Allow different delivery settings for specific sections, groups, and individuals
Neal Caidin June 3, 2016 at 9:49 AMEdited
I can't get auto submit working on the Marist server nor the Mysql nightly 11. x server. I used the most basic case of an assessment without an exception delivery setting and using an Accept until (aka Retract) date. I manually kicked off the Auto submit job (as admin) just to be sure. The property seems to be set correctly on both servers (but maybe that is the first place to look , in case the wording is slightly off?).
here is what is used - samigo.autoSubmit.enabled
Neal Caidin June 2, 2016 at 9:04 PM
Can we confirm that auto submit is working on the Marist server? I took a test as a student, saved my answer, logged off. I assume that after the due date / time that the submission will get auto submitted and be scorable? But I don't see that. If auto submit isn't working , that would invalidate the testing.

Holly Glenzer June 2, 2016 at 4:11 PMEdited
On 6/2/16 I tested this jira with these test settings (see additional info to description from Neal below):
Student06 was NOT forced to auto submit the exam and the exception worked.
at 4:30pm, Sakai dialogue box read:
"You have until Thursday, 2016-Jun-02 04:55 PM to submit this assessment.
Press 'Esc' or click 'X' to return to your assessment."
at 4:55pm, Sakai dialog box to student06 read:*
To receive credit for this attempt, the assessment must be submitted now.
Do NOT Submit
If you select Do NOT Submit, your assessment will not be available to submit later.
From: Neal Caidin <>
Date: Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: [sakai-qa-planners] Fwd: [sakai-qa] Sakai 11 QA logistics update
"...test that the Exception Delivery feature () is compatible with the Auto Submit feature. The hypothesis is that Auto Submit will not respect the settings of the Exception delivery. To QA, create a Test and grant a delivery exception to a student for a time later than the class. Take the test so that the class time period ends, but the student should have additional time per the exception. Test on the Marist QA server, on which auto submit is running every 10 minutes. Make sure the student has more than 10 minutes left on the exam. If auto submit forces the student submission before the student is able to complete the assessment please open a Jira!"
Neal Caidin May 31, 2016 at 12:51 PM
nevermind. Apparently all the commits were before the 11 branch was cut.
Neal Caidin May 31, 2016 at 12:45 PM
I just noticed that the 11 status flag has not been set for this Jira. Should it be set to Resolved?
There are a number if situations in which the instructor wants to give the same assessment to different groups or individuals, but with different settings. For example:
instructor is required to allow more time for students with disabilities who qualify for special accommodations
instructor wants to set different available and due dates for different groups or sections
instructor gives a makeup test for students who missed the in-class quiz
The attached design was prepared at IU to address this need. Pages 25 and 26 are about a related need that should probably be considered in a separate JIra, the ability to link more than one assessment to the same GB item.