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score entry for unsubmitted assessment



In T&Q, as admin, went to the "Scores" link of a Published Assessment
Only one student had taken and submitted the assessment. All other student had the "No Submission" status
Went to one of the those "No Submission" student and adjusted the score
The score was updated, but the status remained "No Submission"

Went to Gradebook, and the new grade for the student is listed.

1. Should admn be allowed to adjust the score of a student who has not submitted anything.
2. Should a "no submission" grade show up in Gradebook

Just checking.






Created December 1, 2005 at 7:28 PM
Updated April 17, 2018 at 8:38 AM
Resolved September 12, 2014 at 9:41 AM



Matthew Jones September 12, 2014 at 9:41 AM

It seems like this was incorporated by

Lydia Li January 12, 2009 at 1:59 PM

Bugs that were assigned to Marc. Changing assignee from Marc to Jackie.

Oliver Heyer January 30, 2007 at 12:05 PM

This will not be worked on for 2.4 and probably won't make 2.5, either.

Peter Knoop October 17, 2006 at 10:01 AM

An excerpt from Diana Perpich's comment on (Assignments Option for Automatically Accepting Resubmissions), which touches on the null versus zero distinction when a student fails to submit their work:

"...Will the instructor be mad at "the system" for making her page through blank submissions? We've got instructors who post optional assignments. Would the system auto-submit these as well? How does the Gradebook currently import null submissions? Zeros? Making the instructor go back and seek out auto-submitted work and treat it differently will create a whole new set of support issues."

Owen McGrath October 9, 2006 at 4:07 PM

Hi, Marc. Gradebook doesn't actively poll Samigo to see if it has any scores to deliver. Instead, Samigo uses Gradebook services to create and manage "external assessments" in Gradebook. These external assessments in the Gradebook have null values per student initially. Any score then sent over for a particular student via the updateExternal service replaces the null.

In addition, Gradebook has a concept of Course Grade. It gets generated in Gradebook when the instructor clicks on the Course Grade button. For the sake of calculating a course grade, a null value won't due. So any uncompleted external assessment gets a value of zero for the sake of calculation. Same thing for any other assignments (i.e., those not externally managed) in Gradebook at that moment. From the Gradebook Help:

  1. Click Course Grade below the listed assignments. You will see a list of all the students in the Gradebook. For each student, the points earned, the letter
    grade, and a percentage will be displayed. The letter grade and percentage are based on the total points available for the entire course. A zero is assigned
    automatically to all assignments that have not yet been completed.

Anyway, that's my understanding. I'll let the Gradebook Founding Fathers [Oliver, you there?] chime in with all the wherefore's and therefore's and address Peter's interesting observations.
