toggle tree symbol for subpool is missing when adding/editing question of question pool.
Steps: 1. Create a pool: pool 1 2. Add sub pool for pool 1: sub of pool1 3. Add a sub pool for sub of pool 1: sub of sub of pool 1 4. Edit pool 1. In edit question pool page, you will see under subpool, it has pool name: "sub of pool 1" with the toggle tree for subpool (little triangle by "sub of pool 1") to toggle its subpool. Now, click "Add" by Question to ad a question to pool 1. After add question, the page is refreshed with the edit pool of pool 1. Now, look back the Subpool, you will no longer see the toggler for subpool (little triangle by "sub of pool 1") to toggle the sub pool of sub of pool 1. You can toggle it if you get the mouse to the right place, but the triangle image is missing.
1. Create a pool: pool 1
2. Add sub pool for pool 1: sub of pool1
3. Add a sub pool for sub of pool 1: sub of sub of pool 1
4. Edit pool 1.
In edit question pool page, you will see under subpool, it has pool name: "sub of pool 1" with the toggle tree for subpool (little triangle by "sub of pool 1") to toggle its subpool. Now, click "Add" by Question to ad a question to pool 1.
After add question, the page is refreshed with the edit pool of pool 1. Now, look back the Subpool, you will no longer see the toggler for subpool (little triangle by "sub of pool 1") to toggle the sub pool of sub of pool 1.
You can toggle it if you get the mouse to the right place, but the triangle image is missing.