
Connection Info

  • Telephone (Sakai001): +1 812 856 7060  
  • Internet:
  • Conference Code: 348#
  • PIN: 72524#


I. Outstanding action items:

RM space pages:
Versioning document (TODO)
Generic doc re: prepping projects to use the Maven release plugin (TODO)
We need a 2.7.0 description/highlights doc/email to community (TODO)
Schedule SecurityWG/RM issues review meeting (TODO)

II. Release scheduling and Issues review

Two new branch managers: Jon Cook and Anthony Vargo, Indiana University

Discuss holding a special RM meeting to review 2.7.0 issues.

Sakai 2.7.0-b03, Friday, 19 February 2010

Closed issues (merged)

Closed issues (to merge)

Resolved issues (to merge)

Resolved issues review

QA update (Berg)

III. Jira

Maintenance team update
Draft revised workflow