP-SPEC-#
Script author: Lynn Ward
Purpose:  To verify that the dropdown user list in the Wizards tool has been moved from the main Manage Wizards page to the first (or main) page of each Wizard and that the list is sorted alphabetically.  In release 2.4, the drop-down list of users in the Wizards tool was not sorted alphabetically and the order changed with each refresh.



Expected Outcome


As the CIG Coordinator, click Collect and Reflect from the tools menu.

Links to the tools (matrices, wizards, resources) in this category should display.


Click Wizards to open the Wizards tool.

You should not see a dropdown list of usernames.


Click the title of a published wizard.

You should see the first (or main) page of the selected wizard.  The dropdown list of usernames should appear jsut beneath the wizrad title and description.


Open the drop-down menu and note the order of the names in the list.

The list names should be sorted in alphabetical order.


Click the refresh icon ( ), return to the wizard selected in setp #3, and note the order of names in the list.

The list of names should still be in alpha order.

Suppression of Unused Labels Widgets in Matrices and Wizards

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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

type status key summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Specification: OSP-SPEC-#
Script author: Lynn Ward
Purpose:  To verify that labels and widgets associated with forms, features, and guidance fields do not display in the published view of the matrix or wizard. The CIG coordinator will populate a matrix cell with all possible forms and widgets, observe their presentation in the published matrix.  Then the coodinator will edit the matrix and remove the forms one at a time.  When the form is removed, the associated widgets, labels, and screen regions should no longer appear in the published matrix.

Suppression of Form Labels and Widgets and the Select Item(s) Button



Expected Outcome


As the CIG Coordinator, click Collect and Reflect from the tools menu.

Links to the tools (matrices, wizards, resources) in this category should display.


Click Matrices to open the Matrices tool.

The "Manage Matrices" screen appears.


Click Permissions and give the CIG Coordinator "Use" permissions if "Use" is not already turned on.

Return to "Manage Matrices." CIG Coordinator can now test and add data to a matrix.


Click the Edit link under "PUL Matrix*"* to edit the sample matrix.

The "Edit Matrix" screen appears.


Click an unused cell, for example, row 6 column 1 (critical thinking: introductory) to enter the cell.

The "Edit Cell" screen appears for that cell.


Verify that forms have been assigned to Reflection, Feedback, and Evaluation.  If forms have not been assugned, select a form for each category.



Click Save Changes to save the form settings.

Return to the "Edit Matrix Screen"


Click Return to List.

You should return to the Manage Matrices screen.


Click PUL Matrix to enter the PUL Matrix.

The PUL matrix opens, displayings learning outcome labels for each row and developmental level labels for each column.


Your CIG Coordinator persona should be the selected user in the dropdown user list.  If not, select the CIG Coordinator from the list.

The CIG Coordinator's matrix loads.


Click the same cell you selected in step 5. 

The main data entry screen/page for that cell appears.


Verify that the cell contains the following regions:  Items, Reflection, General Feedback, and Evaluation.



Click the refresh icon ( ) to return to the "Manage Matrices" screen.

The "Manage Matrices" screen appears.


Click the Edit link under "PUL Matrix" to edit the sample matrix.

The "Edit Matrix" screen appears.


Click the same cell you selected in step 5. 

The Edit Cell screen appears.


Unselect the current Reflection form by setting the drop down to Select an item.



Click Save Changes to save the form settings.



Click Return to List and then PUL Matrix to view the published matrix.

The "Edit Matrix" screen appears.


Click the same cell you selected in step 5. 

The Reflections region of the screen should no longer be visible.


Repeat steps 13 - 15.



Unselect the current Feedback form by setting the drop down to Select an item.



Repeat steps 17 - 19.

The General Feedback region of the screen should no longer be visible.


Repeat steps 13 - 15.



Unselect the current Evaluation form by setting the drop down to Select an item.



Repeat steps 17 - 19.

