Assignments: When an assignment is created, assign it by default to the groups where the user is an instructor
is depended on by

Andrea Schmidt April 20, 2024 at 12:51 PM
Thanks !

Bernardo Garcia Vila April 19, 2024 at 6:29 AMEdited
Hi Andrea, the property is:
# assignments.assign.to.instructor.groups=true

Andrea Schmidt April 18, 2024 at 10:53 PM
What properties need to be set on master to be able to test this?

Miguel Pellicer April 13, 2023 at 4:17 PM
QA has been updated with several bugfixes and you might want to retest the issues you reported, thanks for the good work guys

Juan David Massanet Puentes April 13, 2023 at 6:15 AM
Ok. I proceed with the modifications now and i will send them soon
The Assignments tool of Sakai let the teacher create new assignments that the student need to complete and send before the deadline. Now when a teacher create a new assignment, this assignment is associated by default with all the users of the site. The development will add a new configurable global property and when the teacher belongs to one or more groups inside this site, the assignment should be configurated to be available to this groups, but, in any case, being able to change that access control in the configuration window
Test plan:
Create or go to a site with at least 3 instructors and 6 students
Go to Site Info > Manage Groups and add 3 groups:
2 groups with the first instructor user
1 group with the second instructor user
After that we will log in with the 3 instructors
Go to the Assignment tool
Create a new Assignment
Confirm that the “Each individual member of the selected group(s)“ option is selected and confirm that in the group list the correct groups are selected. And if the instructor doesn't belong to any group the “Each individual member of the site“ is selected