Performance issue with group member items in gradebook (SAK-19668)
is related to

Steve Swinsburg September 10, 2013 at 6:25 AM
This has caused a regression, specifically SAK-23908. Code was moved and no longer works.

Beth Kirschner May 14, 2013 at 7:18 AM
See for Mneme changes needed

Noah Botimer May 13, 2013 at 2:45 PM
Michigan has done some work to integrate this change into production with Mneme. You could check with Zhen, who probably knows the most about that work.
Could you give more detail on how this change breaks the calculation? The calculations were wrong beforehand in that there were inaccessible activities (not published to any groups for the user) being averaged in as zeroes. I am not clear on whether you mean that it is a bug that Mneme does not account for grouped grading or that having items from Mneme disrupts the otherwise correct calculation in the gradebook (or that the calculation is wrong in some other way).

Christopher Gross May 13, 2013 at 2:26 PM
This fix breaks the Course Grade calculation for any courses with grades from Mneme because Mneme does not yet implement the external assessment service. This just happens for the views that use the calculation from GradebookCalculationImpl, which appears to just be the instructor view - csv exports and the student view are not affected.

Hudson CI Server January 19, 2013 at 11:09 AM
Integrated in assignment 2.9.x #77 (See
Merge for 2.9.1: - Improve gradebook performance for external items
Merged from assignment/trunk: r117608, r118472 (Revision 118512)
Result = SUCCESS
SAK-19668 has introduced a performance issue when a GB is linked to multiple T&Q's. Performance should be checked for all linked GB items: T&Q, Assignments, etc
This has caused a significant performance issue when loading a gradebook that has multiple T&Q's linked.
In our case, this method accounts for 84% of 15 second load when hitting this method stack:
org.sakaiproject.component.gradebook.GradebookExternalAssessmentServiceImpl.isExternalAssignmentGrouped(String, String)
The course only has 15 T&Q in the GB and 7 assignments linked and 12 normal GB items but takes 15 seconds to load.