The Evaluations region should no longer be visible.


Click Select items and select and/or upload one or more artifacts for the cell.

The Submit for Evaluation confirmation button should not display.  Previously, this button appeared even if an evaluation form was not associated with the cell.


Delete all artifacts attached in step 26 by clicking Delete next to the name of each item

Links to artifacts should disappear.


Repeat steps 13 - 15.



Click the "Suppress Evidence Attachments" checkbox.



Repeat steps 17 - 19.

The Add Other Evidence link should no longer be visible.

Variation:  Conduct a similar test on a sample wizard.

Guidance Display



Expected Outcome


As the CIG Coordinator, click Collect and Reflect from the tools menu.

Links to the tools (matrices, wizards, resources) in this category should display.


Click Matrices to open the Matrices tool.

The "Manage Matrices" screen appears.


Click Permissions and give the CIG Coordinator "Use" permissions if "Use" is not already turned on.

Return to "Manage Matrices." CIG Coordinator can now test and add data to a matrix.


Click the Edit link under "PUL Matrix*"* to edit the sample matrix.

The "Edit Matrix" screen appears.


Click an unused cell, for example, row 7 column 1 (Intellectual Depth, Breadth, and Adaptiveness: Introductory) to enter the cell.

The "Edit Cell" screen appears for that cell.


Click Add Instructions.

The Instructions form will open


Add some content to the rich text field and click Save.

You are returned to the "Edit Cell" screen.


Repeat steps 6 and 7 for Rationale and Examples.

You are returned to the "Edit Cell" screen.


Click Save Changes to save the form settings.

Return to the "Edit Matrix Screen"


Click Return to List.

You should return to the Manage Matrices screen.


Click PUL Matrix to enter the PUL Matrix.

The PUL matrix opens, displayings learning outcome labels for each row and developmental level labels for each column.


Your CIG Coordinator persona should be the selected user in the dropdown user list.  If not, select the CIG Coordinator from the list.

The CIG Coordinator's matrix loads.


Click the same cell you selected in step 5. 

The main data entry screen/page for that cell appears.


Verify that the guidance you entered in steps 6-8 displays in the following order: Instructions, Rationale, Examples.

If the guidance is not visible, click the expand iconto expose it.


Click the refresh icon ( ) to return to the "Manage Matrices" screen.

The "Manage Matrices" screen appears.


Click the Edit link under "PUL Matrix" to edit the sample matrix.

The "Edit Matrix" screen appears.


Click the same cell you selected in step 5. 

The Edit Cell screen appears.


Click Edit Examples, delete all text from the the Examples form, and save your changes.



Repeat steps 10 through 14 and verify that the Instructions and Examples content displays in the correct order, and that the label for Examples does not display.



Repeat stepes 16-19 and 10-14, each time populating a different combination of the three guidance forms.  Verify that only the populated forms display and in the correct order.


  Variation:  Conduct a similar test on a sample wizard.

Managing and Displaying Cell/Page Status

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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Specification: OSP-SPEC-#
Script author: Lynn Ward
Purpose:   Several new capabilities for managing the status of individual cells and pages have been incorporated into release 2.5.  Previously, the main page of a wizard did not have a Manage Status link, so status could only be changed following the evaluation of the main page.  A manage status link has been added to the page.  In addition, the main page now shows the status for each of the subpages of the wizard.  Finally, the Manage Status link on matrix cells and wizard subpages should now give the coordinator full control over page status.  The coordinator can change the status of any cell/page to ready, pending, complete, or locked for the current user or all users.  The following scripts test for all of these improvements.

Manage Status of the Wizard Main Page



Expected Outcome


As the CIG Participant (student), click Collect and Reflect from the tools menu.

Links to the tools (matrices, wizards, resources) in this category should display.


Click Wizards to open the Wizards tool.

The list of published a wizards appears.


Click PUL Wizard to open the wizard.

You should see the first (or main) page of the selected wizard. 


