Ability to flag question as Extra Credit


It would be nice if there was a way to flag a particular question as extra credit, so that's it's total points would not affect the overall points possible, and if the student got it right, they'd get the points, but if they got it wrong it would not affect their grade.

Also, if the student got 100% on all the other questions, there'd have to be a check to make sure that the extra credit is not applied because it's not necessary.

(Although it would be interesting to hear use cases here. If the test is worth 20 points, with 2 extra credit points, and the student gets all the questions right, should they just get 20 points added to their overall course grade, or should they get 22, even though the test is only worth 20? Does the extra credit only apply to the test, or does it apply to the course grade as a whole?)





Tiffany Stull April 10, 2020 at 2:23 PM

improving the markup text feature's functionality would definitely be a separate JIRA. There's a lot you can't do with markup text that you can with the assessment builder. Markup text only allows you to create a handful of question types, and most questions need to be edited after creation if you want any specialty settings or advanced scoring options, e.g., none of the following can be set up using markup text: min point value for questions that can use it, partial credit for multiple choice, fill in the blank questions with multiple blanks, multiple answer possibilities for a single blank, wildcards, or case sensitivity.

I think markup text might also be a standard used by other systems for import; if so, that might be why it has relatively significant limitations.

John Buckingham April 10, 2020 at 2:12 PM

Hi All,

This seems like this will be a great new feature! I just wanted to ask: Could this new feature also coincide with markup text builder? As in, if someone created questions using markup text and supplied a reference like:

  • #extracredit

on a question, could the system process the question as an extra credit question? Thoughts? Should this request be a new JIRA?

Christina Schwiebert November 7, 2019 at 9:43 AM

Tested on https://trunk-mysql.nightly.sakaiproject.org/ build 98da7fad. Points for extra credit questions are added as expected. Students can score above the maximum point value for the test (20 out of 20 points + 5 points EC = 25 points, 125%).

Brian J. August 2, 2019 at 10:31 AM

This causes another regression:

Shawn Foster July 30, 2019 at 1:45 PM

This might explain or be related to or be the cause of SAK-42221.




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Fix versions





Created February 1, 2011 at 10:40 AM
Updated May 20, 2020 at 3:23 PM
Resolved July 23, 2019 at 10:30 AM