Incorporate Snippet

Use Cases for Incorporating Snippets from one tool into another (by reference or by value)

Use Case: Developing my Logic I Mid-Term, Spring 2008-- I want to include past items already taught.

This argument was contributed by a classmate (Jennifer L.) to Discussion 6. Give its type, and identify the elements, assuming that the first statement applies to most Americans (but not every single one).

American are exposed to over 3,000 advertisements a day in the U.S.
Adam is an American.
Adam sees over 3,000 ads a day.

For the question above, I'm extracting into Exam from Discussion. (Distance ed)

Recall this argument, from Homework 5.  Give its type, and identify the elements, assuming that the first statement is meant to be universally quantified.

All nurses have the hepatitis vaccination.
Some nurses are volunteers.
Some volunteers have the hepatitis vaccination.

For the question above, I'm extracting into Exam from Homework. (Distance ed)

Use Case: Developing a Logic I homework assignment, Spring 2008-- I want to include items already considered in another learning context.

Here's an example argument submitted by a classmate (Lauren K.) in the Discussion of Week 1. It relies on the background knowledge that Oprah Winfrey endorsed Barack Obama for President.

"Obama is the front runner for the Democrats right now. There must be a lot of Oprah fans."

Write a statistical syllogism based on this passage, and state what plays the role of the individual x. (It's not a person.)

There are several ways to extract an argument; use these definitions for guidance.
Reference Class F: Recommendations that Oprah makes
Attribute Class G: Actions taken by her many fans

For the problem above, I'm extracting into Homework from Discussion. (Distance ed)

Pedagogy/Motivation for Incorporating Snippets

Allow reference to context, and review of preliminary discussion or earlier attempts, for improved answer. Use variation of a solved problem to emphasize another aspect. Reinforce desirability of paying attention throughout the development of the course. For distance education, fosters continuous involvement.

Ideally, this facility would replicated the text and also provide a link back to the original snippet in context.