- Assignments and Rubrics: Use Rubrics in Peer Review AssignmentsS2U-34Resolved issue: S2U-34Valerio Cerni Conde
- Assignments: PASSAM integrationS2U-33Resolved issue: S2U-33Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Assignments: support for tagsS2U-32Resolved issue: S2U-32Markus Stetschnig (EDF)
- Assignments: Grades in the main view of assignments that have already been evaluatedS2U-31Resolved issue: S2U-31Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Assignments: When an assignment is created, assign it by default to the groups where the user is an instructorS2U-30Resolved issue: S2U-30Mateu Llas Rubio Assignments and Rubrics: Use Rubrics in Peer Review Assignments
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Automation for Jira September 30, 2024 at 7:56 AM
A pull request has been created, "SAK-49986 Assignments-Rubrics: Allow students to self-report their work checkbox alignment and spacing needed", you can see it at

Miguel Pellicer February 7, 2024 at 10:08 AM
Webcomponents are extremelly hard to maintain now, I’m worried that an ‘improvement’ just deletes some logic present, not the first time we see this but always a pleasure to help and fix problems.

Bernardo Garcia Vila February 7, 2024 at 9:57 AM
Yep, it seems the file sakai-rubrics-utils.js was deleted and added elsewhere in SAK-48323, but some changes got lost in the process:
Anyway, I’m going to submit a PR for fixing it but I can’t actually test it because webcomponents are broken because of the same jira.

Bernardo Garcia Vila February 7, 2024 at 8:45 AM
Hi! The case you mention is actually working on our s2u-22x branch, so it looks like it was actually broken either by or by the master contrib commit.
This is an example of a working call I just reproduced on our server:

Sam Ottenhoff February 6, 2024 at 5:03 PM
This appears to have broken a basic use case where a student views their rubric inside Gradebook (grade a student in Gradebook with a rubric and then try to view as Student).
Here is the link of JSON it tries to fetch:
Notice the undefined is likely coming from SakaiRubricStudent.js line 193
One of the existing features in the Assigments tool is the Peer Review, by which a student can review other people’s submissions. This development will add the option to use existing rubrics for these kind of evaluations. Additionally, it will also add the option for students to self review their own work using a rubric and group peer review.
Test Plan:
1. Add a new assignment and check "Use the following rubric to grade this assignment"
2. Select a rubric and check "Allow students to self-report their work"
3. Publish the assignment
4. Take the Assignment as a student
5. In the submission view you can see the rubric to self report
6. Click "save" or "submit" after completing the rubric, otherwise you can't click the buttons.
7. In the confirmation view you can see the selections
8. As instructor again, go to Assignments, Grade, the students Submission and then Grading Rubric tab.
9. Verify that you can see the student self-report rubric and grade the instructor one.
10. Release the grade and check the student can see both rubrics.
11. Repeat the previous steps with the other self review methods and verify students can only submit according to the chosen method.
Peer Review
1. As instructor set the peer review configuration for an assignment (Open Date, Due Date, etc).
2. Configure it for assessors to take 2 or more reviews.
3. Configure rubrics for grading the assignment.
4. Take several assignments as different students.
5. After the due date has passed, check students can review using rubrics.
6. After the period of peer review has passed, verify instructors can see these reviews both in the submission list and on the grading view (classic).
7. After releasing the grades, check students can see the rubrics from each assessor and the instructor one.
Group Peer Review
1. As instructor set the peer review configuration for an assignment (Open Date, Due Date, etc).
2. Select group submission.
3. Configure rubrics for grading the assignment (optional).
4. Take several assignments as different groups.
5. After the due date has passed, check students can review using rubrics.
6. After the period of peer review has passed, verify instructors can see these reviews both in the submission list and on the grading view (classic).
7. After releasing the grades, check students (both submitters and other members of the group) can see the rubrics from each assessor and the instructor one.
Original description:
La herramienta Assignments (Tareas en la versión en español) del LMS Sakai permite al docente crear tareas que el alumnado debe completar y entregar en unos plazos y con unas características determinadas. La herramienta Rubrics (Rúbricas) permite crear unas rúbricas de evaluación que permiten una valoración del trabajo de los estudiantes según unos criterios predefinidos objetivos y transparentes. Una de las funcionalidades existentes en la herramienta Tareas es el Peer Review (Evaluación por pares), mediante el cual la herramienta puede configurarse para que una tarea sea evaluada entre los propios alumnos. El desarrollo deberá añadir en Tareas a este tipo de evaluación por pares la funcionalidad de que el alumnado pueda utilizar las rúbricas disponibles para evaluar a sus compañeros.
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