- samigo: Export/Import ignores minimum point valuesSAK-40464Core Team
- samigo: accessibility: Minimum point value is incompatible with Negative Marking, but not obvious to instructor authoringSAK-40460Mitchell Dunn
- samigo: Incorrect behavior of Multiple Choice, Partial Credit in Question authoring/editing screenSAK-37096Resolved issue: SAK-37096Brian J.
- samigo: With multiple single selection (MC & Survey) questions on a page, ".undefined" displays in answer choices.SAK-37081Resolved issue: SAK-37081
- Negative Point text box location is inconsistent, missing Enable Negative Marking/Partial Credit optionsSAK-36752Resolved issue: SAK-36752SAMIGO TEAM
- Samigo combine Negative Points, Minimum Points, Partial Credit in to a single UI componentSAK-34645Resolved issue: SAK-34645SAMIGO TEAM
- Samigo / Markup text - paragraph break after letter in MC can cause error that can be difficult to perceiveSAK-34526Resolved issue: SAK-34526SAMIGO TEAM
- Multiple choice question with Partial Credit and Random settings displays oddly to studentSAK-34451Mitchell Dunn
- Unable to leave default grading logic settings - Negative Marking is enabled automaticallySAK-34257Resolved issue: SAK-34257SAMIGO TEAM
- Import / MC All or nothing imports as "Correct minus Incorrect" (formerly "Right Less Wrong")SAK-34222SAMIGO TEAM
- samigo: pools: Copying question pool with MC Partial credit question - copy doesn't keep partial credit settingSAK-34175Core Team
- Multiple Choice Ques: Tab key unselects Correct Answer radio button in FirefoxSAK-34170SAMIGO TEAM
- samigo: Minimum point value fails for Multiple Choice, Partial Credit questionsSAK-34160Core Team
- Disabled negative point value still shown to students taking assessmentSAK-34158SAMIGO TEAM
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