gradebook import of csv and xls fails


SmartSite@UCDavis - 2.7.2.a3 - Sakai 2.7.1 - Server "ucdtest1"
gradebook2 GB2 v1.5.0-b1 on

site CHE 11CHE 118C A12-A13 sq11, no categories/points
1 - exported-grades only both csv and xls
2 - changed old grades and added new
3 - attempted to import back to site
4 - in each case import failed with the message "multiple items with the name in the same tree branch"

no items have the same name, if that's what the message really means? it's unclear........



Thomas Amsler May 26, 2011 at 2:05 PM

This has been taken out along with

Thomas Amsler May 24, 2011 at 12:29 PM

Do we need to test this once has been taken out?

Nancy Wilkison May 17, 2011 at 8:30 PM

MORE strangeness on a weighted category site.
CHE 118C A14-A15
1 - exported spreadsheet
2 - added new item by inserting column to the right of section info
3 - added item "new item [10]" and graded some students
4 - imported
5 - new item came in as Unassigned, which is ok
I have several items with odd or foreign characters in their names in one category
the import screwed up the foreign characters and changed them to ???s even though the characters are correct in the spreadsheet
it brought some of the items in as NEW items in the Unassigned category.

I will leave things they way they imported in case you want to look.
I also have the spreadsheets.

Nancy Wilkison May 16, 2011 at 12:32 PM

SmartSite@UCDavis - 2.7.2.a5 - Sakai 2.7.1 - Server "ucdtest1"
gradebook2 GB2 v1.5.0-b3 on

re-test as/Joyce still fails...

site CHE 118C A12-A13 sq11 no categories
1 – exported xls gb changed grades for 1st 5 students item 1 (added .9 to grade), added grades for next students 6-11 (also ending in .9)
2 – imported back to site. it caught my mistake of too high a grade.
grades imported – pass now
3 – check import structure to no cat points nw su11 which also previously failed
4 – exported xls and imported to no cat points nw su11 which has 6 of the same students. got user not found popup as expected. grades came in ok EXCEPT that one that was excused on the original site is not on the new one. is this expected?

now the problems start...
5 – add new items and import – added new item "new item 5-16 [25]" and grades to current spreadsheet for 1st 5 students. imported. failed got error message “there is already an item named …” , closed the window and hit continue. it even thought there was already an item named what I called the NEW item - failed
6 – deleted all items and added another new one, "second try for new [10]" w/scores for 1st 5 students and the item in 5 came in with no scores!!!. - failed
7 – repeat 6 with another item "third try for new [50]" w/scores for 1st 5 students. correct item shows in preview screen BUT it’s the item in 6 that comes in, with correct scores. - failed

quit now as obviously it’s still failing.
only instead of failing completely it's failing very strangely!

Jon Gorrono May 12, 2011 at 3:16 PM

see ()

Won't Fix




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Created May 11, 2011 at 11:45 AM
Updated May 26, 2011 at 2:05 PM
Resolved May 26, 2011 at 2:05 PM