- Resources does not recognize RTSP-protocolSAK-39904Resolved issue: SAK-39904KERNEL TEAM
- Load log4j configuration from {sakai.home}/log4j.propertiesSAK-39876Resolved issue: SAK-39876Aaron Zeckoski
- Automatically remove dropboxes for users who aren't members of the siteSAK-39858Resolved issue: SAK-39858Aaron Zeckoski
- Add generic parameters to EntityCollections.SAK-39852Resolved issue: SAK-39852Matthew Buckett
- Reduce elements in memory in org.sakaiproject.user.api.AuthenticationManagerSAK-39839Resolved issue: SAK-39839David Horwitz
- Provide java.util date access in EventSAK-39819Resolved issue: SAK-39819KERNEL TEAM
- Provide java.util date access in EntitySAK-39818Resolved issue: SAK-39818KERNEL TEAM
- Provide java.util date access in ContentSAK-39817Resolved issue: SAK-39817David Horwitz
- Upgrade commons-codec 1.5SAK-39806Resolved issue: SAK-39806KERNEL TEAM
- KNL-494 doesn't name the file with a problemSAK-39757Resolved issue: SAK-39757KERNEL TEAM
- Investigate effect of threadLocal caching on long running threadsSAK-39752Resolved issue: SAK-39752KERNEL TEAM
- add more site/group membership events definition into SiteService apiSAK-39746Resolved issue: SAK-39746Beth Kirschner
- Upgrade to Hibernate 3.5.xSAK-39744Resolved issue: SAK-39744Noah Botimer
- Upgrade to commons-lang 2.6SAK-39732Resolved issue: SAK-39732David Horwitz
- Update subethasmtpSAK-39728Resolved issue: SAK-39728David Horwitz
- Set site.roleswap permissions for appropriate roles in OOTB realmsSAK-39726Resolved issue: SAK-39726KERNEL TEAM
- Review maxElementsIn store of core cachesSAK-39723Resolved issue: SAK-39723KERNEL TEAM
- Add a registry to enable another sakai service to handle some types of eventsSAK-39722Resolved issue: SAK-39722Jim Eng
- add DateFormat display support for "day of the week"SAK-39713Resolved issue: SAK-39713KERNEL TEAM
- remove spring-webmvc from shared, allowing tools to independently upgrade versionsSAK-39707Resolved issue: SAK-39707David Horwitz
- Upgrade commons-pool to 1.5.6SAK-39701Resolved issue: SAK-39701David Horwitz
- Add CSS classes to site description body and main div so the site description can be styled directlySAK-39699Resolved issue: SAK-39699Sam Ottenhoff
- Upgrade to javax.mail 1.4.4SAK-39681Resolved issue: SAK-39681David Horwitz
- Kernel assembly uses deprecated goalSAK-39672Resolved issue: SAK-39672Matthew Buckett
- Remove unused OkiOSID dependency from the kernel base pomSAK-39662Resolved issue: SAK-39662Anthony Whyte
- Improve JavaDoc and logging on ToolListenerSAK-39658Resolved issue: SAK-39658Matthew Buckett
- ContentHosting should post an event whenever a change is made in the title to a resourceSAK-39641Resolved issue: SAK-39641Jim Eng
- Have the kernel deploy the JSTL jar to $CATALINA_HOME/shared-libSAK-39638Resolved issue: SAK-39638
- upgrade icu4jSAK-39634Resolved issue: SAK-39634David Horwitz
- ContentHosting should post an event whenever a change is made in group access to a resourceSAK-39603Resolved issue: SAK-39603Jim Eng
- Provide alternative methods to Sakai Time objectSAK-39598KERNEL TEAM
- Add dbWriteCount method to BasicSqlServiceSAK-39596Resolved issue: SAK-39596Charles R Severance
- dedeprecate Validator.escapeUrl() as there isn't a suitable replacementSAK-39595Resolved issue: SAK-39595KERNEL TEAM
- i18n keys provided in config do not seem used in KernelSAK-39584Resolved issue: SAK-39584KERNEL TEAM
- Add @since anotation for new group provider methogSAK-39581Resolved issue: SAK-39581David Horwitz
- Replace use of StringUtil.trimto null with common-lang methodSAK-39571Resolved issue: SAK-39571Aaron Zeckoski
- Hard delete feature for usersSAK-39569
- Section and Group memberships lost when using 'Create Site from template' and both 'Copy Users' and Copy Content' are selectedSAK-39547Core Team
- Add logging for failed user creationSAK-39546Resolved issue: SAK-39546
- Stop RequestFilter from creating session cookiesSAK-39542Resolved issue: SAK-39542KERNEL TEAM
- Searching users with accent insensitiveSAK-39541Resolved issue: SAK-39541
- BaseDigestService: Format message according to receivers settingsSAK-39539Resolved issue: SAK-39539KERNEL TEAM
- when email service is in test mode, details of attachments are not loggedSAK-39514Resolved issue: SAK-39514KERNEL TEAM
- Upgrade Ehcache to enable distributed mode (2.5.1)SAK-39500Resolved issue: SAK-39500Aaron Zeckoski
- Enables restoration of deleted files.SAK-39498Resolved issue: SAK-39498Matthew Jones
- provide a kernel util class that implements SecurityAdvisor interface with one or list of permissionsSAK-39494Resolved issue: SAK-39494KERNEL TEAM
- Change the tool registration to allow the use of web frameworks that don't use servlets but rather a servlet filtersSAK-39490Resolved issue: SAK-39490
- Let alternative impls of EventTrackingService handle some EventsSAK-39483Resolved issue: SAK-39483Jim Eng
- File Added Notification consider group information.SAK-39461Resolved issue: SAK-39461Miguel Pellicer
- Upgrade to Spring 3.xSAK-39458Resolved issue: SAK-39458Noah Botimer
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