Click Create a Reflection.

The Reflection form appears.


Enter some sample text and click Save Changes to save the form.

You are returned to the Wizard main page.


Click Submit for Evaluation Confirmation and the click Submit to confirm.

You are returned to the "Manage Wizards" page.


Click PUL Wizard and verify that you can no longer edit the main page.

You can view, but not edit your reflection.  Also, a status message at the top of the page should read "Status is Pending and cannot be altered".


Click Return to Wizards.

The "Manage Wizards" page appears. 


Open a new instance of your browser or a different browser in login as CIG Coordinator.



Go to your test portfolio site and click Collect and Reflect from the tools menu.

Links to the tools (matrices, wizards, resources) in this category should display.


Click Wizards to open the Wizards tool.



Click PUL Wizard to open the wizard.

The main page of the wizard displays.  A Manage Wizard Status link appears at the upper left.


Choose the CIG Participant name from the username pulldown.

The main page of the CIG Participant's wizard displays and the Add Evaluation link is visible, indicating that the page is in pending status.  Also, a status message at the top of the page should read "Status is Pending and cannot be altered".


Click Manage Wizard Status.

The "Manage Wizard Status" screen appears.


Set the page status to "Ready" and click Continue.

You are returned to the main page of the Participant's wizard and the Add Evaluation link is no longer visible.


Return to the Participant browser window.

You are on the "Manage Wizards" page.


Click PUL Wizard.

You should see the first (or main) page of the selected wizard.  Your main page has been returned to Ready status.


Verify that you can edit your reflection.  



Click Return to Wizards.

The "Manage Wizards" page appears.


Return to the CIG Coordinator browser window.

The main page of the participant's wizard displays.


Click Manage Wizard Status.

The "Manage Wizard Status" screen appears.


Set the page status to "Pending" and click Continue.

You are returned to the main page of the Participant's wizard and the Add Evaluation link is visible.  Also, a status message at the top of the page should read "Status is Pending and cannot be altered".


Return to the Participant browser window.

You are on the "Manage Wizards" page.


Click PUL Wizard.

You should see the first (or main) page of the selected wizard.  Your main page has been set to Pending status.  You should no longer be able to edit your reflection.


Click Return to Wizards.

The "Manage Wizards" page appears.


Return to the CIG Coordinator browser window.

The main page of the participant's wizard displays.


Click Manage Wizard Status.

The "Manage Wizard Status" screen appears.


Set the page status to "Complete" and click Continue.

You are returned to the main page of the Participant's wizard and the Add Evaluation link is no longer visible.  Also, a status message at the top of the page should read "Status is COMPLETE and cannot be altered".


Return to the Participant browser window.

You are on the "Manage Wizards" page.


Click PUL Wizard.

You should see the first (or main) page of the selected wizard.  A status message at the top of the page should read "Status is COMPLETE and cannot be altered".


Click Return to Wizards.

The "Manage Wizards" page appears.


Repeat steps 20-31, this time changing the status of the page to locked.

The participant should not be able to edit his/her reflection and the coordinator should not be able to add an evaluation.  The status message at the top of the participant's main page should read "Status is COMPLETE and cannot be altered".

Variant: repeat with a squential wizard.

View and Change Status of Wizard Subpages



Expected Outcome


As the CIG Coordinator, click Collect and Reflect from the tools menu.

Links to the tools (matrices, wizards, resources) in this category should display.


Click Wizards to open the Wizards tool.

You should not see a dropdown list of usernames.


Click PUL Wizard to open the wizard.

You should see the first (or main) page of the selected wizard.  The dropdown list of usernames should appear jsut beneath the wizrad title and description.


Select names from the dropdown wizard and view the main page of each user.

The status of each subpage should be given in parenthesis next to the page title.


Select the CIG Participant name from the dropdown.

The main page of the participant's wizard should appear.  Note the status of "PUL 1: Criterion 1".


