2.1.2 Release notes

There are 141 bugs and feature requests included in 2.1.2.

Fixed Issues
SAK-3893 Improve performance in qscores
SAK-2037 Need to split "immediate feedback" into "feedback while taking test" and "feedback after test is graded."
SAK-3593 Improve performance on Total Scores page
SAK-3840 Hardcoded strings in Samigo's Authoring code need to be moved to resource bundle
SAK-3511 combine bgimage and bgcolor into 1 back ground image or color
SAK-4086 localization - put strings into Resource bundle
SAK-4134 samigo / clicking 'update' on Total Scores page changes the SUBMITTEDDATE on an assessment
SAK-4212 can't update total scores on nightly instances
SAK-4221 Inability to navigate to different questions when grading in question view
SAK-2841 Publishing confused by different time zones
SAK-3027 Assessments end 0-30 seconds prematurely at the question screen level
SAK-3594 Submission Status screen throws exception
SAK-3757 SAMIGO / Viewing scores in large classes
SAK-3813 On a timed assessment, clicking on the time bar terminates session and assessment!!!
SAK-3817 Short Answer "Click to see student response" shows only abbreviated answer
SAK-3891 Slowness/exceptions in delivery
SAK-3905 Long delay between clicking begin and presentation of test
SAK-3955 old answer data persists after save and exit
SAK-4009 Feedback settings break assessment review
SAK-4013 User should be notified if scores were not sent to gradebook successfully.
SAK-4022 Feedback settings break assessment preview
SAK-4031 Question Scores page does not show rationale of student answers
SAK-4138 New users can't view qpools screen
SAK-1346 Delivery - File upload questions can break delivery
SAK-1658 FIB questions don't handle multiple answers well
SAK-1807 Graphics settings in assessments no longer work
SAK-1857 selection-level feedback doesn't display in delivery
SAK-2786 Exiting preview throws non-fatal exception
SAK-2798 Incorrect Grading in Match the following question
SAK-2851 model short answer doesn't display in preview, delivery
SAK-2863 samigo scores screen / total points available not truncating
SAK-2938 for short answer there is alway click here link for answer even if it is empty answer, and that create script error
SAK-2995 When editing multiple choice/multiple answer, deleting answer clears checkmarks for other answers
SAK-3058 Autosubmit popup and forced exit periodically not working
SAK-3096 When you save a question into a question pool that already has a copy, an exception is thrown
SAK-3113 IP address security setting no longer validates
SAK-3133 Matching statistics only show number of correct responses, not total responses
SAK-3149 Samigo file upload doesn't clean up it's upload directory
SAK-3171 new template should start with default settings
SAK-3199 Tracking Bug for January Maintenance update
SAK-3425 Question subpools sort regardless of depth
SAK-3439 Problem removing uploaded files in delivery
SAK-3506 Cannot add survey questions in certain circumstances.
SAK-3513 SAMigo does not compile on Windows XP
SAK-3556 need to catch GB exception so it won't be fatal for samigo
SAK-3563 Too much clicking in delivery throws an exception
SAK-3573 Feedback components always editable
SAK-3578 Timed assessments are always autosubmitted
SAK-3579 sorting links on total scores page don't work
SAK-3609 null pointer when craeting matching question
SAK-3614 file upload questions pause assessment timer
SAK-3624 Encountered Failed to lazily initialize a collection error in questionScores page
SAK-3625 remove confirm page for file upload questions can break timed delivery
SAK-3626 5-minute warning popup can break timed delivery
SAK-3669 Selection-level feedback not available in for mc questions in authoring
SAK-3675 Change scores displayed in Samigo to 2 decimal places.
