Input from Vancouver Sakai conference

Here is a list of the questions/comments during the Sakaibrary presentation at the Sakai conference in Vancouver:

  • e-reserves integration is really important
  • investigate CiteULike. "CiteULike is a free service to help academics to share, store, and organise the academic papers they are reading. When you see a paper on the web that interests you, you can click one button and have it added to your personal library. CiteULike automatically extracts the citation details, so there's no need to type them in yourself. It all works from within your web browser."
  • think about other media types--not just articles/text.
  • are we using integrated federated search? or some other federated search?
  • how do users sift through lots of results? Using an example of just three results is unrealistic.
  • investigate dbWiz. "dbWiz is an exciting cross database search tool that allows users to select an appropriate starting point when doing research. dbWiz gives users of library resources a quick and effective means of choosing the right research resource. dbWiz gives librarians the ability to create a customized search profile. A search profile consisting of any number of databases can then be searched at a single point of access.
  • should be able to spit out a bibliography
  • investigate using tagging/social networking
  • should be able to find out where else, within my course site, a citation is used
  • people should have access to subject guides outside Sakai as well

Questions/comments during "librarian role" session

  • librarians also do instruction, and will need instructor roles for those cases
  • MIT is building a Sakai tool for images, Stellar Images. "The Stellar Images tool will allow faculty and students to collect images, organize and annotate, and then present them. The project was spurred by efforts at MIT, and across the world, to create image repositories for use in education. With so much media becoming available, we saw the potential for a tool in Stellar that will take advantage of them. This tool is not an image repository, but a tool that can access multiple image repositories and use those images as a teaching tool."
  • What about courses that don't use Sakai? How do they get library services?
  • There's an opportunity to connect what we're doing to institutional repository work.
  • Should standardize our work product as RSS.