Import RIS Testing Table

QA Testing of Import RIS - 2.5 Release

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Status Key

Following is a table of Status Icons in order of decreasing priority.

Status Icon

Markup Notation




status unknown, discussion/update needed



not functioning properly and needs attention



a programmer has worked on this issue and it needs to be re-tested

(thumbs up)


test completed and functioning properly






Test ID

Test Description


IU Status

UM Status

1. Import RIS

1.1 Verify that you can reach the "Import Citations" page


From the Resources page, "Add" a new item and select "Add Citation List" from the menu. The page should refresh to show the "Add Citations" page.







Click the "Import Citations" button. The page should refresh to show the "Import Citations" page.












1.2 Verify that you can upload an RIS formated file


Click on the "Browse..." button. Select an RIS formatted file. You should see the file path listed in the "Import File From:" text field.












1.3 Verify that the "Importing..." alert appears when importing


Click on the "Import" button. The word "Importing..." should be appear with a rotating circle.












1.4 Verify that you can import an RIS formatted file


After clicking the "Import" button the page should refresh to show the "Revise Citation List" page listing your citations.












1.5 Verify that you can save an imported Citation List from an RIS formatted file


Click on the "Finish" button on the "Revise Citation List" page. The page should refresh to show the "Add Citation List" page.







Name your Citation List. Click the the "Finish" button. The page should refresh to the "Resoucres" page and your new Citation List should appear.







From the "Resources" page open the read-only view of the Citation List and verify that the citations were properly imported.












1.6 Verify that you can cancel during an import


From the "Import Citations" page, upload an RIS formatted file, click the "Import" button. The word "Importing..." should be appear with a rotating circle. Before the file is imported, click the "Cancel Citation List" button. The page should refresh to the "Resourcs" page and no new Citation List should appear.












1.7 Verify that you can import from RIS formatted data from the text


From the "Import Citations" page, copy and paste RIS formatted data into the text field, click the "Import" button. The word "Importing..." should be appear with a rotating circle. The page should then refresh to show the "Revise Citation List" page listing your citations.












1.8 Verify that you can save an imported Citation List from RIS formatted text


Click on the "Finish" button on the "Revise Citation List" page. The page should refresh to show the "Add Citation List" page. Name your Citation List. Click the the "Finish" button. The page should refresh to the "Resoucres" page and your new Citation List should appear.







From the "Resources" page open the read-only view of the Citation List and verify that the citations were properly imported.












1.9 Verify that you get an SFX Menu when clicking on an imported citation title


From the "Resources" page open the read-only view of the Citation List. Click on the title of a citaion. This should cause another window to open with an SFX Menu in it. Verify that the metadata SFX is displaying (Journal Title, Volume, Issue, etc.) matches that of the citation you clicked. The SFX Menu may not display all the metadata that we know about, but it should not miss metadata that we do have (i.e. we have a Volume number, but SFX is showing a null Volume number).