SAK-3695 Show "late" submissions in red
SAK-3702 calMode in histogram
SAK-3709 Can't adjust question scores
SAK-3720 feedback at a specific date option is accepted with no date entry
SAK-3734 Grade column on assessment summary page (student view)
SAK-3773 Random draw shouldn't allow you to draw 0 questions from pool
SAK-3774 Can't change a part type
SAK-3776 Updating student scores throws exception
SAK-3815 Locked table causes problems with publishing assessment, Gradebook
SAK-3842 Feedback shows up automatically in preview
SAK-3854 IM316757: NEED SAK T&S / import incorrect security setting
SAK-3862 SAMIGO / Question pool-Authoring
SAK-3863 IM320784: none submission displays after clicking on "Score" link
SAK-3875 double line in TOC
SAK-3879 duplicate assessment, gradebook titles in oracle
SAK-3928 feedback for file upload questions gets lost on export
SAK-3938 Intermittent null pointer exceptions
SAK-3939 Changes to feedback settings should be reflected in authoring
SAK-3940 Should feedback settings in authoring be reflected in question view?
SAK-3979 SAMIGO / test auto submitting even though auto submit checkbox not checked
SAK-4000 "Name" sorting link on submission status screen sorts by userid instead
SAK-4001 can't import assessments to qa1-us server
SAK-4003 problem viewing by section in Total Scores
SAK-4019 AudioRecorder Applet cannot be found
SAK-4021 Submission Status screen should have one entry for each student
SAK-4025 Question Scores page says "N/A" instead of assessment title
SAK-4035 Optimize the query for loading publishedAssessment
SAK-4052 QuestionScores page, I can still see N/A entries for mcmc.
SAK-4053 Samigo / Time Assessment not working in FF
SAK-4055 'Update' button on Student Score page does not save changes.
SAK-4058 student's question scores, assessment scores missing in review
SAK-4059 on TotalScore page (for non-anonymous grading) if a section doesn't have any submitted records, it doens't show not-submitted records either.
SAK-4062 Samigo / Error importing exported assessment
SAK-4090 FIB wildcard should stand for 1 or more characters
SAK-4121 apostrophe is user's name prohibits instructor from opening/grading assessment
SAK-4124 Samigo: click Scores > Submisison Status > QuestiionScore throws nullptr
SAK-4127 green checkmarks not appearing for FIB questions
SAK-4129 Samigo: published assessment disappear
SAK-4136 simultaneous delivery problems?
SAK-4139 Samigo: TotalScore page won't show all submisison when selected
SAK-4185 student score feedback doesn't show correctly
SAK-4210 can't move copy question into subpool
SAK-4217 file upload button shows ???s
SAK-4218 can copy a zero question pool into an assessment & then get stuck
SAK-4220 Import assessment broken on some .008 instances
SAK-4235 Question Scores page does not toggle between All submission and Highest/last submissons
SAK-4251 Timer in delivery shows ???s
SAK-4252 Exception when showfeedback & previous button are clicked to close together
SAK-4262 Add part sometimes shows the assessement title of a previous assessment you edited.
SAK-4268 Short answer student response popup doesn't show line breaks
SAK-2177 Sorting links for templates don't work
SAK-2276 Fractional scores should round in delivery
SAK-2314 New template name set to "New Template" by default
SAK-2936 Settings view creating horizontal scrollbar
SAK-2941 question type heading style is off for question score view
SAK-2949 Export: Short Answer Essay Feedback Missing
SAK-3015 In the Settings menu for published assessments, not all headings are visible
SAK-3017 Incorrect Question display when questions are of Multiple choice
SAK-3020 Student names not sorted alphabetically in Tests & Quizzes::Scores::Questions
SAK-3025 Checkmark in Auto-Submit being unset when a test is published
SAK-3045 choose 'by mistake' 2a questions to be added from question pool results in blank screen.
SAK-3082 Saving a matching question without explicitly saving matching pairs results in a finalized matching question containing no pairs.
SAK-3422 Edit pool frame height is not set.
SAK-3562 Histogram bars do not match Grading mockup
SAK-3574 "Feedback Authoring" setting problems
SAK-3586 Not properly handling 12:XX conversion to 12:XX PM
SAK-3802 Missing descriptions for T&Q realm permissions
SAK-3830 T&Q displayed date formats are not localizable
SAK-3857 statistics screen should display all modes
SAK-4024 need multiple submissions message on total scores screen
SAK-4026 Question Scores page should say "Part" instead of "section"
SAK-4056 Timed Assessment reloads unexpanded after enabling/disabling the setting
SAK-4074 errors in FIB question instructions
SAK-4117 Gradebook breaks when zero-point assessments are imported from Tests & Quizzes
SAK-4179 scores not truncated in review, grading
SAK-4200 wrong text in template settings
SAK-4211 can't remove the title of a part
SAK-4232 adding survey question to assessment causes jsf '???' errors
SAK-2948 Extraneous text is automatically inserted when new assessment is created.
