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- Conference Code: 348#
- PIN: 72524#
- Review high impact items, esp. open questions about them. (see Proposed Sakai 2.7 Changes)
- Discuss Documentation template (see New Feature Documentation)
- Set freeze date(s)
Helpful Links
- Seth Theriault
- Steve Smail
- Megan May
- Pete Peterson
- Charles Hedrick
- Clay Fenlason
- David Haines
Discussion Outline
- New Feature Documentation looks pretty good overall (Megan, David and Clay contributed), but coding practices not clear, and so it's hard to make this something that we could insist on
- Still, it's important long-term, and we might make a simple start. David H will continue to try to develop this
- Clay will try to rearrange our list of features around these questions, both documenting what we know and revealing to developers what they need to fill in for us.
- Freeze dates: what lessons have we learned about this?
- They can work if you're strict about sticking to them
- They can be counterproductive as a global divide, where they're just a pressure point for people to dump things in before they're ready
- Separate freeze dates (e.g. feature freeze, code freeze, doc freeze) helpful to a developer who's trying to organize and prepare
- Don't really want a documentation freeze later in the game this time - want documentation to be produced before or during, and not an afterthought
- What if we brought in projects as they were ready rather than the same hard freeze for everyone?
- Would bring new emphasis to developing a release plan ahead of time. Some projects are ready to go now, others needn't be rushed.
- A general maintenance team would be a big help (aside: Anthony is going to try to pull this together when he gets back)
- Debate about how risky it was to try and do two releases: no clear consensus, but there was at least the point made that API changes could require a lot of regression testing that would leave the current 2.7 release plan unrealistic.
- alternative proposal: a 2.6.x maintenance release, and a 2.7 that would come out in March.
- Our charge is to come up with a good plan, and the current proposal is open to revision, so long as the general goals are still kept in view.