Connection Info
- Telephone (Sakai001): +1 812 856 7060Â Â
- Internet:
- Conference Code: 348#
- PIN: 72524#
I. Outstanding action items:
2.6.x DB2 scripts - Adam will contact rSmart about these scripts (STATUS?)
Selenium Script Suite - Pete and Jean-François (STATUS?)
II. Release scheduling and Issues review
Sakai 2.7.0
QA update (Berg)
Sakai 2.6.2
Release date: 1st week Dec. 2009
SAK issues review
(Table moved to Sakai 2.6.2 and 2.5.6 Jira Candidates)
Sakai 2.5.6
Release date: 1st week Dec. 2009
SAK issues review
(Table moved to Sakai 2.6.2 and 2.5.6 Jira Candidates)
III. Jira
Separate projects for independent releases? (e.g., msgcntr, Samigo, etc.)
Outstanding proposals
Alan Berg
Seth Theriault
Pete Peterson
Anthony Whyte
Megan May
David Horwitz
Charles Hendrick
David HainesÂ
Matt Jones
Jean-François Lévêque
I. Sakai 2.7.0
- Feature freeze
- Need more feedback on the role of the Product Council. It is unclear if they control the content or if they advise and we decided. Who decides is the ultimate question?
- Regardless of this we should produce a list of inclusions for 2.7, vet it to the community and proceed. Should be tied to the next milestone.
- Tomcat: version? Seems to consensus on Tomcat 1.6 as 1.5 has a security issue outstanding (Looks like Java and Tomcat mixed)
- Databases: versions and scope of Databases. Oracle 9 an 10, DB2, MySQL, etc.
- Browsers: what are the baselines for testing various browsers? IE 7-8, FF, others?
- When will the actual release happen?
- Concern surrounding the lack of QA resources. Alan will be shaking the bushes and trees
- Â
II. General
- Selenium Scripts - gather from rSmart, Marist and work towards suite of scripts accrued from the existing scripts - Pete and Alan (Jean-François could help)
- 2.5.5 and 2.6.2 - Seth gathered the issues in these releases. Request for review.