Click PUL1: Criterion 1 to open that page in the participant's wizard.

The subpage PUL1: Criterion 1 appears.


Click Manage Status.

The "Manage Status" page appears.


Change the status to "Locked" "For this user only" and click Continue.

The participant's subpage PUL1: Criterion 1 appears with the following message at the top of the page " Status is LOCKED and cannot be altered"


Click Back to Wizard.

You are returned to the wizard main page. 


User the username dropdown to note the status of "PUL 1: Criterion 1" for each user.

The participant's subpage PUL1: Criterion 1 appears with the following message at the top of the page "


Select the CIG Participant name from the dropdown.

The main page of the participant's wizard should appear. 


Click PUL1: Criterion 1 to open that page in the participant's wizard.

The subpage PUL1: Criterion 1 appears.


Click Manage Status.

The "Manage Status" page appears.


Change the status to "Pending" "For all users" and click Continue.

The participant's subpage PUL1: Criterion 1 appears with the following message at the top of the page " Status is PENDING and cannot be altered"


Click Back to Wizard.

You are returned to the wizard main page.


User the username dropdown to note the status of "PUL 1: Criterion 1" for each user.

The status of "PUL 1: Criterion 1" should now be PENDING for all users.


Repeat steps 11-16 using different status and all/for this user only selections.

Each time, verify that the correct status has been applied to the correct user (or all users)

Repeat for the PUL Matrix using cell color to determine status.

Promoting OSP as a Core Sakai Tool

 OSP Permissions

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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

status key summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Specification: OSP-SPEC-#
Script author: needed

Reconcile the OSP portal with the new skinable Charon portal

status key summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Specification: OSP-SPEC-#
Script author: needed

Tool Icons

status key summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Specification: OSP-SPEC-#
Script author: needed

Aggregated View

Important note:  These scripts assume basic knowledge of how to create and administer a Portfolio worksite, create (or import) and publish matrices, and create and publish freeform portfolios.

Test Preparation



Expected Outcome


Create a new user and use this account to create two portfolio worksites.  



Create a new user (Joe Aggregate, jaggrega) and add the user as a participant  to both sites



Create (or import) two matrices in each sites



Create two free-form portfolios in both sites and share with Joe Aggregate



Login as the new user and create two free-form portfolios in each site.


Aggregated Portfolio View in My Workspace

status key summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Specification: OSP-SPEC-5
Script Author: Lynn Ward
Purpose: It is now possible to enable the Portfolio tool in MyWorkspace.  Once enabled, the user should be able to view and work with all portfolios that s/he created in all workspaces as well as those that have been shared with him/her.



Expected Outcome


Log in as jaggrega (new user created in step 2 of preparation script)



In My Workspace, click Worksite Setup

You should see the "Workset Setup" screen.


Click the checkbox next to MyWorkspace and click Edit.

You should see thesetup page for My Workspace.


Click Edit Tools, check the boxes next to "Portfolios", and click Continue.  then click Finish.

The Portfolios tools should now appear in the tool menu of your worksite.


Click Portfolios.

You should now see the the two portfolios you created as well as the two created by the site administrator.


Select Permissionss and enable Delete, Comment, Create for the maintain user (you)


You should be able to do all the things with portfolios that you can do in a portfolios worksite:

  • add, share, edit, view statistics, download, delete and hide your own portfolios
  • view comments you've made in response to shared portfolios
  • view comments made in response to your portfolios
  • hide select portfolios (click hide and then clcik Remove Hidden Items) and unhide hidden portfolios (click Show Hidden Items)



Test each of the above features to esnure that they work as expected within the aggregated portfolio view.

Features should work identically to equivalent feature in portfolio worksite.

Aggregated Matrix View in My Workspace

status key summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Specification: OSP-SPEC-5
Script author: Lynn Ward
Purpose: It is now possible to enable the Matrices tool in MyWorkspace.  Once enabled, the user should be able to view and work with all matrices in all worksites in which s/he is a member



Expected Outcome


Log in as jaggrega (new user created in step 2 of preparation script)



In My Workspace, click Worksite Setup

You should see the "Workset Setup" screen.


