Archive improve the fidelity of archive / merge (Umbrella)
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Andrea Schmidt February 23, 2025 at 5:29 PMEdited
Files that can be used for testing updated 2/23/2025:
Test workbook (work in progress) to use with the files:
How to use the test files:
Use a cc+ import and import the file into a new site
Modify any date information as needed and anything else that doesn’t match the description, make sure all items are published/available (unless otherwise indicated)
Export the content as a cc+ file
Create another site with at least Lessons and import your exported file
Compare the settings between the tools in the 2 sites. Most items, (announcements, assignments, etc), come over as drafts, but not all. The workbook has expectations for what should be a draft.

Andrea Schmidt January 19, 2025 at 3:49 PM
Summary of cc+ import so far:

Charles R Severance December 11, 2024 at 2:58 PM
Demo video - SAK-50720 Demo Video
Affects versions


Created December 7, 2024 at 5:01 PM
Updated March 6, 2025 at 9:14 PM
With the ablity to include archive material in a Sakai Common Cartridge we will need to review the
code across the Sakai services to insure that an archive-enhanced cartridge faithfully represents a Sakai site upon export and when imported faithfully reconstructs the same content in a new site.The basic idea it to find the code in each service what implements the
methods and review it and improve it where needed. The general test is to export an archive-enhanced cartridge and review that the service is properly archived and then import the cartridge and verify things look good. Another task is to compare thetransferCopyEntities()
code and make sure that (a) it it produces a full fidelity site copy and then (b) that thearchive()
process does the same fidelity of thetransferCopyEntities()
.You can look at the commits for some of the already completed JIRAs for example approches to solving the problems.
This is an umbrella Jira - we will make associated JIRAs for each service as they are reviewed and improved.
This is a list of potential files / services that still might need JIRAs. Please take them out of this list once there is a Jira created.
- Works but should be checked for fidelitychat/../
- Not clear what should be copied in the “no user info” archive but shoud be checkedgradebookng/../
- Not clear what should be copied but should be checkedkernel/../
- So far seems OK - but a close review would be goodlessonbuilder/../
- So far seems OK - but a close review would be goodmailarchive/../
- Should be checked to see if the archive included per-user datamsgcntr/../
- So far seems OK - but a close review is in ordersamigo/../
- This needs to be gone over very carefullyscormplayer
- Seems to be missing basic support for archive() / merge()syllabus/../
- So far seems OK - but a close review would be good