Provide a setting on the Assignment to allow all students to resubmit (as opposed to having to visit each submission to allow resubmission)
Test Plan
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John Leasia April 4, 2008 at 8:37 AM
Yes, plans are to do this for 2.6 - we'll either reopen this or track it with 2077. Zhen is back next week and we'll figure it out...

Trisha Gordon April 4, 2008 at 7:31 AM
Will this jira be reopened? This feature is not fixed in 2.5.

Trisha Gordon March 3, 2008 at 9:45 AM
Hi John, This feature doesn't seem to have made it into 2.5 or the version of assignments we're using (2.4c) so we wanted to check to see if it might have been overlooked and could be re-added? Faculty here at UVa want to allow students to resubmit an assignment as often as they like until the due date with each submission overwriting the previous submission. We assume this fix works this way? Thanks!

Megan May May 17, 2007 at 1:44 PM
Given the roll back of Assignments to the 2.3.x version, updating any assignment 2.4 fix version to nightly so the release notes are accurate

Hannah Reeves March 27, 2007 at 2:23 PM
Looks good and seems to be working on QA3-US.
Using FF on Mac 10.4.9
"Ability to specify an Assignment allows resubmissions, at the Assignment level, as opposed to having to go to each submission to allow that submission to resubmit. Provides overrides at the individual submission level as to number of submissions and Accept Until date."
Please see the attached file for more details.