Test Center need to implement ExternalAssignmentProvider interface
is related to

Beth Kirschner March 22, 2013 at 3:58 PM

Zhen Qian March 15, 2013 at 3:16 PM
The implementation was simple since Test Center is not group-aware.

Noah Botimer March 4, 2013 at 10:24 AM
It's easy to walk the links, but I'll mention explicitly. It is the original feature change (proper grading of grouped activities – note that this is different than the group submissions in SAK-22282, which leaves some confusing name trails in the code).
See also for the introduction of the provider, and for improvements that required more extensive implementation in the tools to help performance.

Beth Kirschner March 4, 2013 at 7:59 AM
On Mar 1, 2013, at 10:55 PM, Glenn R. Golden <ggolden@etudes.org> wrote:
Look at the file in mneme's impl called GradesServiceGradebook23Impl.java. This has Mneme's gradebook integration. It does all the work by calls to the org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.GradebookService.

Zhen Qian March 1, 2013 at 2:56 PM
After reviewing the code for SAK-22978, we are confident that the fix should address our production issue when we roll out 2.9.1.
However, there is one thing missing from the patch though - Test Center. Test center currently do not have provider that implements ExternalAssignmentProvider interface, hence after the r117606 fix in CTools, students will not get back proper Test Center items. Need to ask mneme team to provide a patch for this.


SAK-19668 has introduced a performance issue when a GB is linked to multiple T&Q's. Performance should be checked for all linked GB items: T&Q, Assignments, etc
SAK-22978 reported this degradation with T&Q, Assignment integration, but not for Test Center. We do observe the slowness of the latter in CTools deployment.
A course has 12 integrated Test Center entries and 11 other internal Gradebook items takes > 60 secs to load.