Click the checkbox next to MyWorkspace and click Edit.

You should see thesetup page for My Workspace.


Click Edit Tools, check the boxes next to "Matrices", and click Continue.  then click Finish.

The Matrices tools should now appear in the tool menu of your worksite.


Click Matrices.

You should now see the the two portfolios you created as well as the two created by the site administrator.


jaggrega should be able to do all the things with matrices that participants can do in a portfolios worksite:  

  • add artifacts to cells
  • complete reflections and optional forms
  • submit for evaluation confirmation



Test each of the above features to ensure they work as expected within the aggregated matricesview



Login as coordinator as enable matrices in the coordinator's My Workspace, as described steps 2-5.



With the exception of creating new matrices, the coordinator should have full control of the matrices in worksites in which s/he is a coordinator:

  • edit matrix
  • delete matrix
  • export matrix
  • manage status
  • view all participant matrices

Features should work identically to equivalent feature in portfolio worksite.


Test each of the above features to ensure they work as expected within the aggregated matrices view.



Create two new users, add them to the portfolio sites and assign them to reviewer and evaluator roles.  Then, login as each, enable the Matrices tool in My Workspace and test the review and evalulation functions within the Matrices aggregated view.

Features should work identically to equivalent feature in portfolio worksite.


Apply Layouts to Entire Portfolio

type status key summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Specification: OSP-SPEC-#
Script author: Tony Camilli
Purpose: A participant creating a freeform Portfolio may create a consistent look and feel by applying the same layout to every page in the portfolio.
Selecting the Layout once and applying the Layout to the entire Portfolio reduces steps in the freeform Portfolio workflow.

Create Free-Form Portfolio



Expected Result


Download the following css file to your computer professional.css for use in this test. Also, download, save to your computer and extract the files.

The layout files contained in the zip file will be used in the title layout page and the 2column layout page.


Click Portfolios or Design & Publish --> Portfolios (if a Portfolio-type site) button.

The 'Portfolio Manager' page is displayed


Click the Add link

'Portfolio Setup' screen should appear


Click radio button next to Design your own portfolio
Click Continue

The 'Add Portfolio: Step 1 of 3: Begin' page is displayed.


Complete the form as follows:
Title: Free form portfolio 1
Description: This is a free form portfolio
Expires: Select a date in the future
Click Continue

'Add Portfolio - Step 2 of 3: Design' page should be displayed


Click Select Layout

The 'Manage Portfolio Layouts' page is displayed.


Click Add to add a new portfolio layout

The 'Add Layout' page is displayed.


Enter the following:
Display Name title
Description This is the layout for the Title Page.



Choose the Select File link next to XHTML Layout File field

The Item selection helper appears. The title should be: Select Item.


Click Show other sites to view CIG Particant's resources area
Click Add --> Upload Files
Browse to the files extracted in step 1 and select titlePage.xhtml.
Click Upload Files Now



Choose the Continue button

The 'Add Layout' screen returns with the selected file displayed.


Choose the Select File link next to Preview Image

The Item selection helper appears. The title should be: Select Item.


If CIG participant's resources area is not already showing, click Show other sites to view CIG Particant's resources area
Click Add --> Upload Files
Browse to the files extracted in step 1 and select titlePage.jpg.
Click Upload Files Now



Choose the Continue button

The 'Add Layout' screen returns with the selected file displayed.


Choose the Add Layout button

The 'Portfolio Layout Manager' page should appear with a list of existing layouts and the new layout just added.


Click Select underneath the 'Title' layout to select it.

The 'Add Portfolio: Step 2 of 3: Design' form is displayed with the 'Title' layout listed.


Click Add Page link or image or button at the bottom of the page.

