- Duplicate Site: New parameter for titleSAK-51080Resolved issue: SAK-51080
- Several elements can be displayed with the same name due to the trim functionSAK-50994Core Team
- Admin: Site Title search for customized user home site titles does not workSAK-50261
- Navigation: Arrow key navigation does not work on certain pagesSAK-50260
- Rationalize the tools automatically created in the !admin and ~admin sitesSAK-50189Resolved issue: SAK-50189Charles R Severance
- Sitestats: Unable to download reports when the site contains specific charactersSAK-49113Resolved issue: SAK-49113Miguel Pellicer
- Academic Term Manager: UI layout is out of placeSAK-48354Resolved issue: SAK-48354kunaljaykam
- Sites admin tool tool select element not working under bootstrap 5SAK-48036Resolved issue: SAK-48036Adrian Fish
- Admin Site Management: Add/Edit groups seems to be missing property fieldsSAK-47877Shivangi Kumar
- Sites: Ability to reset all user workspaces.SAK-47370
- Warning in build about bintray-allenai-maven and commons-loggingSAK-47028Resolved issue: SAK-47028Matthew Jones
- Site Alias: Edits are not saved, but a new alias is created insteadSAK-46715Resolved issue: SAK-46715kunaljaykam
- NPE: site.tool.AdminSitesAction.doSave(
- Small Regression in Admin ToolSAK-46346Resolved issue: SAK-46346Earle Nietzel
- Almost every action creates a broken pipe error in the server logsSAK-45991Resolved issue: SAK-45991
- Admin Workspace: pagination count error after changing number displayedSAK-45172Resolved issue: SAK-45172Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Admin: Create site from archive zip failsSAK-45064Resolved issue: SAK-45064Adrian Fish
- Unable to add Term Manager tool without selecting another tool firstSAK-44503Resolved issue: SAK-44503
- Please add a list of the last 20 visited courses to Admin WorkspaceSAK-44455
- When Possible Merge "Add" and "Manage" function onto one tab or toolSAK-44401Resolved issue: SAK-44401Core Team
- Can't add default tool to siteSAK-44133Resolved issue: SAK-44133Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Validator, Web=> FormattedTextSAK-43125Resolved issue: SAK-43125David Horwitz
- IconUrl is not saved in sites without a a site_typeSAK-42875Resolved issue: SAK-42875Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Assign Groups Component has Keyboard Accessibility issuesSAK-42737Core Team
- Administration Workspace / Sites radio buttons spacingSAK-42355Resolved issue: SAK-42355Matthew Jones
- Administration Workspace - Realms - Search box has $item.AccessibilityLabel titleSAK-42345Resolved issue: SAK-42345Christopher Maurer
- Administration Workspace - Sites - Search boxes have $item.AccessibilityLabel titles for all search boxesSAK-42336Resolved issue: SAK-42336Christopher Maurer
- Admin Tools: Improve UI using bootstrap tables.SAK-42321Resolved issue: SAK-42321Miguel Pellicer
- Admin tools: Better UI to select a tool for a pageSAK-42320Resolved issue: SAK-42320Miguel Pellicer
- Sites creating a new site throws an NPESAK-40821Resolved issue: SAK-40821Miguel Pellicer
- Admin-tool: Time -> DateSAK-40284Resolved issue: SAK-40284David Horwitz
- On admin sites page, provide a direct link to the siteSAK-32697Resolved issue: SAK-32697Matthew Jones
- Edit a site removes the configured skinSAK-32505Resolved issue: SAK-32505Miguel Pellicer
- Merge all admin velocity tools into one project.SAK-32233Resolved issue: SAK-32233Matthew Buckett
- Admin Sites page needs some basic fixesSAK-32129Resolved issue: SAK-32129Sam Ottenhoff
- Soft and hard delete not functioning properlySAK-32079Resolved issue: SAK-32079Earle Nietzel
- Create course site is not available for admin userSAK-31689Resolved issue: SAK-31689
- Favorites & Organize Favorites show -1SAK-31171
- the file jquery-ui.min.css is missingSAK-30864
- the online editor doesn't showSAK-30863Resolved issue: SAK-30863derek Lee
- Hovering over menu options of collapsed left menu bar leaves text unclickable and behind other UI piecesSAK-30490Core Team
- Reorder tools test no pop up occurs after clicking cancel. Takes you back to main pageSAK-30487
- Null Pointer Exception when navigating to newly created page via URLSAK-30407Core Team
- Quote Characters (' and ") Not Handled Properly in SitesSAK-30395
- Markup is broken in SitesSAK-30332Resolved issue: SAK-30332Colin Chen
- QA Testing Resources in mobile display: Overlapping of buttonsSAK-30271Resolved issue: SAK-30271
- New Admin tool to manage the Academic Sessions (Terms) from the UISAK-30138Resolved issue: SAK-30138Matthew Jones
- Site Deletion: Hard Delete and Soft Delete always display the same message.SAK-29678Resolved issue: SAK-29678Brian J.
- Some 'softly deleted' translation keys are duplicatedSAK-29611Resolved issue: SAK-29611Miguel Pellicer
- Add additional roles permissions to Admin Site Perms toolSAK-29585Resolved issue: SAK-29585Matthew Buckett
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