Profile – “Add Connection” confirmation message/modal needs to be improved for screen reader users


While using JAWS+Chrome to test the Profile feature on 22x and pressing enter to select/activate the “Add Connection” button to send a connection request to a user who came up in my search results, I found that the confirmation message modal that pops up wasn’t being read aloud by my JAWS screen reader. Apparently it was there all along, I just couldn’t get focus on it, or maybe the better way of saying it, is that the screen reader focus wasn’t being locked onto the modal so I had no idea that the confirmation message was there unless I accidently happened upon it.





Jesus Maria Mendez Perez February 4, 2025 at 10:23 AM

Add connection has been removed from Sakai 25

Chris Knapp June 15, 2022 at 4:04 PM

I was able to test this on trunk/master today using JAWS+Chrome and observed the same behaviors from when I had been testing on 22x.



Also, I noticed that after the page refreshes (upon selecting/activating the “Add as a Connection” link) the confirmation modal appears down below the footer, requiring screen reader users to navigate through all of the other content on the page before coming to this confirmation message.

Chris Knapp June 8, 2022 at 11:15 PM

I asked Shawn and Gonzalo to review the video I created to spot-check me, and Shawn sent me the following reply on 6/1:


“For this case, when you click the "Add as a connection", it opens a confirmation modal panel titled ‘Add Heraldo Hiroshama as a connection?’ However, JAWS doesn't seem to read this out to you when it appears. You found it a bit later by accident. You then have to click a ‘Add connection’ button to confirm the action.


This modal needs to be fixed, so please submit a Jira issue to EDF. Two possible solutions are to remove the confirmation altogether, since it seems like an undo-able action, and therefore, probably doesn't require a confirmation. However, maybe people are used to the confirmation now to prevent sending connection invites to the wrong person. So the second solution would be to make the modal window accessible by locking focus and being screen reader readable.”


During that day’s “WAM-A11Y” session, Shawn and Gonzalo reviewed a few of the issues that I had documented in my videos. Gonzalo’s colleague Brandon joined them and they looked at them with NVDA. They confirmed most of Shawn’s conclusions that he had already emailed to me, but Shawn had a few extra points to add to his comments from his previous response:


“Confirmed Chris's behaviour with the ‘Add as a connection’ action


Our recommendations:


--Capture focus in the dialog;

--Change aria-labelledby to aria-label; dialog close button needs description”




Affects versions




Created June 8, 2022 at 11:13 PM
Updated February 4, 2025 at 10:23 AM
Resolved February 4, 2025 at 10:23 AM