- Chat Room: support CC+Archive archive / mergeSAK-50804Resolved issue: SAK-50804
- Remove redundant method stubs from EntityProducer implementationsSAK-50688Resolved issue: SAK-50688Adrian Fish
- Chat Room: Buttons overlap when zoomed inSAK-50577
- Responsiveness of Assignment and Chat Room toolsSAK-50358Resolved issue: SAK-50358Shivangi Kumar
- Chatroom: Main chat room page does not follow dark mode theme.SAK-50250Resolved issue: SAK-50250
- Improve error checking for chat archivingSAK-50023Resolved issue: SAK-50023
- JSF2 Upgrade 2.3.18 -> 2.3.21SAK-49593Resolved issue: SAK-49593Miguel Pellicer
- Chatroom Permissions: Students get the option to delete even when permission is disabled.SAK-48344Resolved issue: SAK-48344Zhuo Yang
- Chat room header text unreadable on dark modeSAK-48343
- Chat tool bootstrap 5 upgradeSAK-48256Resolved issue: SAK-48256kunaljaykam
- Chat Room does not display chat messages panel after resizing window, clicking "Users in Chat" tab, and resizing backSAK-47736
- Add user photos to chat toolSAK-47734Resolved issue: SAK-47734Adrian Fish
- MathJax-Chat: requires page to be refreshed before formula is displayed properlySAK-47613
- Name Sort Order UmbrellaSAK-47096Resolved issue: SAK-47096
- Chat room: Sort order is incorrect for users in chatSAK-47094Resolved issue: SAK-47094
- Search: Search does not find Chat Room messagesSAK-46876Resolved issue: SAK-46876
- Error in Eclipse: The package org.w3c.dom is accessible from more than one module: <unnamed>, java.xmlSAK-46857Resolved issue: SAK-46857Matthew Jones
- Chat room: users are disappearing from the chat list even though they are in the chat roomSAK-46601Resolved issue: SAK-46601
- Chat: Messages Box That Displays Posts Is Low Readability Contrast With Dark ThemeSAK-46472Resolved issue: SAK-46472Roberto Pérez Marcos
- Chat : lots of error logsSAK-46110Resolved issue: SAK-46110Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Chat index: "Chat: MessageFrom"SAK-45926David Horwitz
- Mojarra JSF has been moved and maintained by the Eclipse FoundationSAK-45906Resolved issue: SAK-45906Miguel Pellicer
- Chat index: Set, List : Set is a raw typeSAK-45884Resolved issue: SAK-45884David Horwitz
- Chat index: MissingResourceExceptionSAK-45881Resolved issue: SAK-45881David Horwitz
- Chat index: MissingResourceExceptionSAK-45880
- common, edu-service: Deprecated Query setString, setBoolean => setParameterSAK-45811Resolved issue: SAK-45811David Horwitz
- Update Google guava 30.1.1-jreSAK-45369Resolved issue: SAK-45369David Horwitz
- Site Import: NPE for ChatSAK-45069Resolved issue: SAK-45069Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Search: Chat Room message gives missing key (mre) errorSAK-44913Resolved issue: SAK-44913Victor Fernández
- Chat: Unexpected message shown when attempting to change permissions (Firefox only)SAK-44741
- Check boxes/radio buttons floating above associated text at small window sizeSAK-44541Michael Greene
- Chat: cover => apiSAK-44215Resolved issue: SAK-44215David Horwitz
- Hibernate5 deprecated: Query => query.QuerySAK-44162Resolved issue: SAK-44162David Horwitz
- Add Group Awareness for Chat toolSAK-44149
- Add "User is typing..." to Chat RoomSAK-44108
- Rename Confusing Chat Room PartsSAK-44106
- SWITCH: Permissions Widget - unable to toggle TA permissionsSAK-43757Resolved issue: SAK-43757Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Support for emojis in Chat RoomSAK-43705
- SWITCH: Chat: Use permissions widgetSAK-43692Resolved issue: SAK-43692Francisco Saez
- Cannot Change the Number of Chat Messages Displayed in Overview PageSAK-43611Resolved issue: SAK-43611Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Chat: Multi node issue when deleting a roomSAK-43495Core Team
- SWITCH: Chat tool - Fix bad pattern in the first selected tabSAK-43403Resolved issue: SAK-43403Miguel Pellicer
- Deprecated utils.FormattedText => api.FormattedTextSAK-43091Resolved issue: SAK-43091David Horwitz
- Chat / synoptic tool option issue with total number of messages to displaySAK-43069Resolved issue: SAK-43069
- Weld Shaded: Dec'19 Upgrade from 3.1.2.Final to 3.1.3.FinalSAK-42929Resolved issue: SAK-42929Miguel Pellicer
- Chat: Move managed-bean configuration from XML to AnnotationsSAK-42623Resolved issue: SAK-42623Miguel Pellicer
- Add tool menu alerts to show activity for that toolSAK-42487Adrian Fish
- Add tool menu alerts to show activity on a tool.SAK-42486Resolved issue: SAK-42486Adrian Fish
- Weld Shaded: Upgrade from 3.1.1.Final to 3.1.2.FinalSAK-42306Resolved issue: SAK-42306Miguel Pellicer
- Implementation of standardized banners in Rubrics, BasicLTI, and ChatSAK-42177Resolved issue: SAK-42177Kyle White
50 of 443
Chat Room: support CC+Archive archive / merge
is related to
Affects versions
Andrea Schmidt
Andrea SchmidtEnvironment
25x:, build: d675188d
Created December 31, 2024 at 3:28 PM
Updated December 31, 2024 at 3:37 PM
Resolved December 31, 2024 at 3:37 PM
Andrea Schmidt December 31, 2024 at 3:37 PM
The rooms did show up (I just wasn’t patient enough!), so will set this to resolved > non-issue
Chat seems to be included in the list of filters for export:
(filtersOn=true, filters=[AnnouncementService, AssignmentService, AssessmentEntityProducer, ContentHostingService, CalendarService, ChatEntityProducer, DiscussionService, MailArchiveService, SyllabusService, RWikiObjectService, DiscussionForumService, WebService, LessonBuilderEntityProducer, PollListManager])
While the tool is added to the import site if it doesn’t already exist, any additional chat rooms created in the export site are not imported.
The export file lists the other rooms, but they are not imported: