Update score for NR and FIB make statistic and student view have wrong information


Tested on qa3-us. Steps:
1. Create an assessment with 2 question type:
Fill in the Blank(FIB) : Roses are {red} and Numeric response(NR): 3*3={9} and have them 10 points each.
2. As a student, take the assessment. Answer both wrong, i.e:Roses are {white} & 3*3={0}
3. As an instructor, view that student view, and statistic, you will see they both show correctly: 0 points, 0 correct, etc...
4. Now, go to each question and change score to 5 each question and click "Update"
5. Go to student answer you will see the answered question was checked (corrected):
[check mark] Roses are {white}
3*3=[check mark] 0
(View the attached image!)
6. Now change back score to 0 for both question. You will see they are back to the original state which is what they should be.

For other types: MCSC, MCMC and Matching are fine. So, it seems like for FIB and NR cases, the checkmark in student answer page and histogram page just look at if there is a point, no matter 1,2,3 or their answers are. ----> This is wrong, the correct should consider base on the answer!





Christina Schwiebert May 7, 2021 at 9:34 AM

Current behavior in Sakai 19 - 22 (trunk) is that having any points granted for a fill-in or numeric question shows it as correct in the instructor's statistics page. On the student view, the feedback shows the incorrect icon (red X). 


Tested on Windows 10, Firefox 88
https://trunk-mysql.nightly.sakaiproject.org, build 90cd7a6f
https://qa19-mysql.nightly.sakaiproject.org, build 18f2827f

Huong Nguyen October 8, 2007 at 10:01 AM

Well, more serious problem: for 0 point question (for quiz or survey purpose), even if the student answers correctly, but because the score is 0, the histogram shows that no responses for any of correct questions. That leads to the wrong statistics!

Lydia Li September 24, 2007 at 1:23 PM

This has to do with the logic we have for showing the green check marks. for FIB and NR, we show green check marks if the score is >0.




Affects versions




Created September 21, 2007 at 12:10 PM
Updated May 7, 2021 at 9:34 AM
Resolved May 7, 2021 at 9:34 AM