Assignments Option for Automatically Accepting Resubmissions


A critical requirement for an assignement, when the focus is on 'process' more than a final 'product', is for the instructor to review a student's progress and give them feedback along the way. In an unstructured setting where there are no firm dates for submitting versions for review, or where students are encouraged to revise and submit often, with or without feedback, students need to be allowed to resubmit whenever they need to. In the current Assignment workflow, each student needs to contact the Instructor or TA and ask them to go to their current submission and return it whenever they want to update their work.

So, when creating an assignment, an instructor should be able to select an option that allows automatic resubmission for that assignment. Resubmissions would be allowed up until the Due Date; it might also be desirable to limit the student to x number of resubmissions (specific use case?). Students and Instructors should be able to view previous submissions too, not just the most recent one.

This option may also be useful (and perhaps the right default in general?) if an instructor does not care when an assignment is submitted, as long as it is submitted before the due date. This would allow students to re-submit on their own when they notice they've forgotten something or submitted the wrong assignement, without having to contact the instructor and wait for their assignment to be returned.



Test Plan

100% Done



Zhen Qian February 26, 2009 at 8:58 AM

I'll mark this ticket to be resolved based on the related jiras.

The current implementation doesn't make each resubmission as a separate submission object. Submission revision control is under consideration now.

  • Zhen

Brian Sawert November 19, 2008 at 1:14 PM

This item lists several use cases where the ability to resubmit assignments is needed.

The case where students should be allowed to upload multiple revisions of an assignment before the due date has already been addressed in a related issue, SAK-14746.

The new subtask, SAK-14931, addresses the feature needed by instructors to permit assignment resubmission for more than one student at a time, by tagging entries in a list of students.

Brian Sawert August 15, 2008 at 4:34 PM

I'm curious about the status of this issue, as we have customers who are also interested in this feature. Why was it pulled for 2.4, and has it been enabled for 2.5?

I see two levels of resubmission counts: one at the assignment level, set by the instructor when the assignment is created, and one at the submission level, set when the instructor grades or reviews the submission, and defaulting to the assignment level value.

I also see the need for the ability to manage the submission level value by groups instead of individual submissions.

So far, these sound like straightforward requirements, unless I'm missing some dependencies on the gradebook or other tools.

Teresa Collins November 12, 2007 at 5:35 PM

This is huge for UW.

We have encountered a few situations with 300+ students (and even with the same course).

Assignment goes bad for some reason (system / site).
Problems / situation requires a need to change / update the assessment to allow all to re-submit the assignment whether or not they had submitted it in the first run.

Currently, we have no choice other than to advise the instructor to:
a. create another assessment item and insist that all students submit here.
b. give all students full marks.
c. weight the next or another assessment heavier.
d. go into each and every single one of the 300+ submissions / resubmissions (mark it with a "0", return to student and allow for re-submissions.

Please tell me that we are not the only instance facing this situation again and again!
We need a solution and would be ecstatic to learn that it already existed and that we won't have to wait until next year to tell our instructors that they finally have what we thought they would have had by now (I am almost positive that it was slotted for but didn't make the cut for 2.4).


Filter Maintainer August 28, 2007 at 2:01 PM

Will this issue be addressed for 2.5?






Fix versions


Created September 20, 2005 at 11:13 AM
Updated March 27, 2012 at 6:59 AM
Resolved February 26, 2009 at 8:58 AM