Enables restoration of deleted files.
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Matthew Jones July 22, 2014 at 7:58 AM
Looks like this info for 10 was in the Sakai help, just missed it for some reason.
Alan Regan July 21, 2014 at 6:59 PM
Thanks, Matthew! This is great info to receive. Glad to receive the notes on how to restore a file in Sakai 10.
Regarding Sakai 11, I like the UI improvements on the nightly server – making Resources look much more modern. So kudos to the work by Michigan!
Matthew Jones July 21, 2014 at 6:36 PM
The resources UI in trunk was updated by Michigan just a few months ago and some of the buttons and text is different than it is in 10.
10 will be like it is in the QA server : https://qa10.longsight.com/portal
The way it works is if you click on a folder/file and hit remove, it will be in the "trash". It's not completely obvious that it is in "trash", but you can click on the folder and hit Actions->Restore and see the items in the trash. The files are eventually deleted. It doesn't look like this functionality is even in the 10 default help (yet) but I did test this to work and will make a request to update the help section.
for 11 renames some of the labels and creates a separate trash section. These are pretty large changes though to the UI.
Alan Regan July 21, 2014 at 6:24 PM
Great question, Neal. I'm also very curious since we plan to go to Sakai 10 in production soon. On Nightly, I see new features related to "Trash" In Resources. Instead of the button to "Remove" a file, there is an option called "Move to Trash." In Resources, there is a main button at the top called "Trash" that allows the instructor or site owner/maintain user to restore or fully delete a file or set of files. There are other interface changes in Resources as well.
Is this the functionality in question? If yes, what is its status in Sakai 10? The QA servers still have the "Remove" button in Resources and I don't see a "Trash" option. Perhaps this JIRA refers to a backend option to restore files administratively?
I searched the Sakai 10 release notes but I couldn't see this. Thanks for any clarification on this item!
Neal Caidin April 24, 2014 at 8:15 AM
How does one use this feature? I would like to include it in the Sakai 10 Release notes.
Provide the ability to restore deleted files from content hosting. Originally reported under SAK-1525