SAK-3560 Text in pulldown menu for assessment creation doesn't match mockup
SAK-3561 Quit confirm for anonymous delivery has wrong titlebar
SAK-3663 Add line break to auto-submit setting
SAK-3818 Some text symbols still interpreted as html in preview, delivery
SAK-3819 pluralization errors on question scores screens
SAK-3844 Feedback settings text needs to match spec

Known Issues
SAK-1872 Import/export assessment losing data
SAK-2923 Template "release to" settings do not match mockup or assessment settings
SAK-3059 Checking MO
SAK-3060 strange duplicate assessment creation
SAK-3087 taking multiple timed assessments, timelimit functionality fails after first
SAK-3115 Unpaired HTML or pseudo-HTML in questions causes import/export problems
SAK-3116 Processing of HTML and pseudo-HTML tags in WYSIWYG is inconsistent, causes errors
SAK-3153 Check security of Samigo file uploads
SAK-3437 mysterious "anonymous" user on total scores page in mysql
SAK-3775 Need reverse sorting option for fields on total scores page
SAK-3909 'not show previous page' not full-proof. user can re-enter exam and see all pages again
SAK-4067 Sorting by student response in qscores changes display
SAK-4167 removing uploaded files in delivery throws exception on some instances
SAK-4222 database confusion among assessments
SAK-4250 Importing Assessment: 1. needs to use unique directories for tmp files, 2. needs to clean up tmp files in /tmp
SAK-4254 Cannot create new usable part to test/quiz
SAK-4255 Assessment 'Settings' briefly displays Assessement editing screen before displaying 'Settings' screen
SAK-4270 apostrophe in user-name prohibits instructor from opening/grading assessment
SAK-4279 Unexpected Behavior When Taking Quiz When Time Runs Out
SAK-4284 Preview question in question pool throws Out of Memory Error
SAK-4318 N/As on submission status page
SAK-4028 Model short answer link should be included on question scores screen
SAK-3110 Case sensitivity when it comes to duplicate names in Tests and Quizzes
SAK-3557 Attempting to preview a test in Oracle is throwing an exception
SAK-3820 Double-click on publish produces "cannot create gradebook entry" error
SAK-4032 unanswered questions should not show up in question scores
SAK-3107 No heirarchical indications in assign to question pool menu pulldown
SAK-3559 Sort arrows not implemented in qpool question lists
SAK-3921 5-minute warning popup turns timer red
SAK-4023 Submission Status screen needs alphabet navbar
SAK-4027 Alphabet navbar should not show up if grading is anonymous
SAK-4119 Change help for FIB mutually exclusive option
SAK-4148 XML Export - does not validate against QTI IMS V1.2 DTD due to <br/> tags
SAK-4149 XML Export - does not validate against QTI IMS V1.2 DTD due to missing ident attribute in extra response_label elements
SAK-4168 instructions for file upload questions don't show up in delivery
SAK-4201 mousing over qpool icons causes weirdness
SAK-4213 conversion error message in grading
SAK-4258 Date Picker in Tests and Quizzes doesn't work in Netscape 8.0.x
SAK-4266 Adding more than ~20 answers to MC questions results in error / thread slowdown
SAK-4293 Display issue in Firefox when adding question to new quiz
SAK-4030 matching questions in student scores should match spec
SAK-4057 Save and continue = upload file in delivery
SAK-1824 Imported questions show rationale in preview
SAK-2966 Settings - Assessment Introduction - Description field doesn't save
SAK-3584 Samigo deliverty dates spanning 12:XX PM times do not work correctly
SAK-4159 2nd part TOC stuck open in student scores
SAK-3002 question metadata gets lost in import/export
SAK-3750 Fix warning for no correct answer in multiple choice authoring