The 'Add Portfolio - Step 2 of 3: Design' form is displayed. The Layout selected should appear in the 'Layout' textbox


Enter the following in the 'Page Information' section:
Title Page 1
Description This is page one of the free-form portfolio
Keywords page one


Click Select Style to add a new style.

The 'Manage Styles' list page is displayed.


Click Add at the top of the screen to add a new style.

The 'Add Style' page is displayed.


Enter the following:
Name Professional Style
Description This is the professional stylesheet.
CSS File Click Select File

The 'Select Item' page from Resources area appears.


Click Show other sites

The CIG Participant's resources area appears at the bottom of the page.


Click Add new



Enter the following:
Add Item Type File Upload
Choose a file Browse for the professional.css file that you downloaded in step 1.
Click Add

The 'Select Item' page in Resources appears with the 'professional.css' file shown in 'Items to attach' area.


Click Finish

The 'Add Style' page is displayed with the 'professional.css' filename shown in 'CSS File' textbox.


Click Add Style

The 'Manage Styles' list page is displayed with the Professional Style listed.


Click Select underneath the 'Professional Style' listing.

The 'Add Portfolio - Step 2 of 3: Design' page is re-displayed, and the Professional style is now listed in the Style textbox.


Click Select Items to add files from Resources that will be used on Page 1.

The 'Select Item' page is displayed.


Select an item from Resources or click Show other sites to add a new file from the CIG Participants' Resources area.


Click Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.


Click Finish

The 'Manage Portfolios' list page is displayed, with the 'Free form portfolio now listed.

Add a Second Page with the Same Layout



Expected Result


Click the Edit link

'Begin Portfolio - Step 1 of 3:' screen should appear


Click Continue

'Design Portfolio - Step 2 of 3: Design - Add Page' screen should be displayed. Layout from Page 1 should be listed in Layout textbox


Click Add Page link or image or button at the bottom of the page.

The 'Design Portfolio - Step 2 of 3: Design' form is displayed. The Layout selected should appear in the 'Layout' textbox


Complete the form as follows:
Title Page 2
Description This is a Page 2
Keywords text


Click Select Style next to Style
Click Select link underneath the Professional style



Click Add Page at the bottom of the screen

The 'Design Portfolio - Step 2 of 3: Design' page reappears with Page 2 (and thumbnail) now listed.


Check the box next to Page Navigation to enable ability to display links for page navigation.



Click the link for Page 2

The rich-text editor should appear where you may add items to your free-form portfolio.


In the rich-text editor area, enter the following:
Page Two of Free-Form Portfolio in the text area
Page 2 Footer in the footer area
Click Add Row and type Column One in the left column
Click Add Row and type Column Two in the right column
Click Save Changes

The 'Portfolio Manager' page is displayed with list of portfolios that have been created.


Click Finish

The 'Manage Portfolios* list page re-appears with the 'Free-form portfolio 1' listed.

Sharing Portfolios

status key summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Specification: OSP-SPEC-#
Script author: Tony Camilli
Purpose: A user with the Portfolio tool in "My Workspace" should be able to share with users in CIGS


Create a portfolio

Script Information


User should be able to share a portfolio with users in other CIGS


CIG Participant

Special skills required to run test



CIG Coordinator must do ST.Script.04.Publish a portfolio template prior to this script being run.
Moreen Dora must be a memebr of Course Site and Project Site

Time required


Testing Steps

Add portfolio tool to "My Workspace" of CIG Participant Moreen Dora



Expected Result


Log in as portfolio owner #1. In top-right corner of 'Welcome' page enter:
user id: 'mdora'
password: 'moreen'
Click 'Log in' button.

My Workspace page appears with Portfolio, Course and Project tabs


Click Worksite Setup from the main menu.

Worksite Setup Page appears with site list


Check the box next to My Workspace. Click Edit link at the top of the screen.

Worksite Setup Page appears for My Workspace


Click Edit Tools link at the top of the screen.

