Connection Info
- Telephone (Sakai001): +1 812 856 7060
- Internet:
- Conference Code: 348#
- PIN: 72524#
I. Outstanding action items:
2.6.x DB2 scripts - Adam will contact rSmart about these scripts (STATUS?)
Sakai 2.7 Freeze dates. Send email confirming - Pete (STATUS?)
Selenium Script Suite - Pete and Jean-François (STATUS?)
Adding 2.6.2, 2.5.6 Jira filters (Whyte)
II. Release scheduling and Issues review
Sakai 2.7.0
New feature freeze date for trunk projects: 12 Nov 2009 (proposed)
2.7.x branch creation: 12 Nov 2009 (proposed)
2.7.0-m01 milestone tag: 12 Nov 2009 (proposed)
Language bundles freeze: mid-January (Kirschner recommendation)
2.7.0 release date: 1st week April 2010 (proposed)
Samigo 2.7 independent release update (Whyte)
Msgcntr 1.5 independent release update (May)
Sakai 2.6.2
Release date: tentatively scheduled, 1st week Dec. 2009
SAK targets:
(Botimer); others?
Sakai 2.5.6
Release date: tentatively, scheduled, 1st week Dec. 2009
Jira: 2.5.x/2.5.6 Jira cleanup required
III. Jira
Outstanding proposals
Related Links
How to use Jira confluence page
Google Spreadsheet of new features
Seth Theriault
Pete Peterson
Anthony Whyte
Adam Hocek
Megan May
Jean-François Lévêque
David Haines
I. Outstanding action items:
- 2.6.x DB2 scripts - Adam will contact rSmart about these scripts (STATUS?)
- Adam talked to rSmart and will follow up, may do it in house.
- Sakai 2.7 Freeze dates. Send email confirming - Pete (STATUS?)
- Email sent last week was well received and so far all responses are +1
- Anthony will create a 2.7 branch and the freeze date will be Nov. 12th, 2009
- Does not affect or include independent releases
- Selenium Script Suite - Pete and Jean-François (STATUS?)
- Still collecting the scripts, Pete will contact Dede and Michael from Marist and rSmart to collect and get these to Jean Francois
- Adding 2.6.2, 2.5.6 Jira filters (Whyte)
- Anthony has created new 2.5 and 2.7 fliters
- Confluence filter list? Anthony will update the fllters page here
II. Release scheduling and Issues review
Sakai 2.7.0
- New feature freeze date for trunk projects: 12 Nov 2009 (proposed affirmed)
- 2.7.x branch creation: 12 Nov 2009 (proposed affirmed)
- 2.7.0-m01 milestone tag: 12 Nov 2009 (proposed affirmed)
- Language bundles freeze: mid-January (Kirschner recommendation)
- 2.7.0 release date: 1st week April 2010 (proposed)
- Product Counsel Review -
- What is happening? Where are the decisions? We need to have more feedback on where things are so we can plan accordingly
- Concerned with discussions of tools like GB2 being discussed in meetings, but feedback and decisions are not being relayed to the groups like QA and RM
- List of Tools/Components Under Review
- Tiny URL
- SiteStats
- Basic LTI
- Profile 2
- Gradebook 2
- Conditional Release
- Samigo 2.7 independent release update (Whyte)
- Anthony sent and update email on this (Nov. 4th, 2009)
- Samigo now is now setup the same as other independent release tools
- Has many obsolete Jar dependencies that should be removed. Anthony is going through and removing these to compress and compact the code
- David/Megan found issue with JSF dependency; sent email to Anthony. Also possible issues with RSF
- Looking ahead, they would like to add Respondis(sp?), but it will not be in 2.7, but with will add post 2.7
- Msgcntr 1.5 independent release update (May)
- Megan sent email and got one feedback on a submitted patch
- SAK-10869 - Requesting people review and give feedback to Megan
- SAK-11740? - email the author
- Not quite sure how to being testing on this. Anthony- No need to worry about experimental branch. Anthony- email from Megan once all changes/merges are branch are ready; Megan- hopes to have changes doen by next Wednesday
Sakai 2.6.2
- Release date: tentatively scheduled, 1st week Dec. 2009
SAK targets:- Reviewing the merged issues and create filters
- - SAK-16863Getting issue details... STATUS
- (Botimer); others?
Sakai 2.5.6
- Release date: tentatively, scheduled, 1st week Dec. 2009
- Jira: 2.5.x/2.5.6 Jira cleanup required
- Pete and Anthony have been working on this cleanup effort
- Resolving other anomalies
III. Jira
- Outstanding proposals
- Seth was going to put together a Jira governance (loose description) suggestion and send out for review and comment