
Update (2/9/09): Work below on Vignettes is going to be taken up after work on more central screens is done. Here is the interest so far.

Courses & Sites: Judy/Daphne
Preferences: Judy/Daphne
General Search: Judy/Daphne?
People: Keli
Profile: Keli
Connections: Keli
Inbox/Message Ashish

(1/28), This morning after putting the Discussion vignette through it's paces, we started talking about doing similar treatments for Files, Assignments, Blogs, (and a fourth? was that forums/discussion) which are the priorities for Georgia Tech and Cambridge. Various designers will start breaking out in teams to tackle these remaining tools. Some of the screens and workflows will be similar to the work done for discussion, others not.

Click on links to go to the exploratory space for each--just a place where we can start organizing ourselves. The names after each indicate current understanding of designer interest, please edit if you wish.

Forums: Nathan
Files: Keli, Daphne, Judy, Ashish (question)
Assignment: Daphne/Judy (question)
Blogs: Ashish (question) , Nathan