Unable to access Sakai Grader in assignments tool using self created accounts
cloned from

Andrea Schmidt March 24, 2023 at 10:57 PM
I believe this can be closed. I also added comments to , which is now working as expected on 21 and 20

Adrian Fish March 24, 2023 at 10:49 AM
Can we close this then, do you think? As incorporated?

Andrea Schmidt June 25, 2020 at 7:44 PM
I'm going through Jiras to see if some of the problems still exist and I think this one is actually the problem described in SAK-43857.
I created 2 users (1 instructor, 1 student) by clicking Create Account on the gateway page.
The instructor created a site, added the student to the site and created an assignment.
The student logged in and submitted the assignment.
The instructor clicked on grade - the grader checkbox was checked
The instructor clicked on the student's name and the old grading UI displayed
Instructor returned to list, unchecked and then checked the grader
Instructor clicked on student's name and now the grader displays
It seems as if the grader wasn't checked even though the checkmark displayed. It was after unchecking/rechecking that the grader displayed, so something is off with the checkbox.
I also tested this on 21x and it's working without a problem there.
Site on 20.0 with self-created users: https://qa2-us.nightly.sakaiproject.org/portal/site/045076a0-74ac-49ef-bb8e-0a6fc5c2d368/
Unable to access Sakai grader in assignments using self created log ins.