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PIN: 72524#


2.7.0 loose ends
Special extended meeting 7/8/2010 to triage 2.6.3 issues



2.6 security review (ongoing)
2.6 closed/resolved issues (to merge) – assignees asked to review

Closed: http://jira.sakaiproject.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=12075
Resolved: http://jira.sakaiproject.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=12326

2.7 -> 2.6 i18n back porting – David Roldan Martinez asked to review

Closed: http://jira.sakaiproject.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=12091

2.7 -> 2.6 accessibility back porting – Brian Richwine and Gonzalo Silverio asked to review
2.6 conversion scripts review (not started)


Tomcat upgrade (5.5.28 or 29)
Triage meeting, 7/8/2010


Hendrick proposal: "For 2.8 I'd like to propose that if anyone wants to declare a problem that exists in 2.7 a blocker for 2.8, they have to do it by January 1. While I'd like to see many of them get fixed (and I'm willing to help do so), I'd like not to hold a release for existing problems. It would be great to have a completely bug-free release. But that's unlikely. When we have a release that's unambiguously in better shape than the last one, it shouldn't get derailed because it hasn't fixed every bug. Given academic schedules, being delayed significantly means that many sites can't consider it for the Fall."

Change control list proposal.