- Discussions: No keyboard only way to post a grade on discussionSAK-51159
- Lessons: siteId replacement fails after importing content if destination siteId is part of the source siteIdSAK-51154Manu Fuster
- Sitestats: Event collection duplicates event processingSAK-51153Manu Fuster
- Property assignment.usePeerAssessment not working correctlySAK-51128Earle Nietzel
- Sitestats: Incorrect context in presence recordsSAK-51108Resolved issue: SAK-51108Manu Fuster
- Commons needs a pagerSAK-51092Resolved issue: SAK-51092Adrian Fish
- Site Info: Inconsistencies when two different languages are set on two different sitesSAK-51091Core Team
- SITESTATS: "Information about last update" text is hardcodedSAK-51083Resolved issue: SAK-51083Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Wiki: Last modified by and Date info is missing on SpanishSAK-51082Resolved issue: SAK-51082Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Resources: WebDAV does not display resources if colons (:) are used when creating themSAK-51079Core Team
- Roster: Export CSV file headers are only in EnglishSAK-51075
- Tests & Quizzes: add calculated answer values when printing an assessmentSAK-51012Resolved issue: SAK-51012Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Calendar - Frequency page is not displayed when clicking on the button on Spanish languageSAK-51010Resolved issue: SAK-51010
- SECTION INFO: Change the default value from 50 to 200 in the tab Student MembershipsSAK-51008Resolved issue: SAK-51008Jesús Alonso Madrid
- When adding a Page/Tool with a title more than the allowed 99 charsSAK-51003Resolved issue: SAK-51003Earle Nietzel
- Several elements can be displayed with the same name due to the trim functionSAK-50994Core Team
- samigo: accessibility issues found with aXeSAK-50986Resolved issue: SAK-50986Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- When adding a non official participant the account info is not parsed correctlySAK-50974Resolved issue: SAK-50974Earle Nietzel
- Import from Site - Web Content: open in new window checkbox not kept on importSAK-50973Core Team
- Assignment: When reviewing an assignment, two events are createdSAK-50925Resolved issue: SAK-50925Jesús Alonso Madrid
- Resources: Locked Resources should not block the hidden Attachments folderSAK-50912
- Creating a new assignment and putting it to site users creates an event, but this does not happen when putting it to selected groups.SAK-50903Resolved issue: SAK-50903Jesús Alonso Madrid
- Resources: Site import will not update links pointing to files that exist on the target siteSAK-50877Markus Stetschnig
- Problems with photos!SAK-50873Resolved issue: SAK-50873Adrian Fish
- Improve Spanish translation for uploading resourcesSAK-50866Resolved issue: SAK-50866Core Team
- Including special characters || (pipes) in the field "Title" of a new assignment lead to corrupt .zip download on Windows systemsSAK-50859
- Assignments - Self-Report: Submission blocked due to unmarked instructor rubric criteriaSAK-50851Resolved issue: SAK-50851Manu Fuster
- Sitestats: Successive sitestats calculated incorrectlySAK-50846Manu Fuster
- Tests & Quizzes: IP list sorting in Allowo only specified IP addressesSAK-50772Resolved issue: SAK-50772Manu Fuster
- Lessons: Checklist contrast problems in dark mode with legacy colorsSAK-50727Core Team
- Lessons: Legacy colors highlight problem in dark modeSAK-50726Core Team
- Delegated Access: Editing page does not follow dark modeSAK-50721
- Tests & Quizzes: issue with calculated questions using the ">" or "<" operatorsSAK-50715Resolved issue: SAK-50715Manu Fuster
- Antisamy: Whitelist css background-size propertySAK-50710Resolved issue: SAK-50710Markus Stetschnig
- Test and Quizzes: Hotspot questions are not responsiveSAK-50686Core Team
- Rubrics: evaluation breaks when 2 users grade at the same timeSAK-50685
- Displaced cells in Excel when exporting tests with random questionsSAK-50683Resolved issue: SAK-50683Daniel Merino
- Lessons Checklist: item widthSAK-50663Resolved issue: SAK-50663Shivangi Kumar
- Discussions: Select a Gradebook Item combo box missing labelSAK-50650Shivangi Kumar
- Assignments-Grader: Grader fails to load with corrupted file submissionsSAK-50646Resolved issue: SAK-50646Manu Fuster
- Assignments: Hide IDs in group submissionsSAK-50639Resolved issue: SAK-50639
- T&Q SEB - Autosave modal message is sometimes permanently displayedSAK-50631Resolved issue: SAK-50631Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Safari error 404 when trying open a resource with unicode charactersSAK-50630Resolved issue: SAK-50630Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Polls: Polls table do not follow dark modeSAK-50619Resolved issue: SAK-50619Sam Ottenhoff
- Gradebook - Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')SAK-50617Resolved issue: SAK-50617Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- LTI 1.3 Synchronizing grades doesn't work well when Tomcat language's decimal separator is a commaSAK-50616Resolved issue: SAK-50616Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Unnecesary call to function in EventLogConverterSAK-50614Resolved issue: SAK-50614Daniel Merino
- Tests & Quizzes: issue with calculated questions using the OR (|) operator and comma (,)SAK-50613Resolved issue: SAK-50613Manu Fuster
- Customized Overview (Site Info Display) gets blanked out when editing other Web Content toolsSAK-50605Resolved issue: SAK-50605Sam Ottenhoff
- Tests with SEB should return to T&Q parent page instead of "Begin Assessment" pageSAK-50599Bernardo Garcia Vila
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