samigo: Incorrect behavior of Multiple Choice, Partial Credit in Question authoring/editing screen
Issue: When you author or edit a Multiple Choice question with Partial Credit enabled, the correct answer's % Value field is NOT being disabled OR set to 100. However, if you save the question with any value OTHER than 100 in the correct answer's % Value field, the question saves ok and, as it should, forces the correct answer's % value to be 100.
If you attempt to Edit a Multiple Choice, Partial Credit question after it's been saved, and attempt to save changes, you get an incorrect error message under the correct answer's % Value field: Value needs to be a whole number between 0 and 99. The edited question will NOT save unless you change the correct answer's % Value to some INCORRECT value BEFORE saving.
NOTE: I'm not sure if this issue is at all related to the implementation of Minimum Point Value for questions...Attempting to add a Minimum Point Value for a Partial Credit question will save the question if you have the wrong % Value for the correct answer; HOWEVER, if you edit the question afterwards, you'll find that the Minimum Point Value has been erased (Sample screen cast of this: This silent failure described in SAM-3211.
In Sakai 10, the CORRECT behavior for Multiple Choice, Partial Credit questions was as follows:
Enable partial credit.
Choose a correct answer.
% Value field for correct answer prefills with 100 and grays out (becomes disabled so you can't type in it).
If you select a different correct answer, that answer's % Value field prefills with 100 and becomes disabled, and the previously selected correct answer's value becomes 0.
To reproduce issue:
Create a quiz and add a Multiple Choice question.
Enter an Answer Point Value.
Under Answer, leave the default Single Correct and select the radio button Enable Partial Credit.
Enter Question Text in the field.
Enter an answer option in each of the 4 text boxes for answers.
Select the Correct Answer radio button for one of the answers.
Issue: The % Value box for the correct answer continues to display 0. You can type a value in the box.
Because you know that the % Value for the Correct Answer should be 100, type it in the box.
In the % Value box for one of the incorrect answers, enter a value, e.g. 50.
Try to Save the question.
Issue: It won't save and you'll get the following error at the top of the screen:
. This error is false: the place where you entered 100% was NOT for an incorrect answer selection. Underneath the % Value box for the Correct Answer, you'll also see an incorrect error:
Now change the value in the % Value box for the Correct Answer back to 0 (or anything else between 0 and 99).
Save the question. Note that the question saves with no issue and the Questions screen displays the correct % values for both the correct answer and the one to which you assigned partial credit.
Select Edit to the right of the question.
Note that the Correct Answer's % Value is now correctly set to 100.
Make some other edit to the question (e.g. edit the text of one of the other answers).
Click Save.
Issue: It won't save and you'll get the following error at the top of the screen:
. This error is false: 100% was prefilled for the Correct Answer selection. Underneath the % Value box for the Correct Answer, you'll also see an incorrect error:
Now change the value in the % Value box for the Correct Answer back to 0 (or anything else between 0 and 99).
Save the question. Note that the question saves with no issue and the Questions screen displays the correct % values for both the correct answer and the one to which you assigned partial credit.
Issue: When you author or edit a Multiple Choice question with Partial Credit enabled, the correct answer's % Value field is NOT being disabled OR set to 100. However, if you save the question with any value OTHER than 100 in the correct answer's % Value field, the question saves ok and, as it should, forces the correct answer's % value to be 100.
If you attempt to Edit a Multiple Choice, Partial Credit question after it's been saved, and attempt to save changes, you get an incorrect error message under the correct answer's % Value field: Value needs to be a whole number between 0 and 99. The edited question will NOT save unless you change the correct answer's % Value to some INCORRECT value BEFORE saving.
NOTE: I'm not sure if this issue is at all related to the implementation of Minimum Point Value for questions...Attempting to add a Minimum Point Value for a Partial Credit question will save the question if you have the wrong % Value for the correct answer; HOWEVER, if you edit the question afterwards, you'll find that the Minimum Point Value has been erased (Sample screen cast of this: This silent failure described in SAM-3211.
In Sakai 10, the CORRECT behavior for Multiple Choice, Partial Credit questions was as follows:
Enable partial credit.
Choose a correct answer.
% Value field for correct answer prefills with 100 and grays out (becomes disabled so you can't type in it).
If you select a different correct answer, that answer's % Value field prefills with 100 and becomes disabled, and the previously selected correct answer's value becomes 0.
To reproduce issue:
Create a quiz and add a Multiple Choice question.
Enter an Answer Point Value.
Under Answer, leave the default Single Correct and select the radio button Enable Partial Credit.
Enter Question Text in the field.
Enter an answer option in each of the 4 text boxes for answers.
Select the Correct Answer radio button for one of the answers.
Issue: The % Value box for the correct answer continues to display 0. You can type a value in the box.
Because you know that the % Value for the Correct Answer should be 100, type it in the box.
In the % Value box for one of the incorrect answers, enter a value, e.g. 50.
Try to Save the question.
Issue: It won't save and you'll get the following error at the top of the screen:
This error is false: the place where you entered 100% was NOT for an incorrect answer selection.
Underneath the % Value box for the Correct Answer, you'll also see an incorrect error:
Now change the value in the % Value box for the Correct Answer back to 0 (or anything else between 0 and 99).
Save the question. Note that the question saves with no issue and the Questions screen displays the correct % values for both the correct answer and the one to which you assigned partial credit.
Select Edit to the right of the question.
Note that the Correct Answer's % Value is now correctly set to 100.
Make some other edit to the question (e.g. edit the text of one of the other answers).
Click Save.
Issue: It won't save and you'll get the following error at the top of the screen:
This error is false: 100% was prefilled for the Correct Answer selection.
Underneath the % Value box for the Correct Answer, you'll also see an incorrect error:
Now change the value in the % Value box for the Correct Answer back to 0 (or anything else between 0 and 99).
Save the question. Note that the question saves with no issue and the Questions screen displays the correct % values for both the correct answer and the one to which you assigned partial credit.