Connection Info
- Telephone (Sakai001): +1 812 856 7060
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- Conference Code: 348#
- PIN: 72524#
- 2.6.1
- 2.7.0
- Freeze Date
- QA Servers
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Related Links
How to use Jira confluence page
Google Spreadsheet of new features
Seth Theriault
Pete Peterson
Anthony Whyte
Adam Hocek
Dede Hourican
Megan May
Jean-François Lévêque
Charles Hedrick
David Haines
Matt Jones
Sakai 2.6.1
- Conversion scripts ok? - Pete will close and send email
- DB2 scripts - Adam and rSmart
- Conversion script documentation - Megan and Seth: Example from 2.5.x
- SAK-15808 - just fixed by Charles will be in 2.6.2
- SAK-16852 - messages not being sent - Charles will be working on it for 2.6.2
- Search, errors, seems unusable. requesting work be done
Sakai 2.7
- Freeze dates:
- Dec 1st, 2009 - Feature enhancements
- Jan 31st, 2010 - Bug Fixes
- Trunk experimental branch - Anthony will be creating this today. Allows QA to continually test features and fixes.
- will include the latest snapshot Forums (Message Forums) artifact
- Jean-François would like to contribute to building a community Suite of Selenium scripts from the existing scripts for 2.6, 2.7, etc. The first step would be to merge available scripts. Where are they? Which version are they for? Do you have more scripts to contribute?
Action Items
- Conversion script blocker - Pete will close and send email
- Conversion script documentation - Megan and Seth
- DB2 scripts - Adam will contact rSmart about these scripts
- SAK-15808 - set fix version to 2.6.2 -
- SAK-16852 - set fix version to 2.6.2 -
- Sakai 2.7 Freeze dates. Send email confirming - Pete
- Selenium Script Suite - Pete and Jean-François
Action Items - from 2009-10-01
- David will look at it tomorrow, unless someone else can do sooner
- Pete - email about 2.7.0 freeze dates
- Pete - Jira announcement
- Pete - Jira proposal
Action Items - from 2009-09-24
- email Sakai 2.6.1 update - Anthony
- email to 2.6.1 branch managers - Anthony
- email and calls to testers for 2.6.1 and trunk-qa
- review the filter for 2.6.0-2.6.1 fixes and update as needed
- the Release Meetings should include review of these filters (what is needed to test, what is ready to merge)
- periodic email to the QA community on jira related issues
Action Items - from 2009-09-17
- Samigo blocker
- Conversion scripts checked
- K1 change review
- Refresh QA branch
- Additional servers running 2.6.x
- Included issues for 2.5.6 and 2.6.1
- Security issue review
- Jira reviewers page
- Filters page - community filters page
, multiple selections available,