Worksite Setup Page appears with tool list


Click Portfolios -> Continue

Confirming site tools for My Workspace appears with Portfolio tool highlited in red


Click Finish

Portfolios tool appears in Tool List of My Workspace


Click Portfolios from the main menu.

Portfolio List appears


Click Permissions link at the top of the screen.

Permissions List appears with two roles, 'access and 'maintain'


For 'maintain' role click 'Delete' , 'Comment' , 'Create'. Click Save

Portfolio List appears

Login as CIG Participant - Moreen Dora, fill out Contact Information form



Expected Result


Log in as portfolio owner #1. In top-right corner of 'Welcome' page enter:
user id: 'mdora'
password: 'moreen'
Click 'Log in' button.

My Workspace page appears with Portfolio, Course and Project tabs


Click Resources to fill out the contact form to be used for the portfolio

Resources list appears


Click Add next to 'My Workspace' folder. Select New Form Item

Select a form screen appears.


Select 'Contact Form'. Click Continue

The Contact Information form fields are displayed and are ready to be filled in.


Enter the following:
First Name Moreen
Middle Name leave this blank
Last Name Dora
Address 1520 Elm Street
City Charlottesville
State/Province VA
Zip/Postal Code 23456
Country United States
Email Addresses - Type School
Email Addresses - Email
Phone Numbers - Type Select Home
Phone Numbers - Number 540-123-4567
Title Mora's Contact Information
Click Add

The 'Resources' area appears with 'Mora's Contact Information' listed

Preview a Static Portfolio

OSP 2.4: This will clear up some usability issues with the portfolio tool. Previously, a user had to click 'Finish' and then click on the portfolio name to preview the portfolio. Now, there is a 'Preview' button that does all of this in one step. When the button is clicked a new window opens that displays the presentation. The preview display, however, does not render a form for comments.



Expected Outcome


Click Portfolios (or Design & Publish --> Portfolios, if a Portfolio-type site)

'Portfolio Manager' page displays


Click Add

The 'Add Portfolio' page is displayed.


Click Use a template to select.



Title Mora Contact Portfolio
Description Type Mora Contact Information Portfolio
Expires Choose a date in the future
Click Continue button

'Add Content - Step 2 of 3: Design' page is displayed with Contact Information and photo areas.


Next to Contact Information, use the dropdown listbox to select from 'Available Items' the file Mora's Contact Information
Next to photo available items, use the dropdown listbox to select james.jpg.
Click the Preview button

The portfolio opens up in a new tab or page.


Click Finish

The Portfolio list page is displayed with the following links available: Share, Revise, Statistics, Download, Delete, and Hide


Check as another user in the site to ensure that the portfolio has not been published.


Create a Static Portfolio

Building on the previous test, share the portfolio out to other users



Expected Result


Click Portfolios

'Portfolio Manager' page displays


Under the portfolio created previously, click Share

Step 3 of 3: Share screen is displayed.


Click Select Users link to to view list of available users
Check the checkbox next to 'kfoster'
Check the checkbox next to 'Instructor Course site'
Check the checkbox next to 'CIG Coordinator Project site'
Click Add>>

'kfoster' is now added to the 'Selected Audience' list in the right pane. 


Click Return button at the bottom.

The 'Add Portfolio - Publish' page is displayed.


Click Finish at the bottom of the page.

The 'Manage Portfolios' list page is displayed with the new portfolio just created.

Script Resources

  File Modified
No files shared here yet.


XSD Weaver Internationalization}

Jira: XSDW-2 (unable to embed Jira item in this page, for some reason)
Specification: OSP-SPEC-#
Script author: needed

Institutional Priorities

Autopopulate Matrix/Wizard with Selected Assignments

status key summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Specification: OSP-SPEC-#
Script author: needed

Filter by students assigned to instructor

status key summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Specification: OSP-SPEC-#
Script author: needed