Edit Published Assessment

Edit Published Assessment Requirements

One of the original design decisions for SAMigo/Tests & Quizzes was for assessments that are published (made available to students) to be "locked" or non-editable so that grading irregularities could not be introduced by changing an assessment midstream.

This decision has served high-stakes testing well, but many other assessment types (e.g. problem sets, quizzes, surveys) are in need of the ability to edit a published assessment. The goal here is to boil down usage scenarios and other feature requests to a set of requirements for near-term implementation.


  • Allow published assessments to be removed (done 2.5)
  • Allow published assessment content to be edited
    • Including these components: Question text, Answer Selection(s) (e.g. A, B, C), Correct Response, Question-Level Feedback, Selection-Level Feedback, Question Score (done 2.6)
    • Questions can be removed, but added only if no students have yet taken the test
    • Parts can be removed, but added only if no students have yet taken the test
  • Allow published assessment settings to be edited
    • All settings except: "Assessment Released To:" (due to time constraint, a few other settings besides "Assessment Released To" are not editable for 2.6. Please refer to Edit Published Assessment Design Spec for details)
  • Include measures to maintain student score integrity (done 2.6)
    • If students have taken the assessment, warn them.
    • If an assessment is edited after one or more students have already taken the assessment, register a warning to the instructor about potential irregularities.
    • If the Correct Response or Question Score of an auto-graded type question has been changed, re-score all previously submitted assessments against the new value(s) (done 2.6)
  • Allow two levels of edit published assessment capabilities to be configured (won't do unless community outcry, will plan to do level two for now)
    • Level one: only "Delivery Dates", "Feedback Delivery", "Feedback Components" and "Gradebook Options" in settings are editable
    • Level two: all things defined by this new set of requirements are editable (items not yet addressed are colored gray)
    • Configurable via sakai.propoperties (done 2.6)
  • Make changes to Assessments landing page to accommodate edit published assessment capabilities and increase usability
    • Change "Core" assessments section to "Pending" (done 2.6)
    • "Pending" assessments move to "Published" assessments section rather than being copied

Sources of requirements

  • "SAMigo usage scenarios requested... edit published assessment" email thread, June 20-21, 2007
  • Sakai feature requests linked to SAK-10074
  • Some usability improvements based on usage reports of main Assessments page (ref?)


Edit Published Assessment Design Spec