Import doesn't handle grade items that have the same name


This is a categories GB issue. Given two Categories called Category 1, and Category 2 with an item of the same name called Assignment 1, if you import, it will always import and overwrite to the last category that has the item name. So if I import Assignment 1 intending Category 1 to get the update, it will not work. In fact it will import/overwrite to Category 2 -> Assignment 1.





Thomas Amsler May 9, 2012 at 11:08 AM



  • Points based GB

  • Weighted Categories (HW, LAB)

  • Created two Lab 2 items in import file

  • Import process detected issue and showed the following message:

"There are duplicated items in the file. If there are categories, there can be only one item per category with the same name. Names are case-insensitive. The following item has a duplicate, but there may be more items. Please inspect the file and remove all duplication, then try again: Category 'LAB' - Item 'LAB 2'"

Jon Gorrono April 30, 2012 at 2:11 PM

added a check for already matched cat/item pairs and send user notification of duplicate.

This will be in B6

Joyce Johnstone April 24, 2012 at 2:00 PM

Per 4/24/12 T&S Meeting: Implement suggestion 1. Halt import of full grade books if duplicate items are found in a category and describe the problem; "Duplicated item names, all item names must be unique. Please change item name(s) and import again. Also show the affected category and duplicate item in a dialogue box.

Jon Gorrono April 24, 2012 at 12:09 AM

We used to have a 'force overwrite' function that would ask the user if they wanted to overwrite the existing items.... this somehow disappeared...(I think the 401 errors we saw and changed the to be more user friendly were due to this error (401 was the chosen code to trigger the dialog)..... the code is all still there, for the most part... but it is just not used now. So we could re-enable that code. I estimate it would take 1/2 day to do it.

Peter Peterson April 23, 2012 at 3:02 PM

Proposed correction:

USE CASE (Worst):
1 - Instructor creates several items and grades assignments (assignment-1, assignment-2, assignment-3), in gradebook.
2 - Then adds a new assignment item to the gradebook spreadsheet, accidentally names it the same as an existing item (assignment-1)
3 - Adds grades to the new assignment-1
4 - Upload spreadsheet to the Gradebook
5 - New assignment-1 scores overwrite the existing old assignment-1 scores
6 - There is no error or warning, but the wrong scores are now in item assignment-1

1 (preferred solution) - Halt import of full grade books if duplicate items are found in a category and describe the problem; "Duplicated item names, all item names must be unique. Please change item name(s) and import again.
2 (secondary solution) - Warning message, "Warning, you are importing a grade book with duplicated items names. The last duplicated item will be the only item imported."





QA Status




Created November 6, 2009 at 6:30 PM
Updated May 9, 2012 at 11:10 AM
Resolved April 30, 2012 at 2:11 PM