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CKEditor: H4 through H6 heading levels no longer available in Format drop down menu


While using the section layout option in the Lessons tool of a Course Site on Sakai 22, when attempting to add text to a section, the drop down menu of the CK Editor no longer provides options for using H4, H5 or H6 heading levels.


It is not clear whether this change is due to something in the base code of Sakai that caused this regression to happen between the Sakai 21 and Sakai 22 releases, is a result of our decision to collapse part of the available menu options that are visible to Sakai users by default, or is due to our recent upgrades of the CK Editor tool itself. If it is due to the latter, is it possible to revert back to an earlier version of CK Editor that offers the more expansive heading structure options, or explore whether something can be changed in the settings to configure the 4.16 version so it displays the H1 through H6 options in the drop down menu like it did before??





Affects versions

23 Status

Please Merge

22 Status

Please Merge




Created November 11, 2022 at 8:23 PM
Updated May 11, 2023 at 7:48 PM



Adam Marshall May 11, 2023 at 7:48 PM

I think this is quite important as it impacts on the ability to write correct accessible pages.

John Ansorge November 14, 2022 at 7:37 PM

+1 to the suggestion in the test plan to consider changing the heading level of Lessons headings to H2 from H3. I’m not sure how that interacts with other default headings in Sakai, but it seems like it would help this. It makes sense to add the H4-H6 options in the CKeditor, too.

Shawn Foster November 14, 2022 at 5:35 PM

Since the options for H3 to H6 are missing from the CKEditors in other tools as well, I think this has less to do with Lessons and more to do with either the CKEditor version or our configuration of it in Sakai. The CKEditor 4 demo page ( only has the first three heading levels listed, so either that is the new default or Sakai had added more previously, which are no longer there.

Chris Knapp November 11, 2022 at 8:24 PM

Per email from Justi Echeles, Course Development Manager / Accessibility Specialist with the Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU) Teaching and Learning Center:


“According to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), Heading Levels – H1 (Heading 1), H2, etc. - should have a meaningful, logical hierarchy. In any document or web page, H1 is always the heading style of the title. Then, H2 and so on. In Sakai, we use H1 for the course title and then H2 for the subtitle or 2nd section on the Overview page. We do this because Sakai uses heading style H3 for Section Titles in the Lessons pages. This cannot be changed or edited by faculty or admins. This means that in order to keep a logical structure, we need to begin with H4 and then use H5 in the text of a section. (See screenshot.)


In the latest Sakai update, H4 and H5 heading styles are no longer available in the dropdown menu. Is there a reason that these options were removed? Is it possible to return H4 and H5? I’ve also often wondered if the Section Title could be an H2 heading style, so that we could then logically follow with H3 and H4 in the Lessons pages.”


Was able to verify that OHSU is currently using Sakai version 22.1.


During our interactive test session on 11/10, Shawn Foster and I looked into this issue. The H4, H5 and H6 options are still available in the drop down when accessing the Lessons tool section layout options  in Sakai 21, so this appears to have happened sometime after the release of Sakai 22. Moreover, it appears that this might possibly be related to some recent updates that were made to the CK Editor, as we recently upgraded our CK Editor version from 4.13 to 4.14, and then again from 4.14 to 4.16 so this regression might be due to some changes within the CK Editor tool itself.
