- There are not restrictions to assign delivery dates...That's correct??SAK-37076Resolved issue: SAK-37076Jasmine Thapa
- Allow instructors to enter zero score for unsubmitted assessmentsSAK-36507Resolved issue: SAK-36507Jasmine Thapa
- numeric values in authoring should support locale decimal separatorSAK-36409Resolved issue: SAK-36409SAMIGO TEAM
- statistics do not show when random draw from pool is usedSAK-36326Resolved issue: SAK-36326David Horwitz
- Starting complex assessment generates high query volumesSAK-36272Resolved issue: SAK-36272David Horwitz
- Date and time format not localisedSAK-36232Resolved issue: SAK-36232Jasmine Thapa
- Exception thrown from inappropriate use of FormattedText.processFormattedText()SAK-35953Resolved issue: SAK-35953Jasmine Thapa
- Timer does not continue to count down when 5 minutes popup window appears.SAK-35890Resolved issue: SAK-35890SAMIGO TEAM
- default value for key linear_access_no_return in samigo-app/src/java/org/sakaiproject/tool/assessment/bundle/ is broken by line breaksSAK-35685Resolved issue: SAK-35685Beth Kirschner
- Assessments still available to students to take should show up under 'Published - Active' and those not (yet) available should show up under 'Published - Inactive' in instructor viewSAK-35652Resolved issue: SAK-35652Jasmine Thapa
- randomize setting not included in exported filesSAK-35621Resolved issue: SAK-35621Jasmine Thapa
- IndexOutOfBoundsException editing assessmentSAK-35538Resolved issue: SAK-35538SAMIGO TEAM
- When time is up, ItemGrading records do not get created if users navigate out from a timed assessmentSAK-35447Resolved issue: SAK-35447Jasmine Thapa
- Send manual adjustment scores to Gradebook for students with no submission (recording last score)SAK-35351Resolved issue: SAK-35351Hui Tsao
- NPE in HistogramListenerSAK-35323Resolved issue: SAK-35323Jasmine Thapa
- Assign different file names for au files from audio recording questionsSAK-35249Resolved issue: SAK-35249Jasmine Thapa
- The default template settings do not seem to take effect in the Quick Create.SAK-35195Resolved issue: SAK-35195Jasmine Thapa
- Import Question Pool can only import assessment with one partSAK-35166Resolved issue: SAK-35166Jasmine Thapa
- The ability to choose "Average" for the "Recorded Score if Multiple Submissions"SAK-35063Resolved issue: SAK-35063Jasmine Thapa
- Add javadocsSAK-34961Resolved issue: SAK-34961SAMIGO TEAM
- Include submission time in spreadsheet exportSAK-34709SAMIGO TEAM
- Optionally prevent / allow student control of media played during testSAK-34700SAMIGO TEAM
- Include submission status in spreadsheet exportSAK-34696SAMIGO TEAM
- Describe Assessment Types in the Test & Quizzes toolSAK-34650SAMIGO TEAM
- Samigo -- Change org.sakai references to org.sakaiprojectSAK-34562SAMIGO TEAM
- FCK attachment cannot be access after site importSAK-34533SAMIGO TEAM
- Update score for NR and FIB make statistic and student view have wrong informationSAK-34510Resolved issue: SAK-34510SAMIGO TEAM
- Previous question persisting to new forms when using Quick CreateSAK-34503James Renfro
- connection time out errorSAK-34449SAMIGO TEAM
- Images do not show up for assessment that releases to anonyous during taking assessmentSAK-34426SAMIGO TEAM
- FIB answers not displayed correctlySAK-34418SAMIGO TEAM
- Curly brackets/braces within "Fill in the blanks" answers (help and editing)SAK-34401Resolved issue: SAK-34401SAMIGO TEAM
- toggle tree symbol for subpool is missing when adding/editing question of question pool.SAK-34369SAMIGO TEAM
- text error message is not clearSAK-34327SAMIGO TEAM
- Usernotdefined errorSAK-34308SAMIGO TEAM
- NPE In ExportResponsesBeanSAK-34307SAMIGO TEAM
- Preview assessment throw a "late is not allowed" message for no timed assesssment, due date has past.SAK-34304Resolved issue: SAK-34304SAMIGO TEAM
- Changing and recalculating and assessment points does not reflect new total on the authoring pageSAK-34280SAMIGO TEAM
- Extend the lenghth of section/part descriptionSAK-34274SAMIGO TEAM
- Tests & Quizzes: order of attachments are not properly orderedSAK-34260
- Improve the even loggingSAK-34234SAMIGO TEAM
- Opening one question per tab from TOC leads to data lossSAK-34178Adrian Fish
- Typo in RichTextEditArea.javaSAK-34176SAMIGO TEAM
- NPE from storeGradesSAK-34173SAMIGO TEAM
- Going back to previous page when clicking on emailSAK-34131SAMIGO TEAM
- Make Poll table sortableSAK-26544Resolved issue: SAK-26544Lovemore Nalube
- Make result headers sortableSAK-26537Resolved issue: SAK-26537Lovemore Nalube
- Import/Export polls from other sitesSAK-26520Resolved issue: SAK-26520David Horwitz
- Deleting an option with votes causes confusing vote totalsSAK-26518Resolved issue: SAK-26518David Horwitz
- Bugs not escalated to portal error handlerSAK-26506Resolved issue: SAK-26506David Horwitz
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