Add HTML document preview for PDF, ODT, ODP and DOCX documents
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Deepthi Srinivasan1 June 1, 2020 at 2:35 PM
Tried to verify this issue on Sakai server 20. Created an instructor log in (marist_inst) and created an assignment. Tried accessing view submissions under the assignment once the student has completed the assignment. Unable to view sakai grader under assignments. However, when trying to access assignments using sakai provided log in (user id -instructor) sakai grader is accessible. Please find attached the screen shots for the display while accessing using self created log ins and the display while accessing through sakai provided log ins (user id -Instructor).
Andrea Schmidt May 17, 2020 at 9:20 AM
Verified on 20x:, build: 6cab74af
Tested one each: PDF, ODT, ODP and DOCX. Did not see the issues described in SAK-43390, so that one will be difficult to verify.
Jesus Maria Mendez Perez March 6, 2020 at 4:36 AM
Preview is OK but when you change between students the preview is not refreshed.
I'm going to create a new jira. Thanks !
Add document preview for cetain document types, such as PDF and Word. We'd use this in tools like the Sakai Grader so enable in place preview of documents, rather than forcing a download to the user's machine.