- elfinder: students see hidden folders (which also have the wrong name displayed)SAK-48827
- elfinder: Draft Forums & Draft Topics are available for selectionSAK-48825
- Overview -> Calendar->OptionsSAK-48823
- elfinder: invalid URLs are generated when linking to a tool which doesnt have 'access' viewSAK-48817
- elfinder does not honour dark modeSAK-48814
- Contact Us: Email sent to Instructor has incorrect textSAK-48812Resolved issue: SAK-48812Christopher Maurer
- cannot upload a file called 🌍.csv (or similar)SAK-48691Christopher Maurer
- T&Q: Feedback by date and lower than x% is displaying the wrong message to students above the x%SAK-48685Core Team
- Notification sent to students about a file being uploaded to a date protected folder which isnt available for them to access.SAK-48633
- Notifications for files uploaded to hidden folders should be sent all site participants who have permission to view the files.SAK-48628
- Messages: columns are in a different order on search results pageSAK-48592
- Messages: Forwarded message all in bold fontSAK-48571Resolved issue: SAK-48571Manu Fuster
- Assignments: Not all released student grades are recorded in GradebookSAK-48551Resolved issue: SAK-48551Sean Horner
- In Search results, HTML tags in Announcements body text display as spacesSAK-48508
- famfamfam website is no longer available (Gateway Acknowledgements page)SAK-48469
- Syllabus: Formatting error on 'bulk add by dates'SAK-48422Core Team
- Syllabus: 'Add to calendar' on main syllabus page gives an errorSAK-48412Resolved issue: SAK-48412Core Team
- Text/images dragged into Commons tool's "What's on your mind?" textbox leaves it unusable for posting until page refresh or precise removalSAK-48294Resolved issue: SAK-48294Christopher Maurer
- Cannot delete items if column break or section break has been usedSAK-48276Core Team
- Users (Admin) - Import From File: Issue with Passwords surrounded by spacesSAK-48251Resolved issue: SAK-48251Vicent Alfonso
- Sign Up tool's "Other Default Settings" includes one option missing a checkboxSAK-48215
- Roster tool does not retain "No results found" upon switching layoutSAK-48187Adrian Fish
- Support Analytics GA4 since Universal is being deprecatedSAK-48153Resolved issue: SAK-48153Matthew Jones
- Sitestats Print Preview shows "Send to Printer Link"SAK-48134
- Gradebook/Rubrics: Cannot adjust rubric criterion score to 0SAK-48102
- Mailsender: poor formatting of Options page on thin screens / mobiles / tabletsSAK-48040
- Counter for the number of checked tools on Worksite Setup's Manage Tools page does not decrease after clicking red XSAK-48037Core Team
- Feedback: Implementation error for studentsSAK-48027Resolved issue: SAK-48027Adrian Fish
- Roster: Search input text is ignored when layout is switchedSAK-47984Resolved issue: SAK-47984Christopher Maurer
- WebDAV Help is out of dateSAK-47960Core Team
- Web Content tools set to open links in new tabs will do so without bringing current tab to tool page, rendering them uneditableSAK-47923Core Team
- Include Forum, Topic and Message attachments in Site ArchiveSAK-47921Resolved issue: SAK-47921Stephen Marquard
- Points GB: No error message when instructor tries to add a quiz with mismatched points to a categorySAK-47908Core Team
- "All site files" link's dropdown window has some layering issuesSAK-47858
- "All site files" link's dropdown window in the Resources tool has sizing issuesSAK-47857
- Assignments - Associate with gradebook item dropdown sort order should be case insensitiveSAK-47793Resolved issue: SAK-47793Earle Nietzel
- MYSQL - Import from site may fail when Rwiki pages contain subpage linksSAK-47790
- Dropbox's starred folder icons are visually unclear, especially on dark themeSAK-47751
- Firefox users can edit posts in Commons to be blank, bypassing "You have not entered any content to save"SAK-47748Resolved issue: SAK-47748Christopher Maurer
- Assignment - draft submissions are viewable by the instructor after bulk gradingSAK-47740
- Chat Room does not display chat messages panel after resizing window, clicking "Users in Chat" tab, and resizing backSAK-47736
- MFR_UNREAD_STATUS_T tables indexes are not generated by hbm.xml fileSAK-47703
- Synoptic throws PermissionException stacktrace if not setSAK-47673Resolved issue: SAK-47673Daniel Merino
- Samigo / assessment with due date and timer can show submitted date past due dateSAK-47373
- Resources: When a folder is hidden or has a future date, the email options should be disabled, or give the instructor more optionsSAK-47342
- Search: Chat message search - inconsistent link load, contains direct link in displaySAK-47079Adrian Fish
- T&Q: student answer lost after republish survey questionSAK-45179Core Team
- Cannot use LaTeX commands in Wiki toolSAK-43050
- Change Tests & Quizzes "add to calendar" optionSAK-38306Core Team
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